Chapter 383

Seeing Qin’s continuous tears, Su Ze was suddenly willing to believe that there really is a female bodhisattva in this world.

Watching her crying holding the old stone all the time. Su Ze felt helpless.

Alas, I found a little gadget by accident and I planned to give it to my wife to please my wife, but I didn’t expect to make up a story and make my wife cry!

What if Qin wants to cry when he sees this stone in the future?

In order to make his wife happy, he quickly began to make up for 06 rescue.

The remedy, it’s quite simple, is to tell Qin that one day a man like a god finally came. He solved the brutal ruler and brought happiness to the people who suffered so much. life.

He thought that as long as a good ending was arranged for the person in the story, everything in the past could be wiped out.

Unexpectedly, Qin asked seriously: “Who is the person who came? Is there any record in history? Are there any ruins about him? I want to pay a visit!”

Su Ze couldn’t help holding his forehead. This really means that the speaker has no intention of the listener’s heart. It seems that his wife was really fooled into by him, so he didn’t care about it at all.

“That person is Morax. I heard that he has some great magical powers. In short, he is not dead yet, but he doesn’t know where he exists in the world. Maybe we will be walking around in Liyue tomorrow and we will see him. .”

After Qin listened, he repeated the name “Morax” several times, and finally nodded firmly.

“Let’s stay in Liyue for a day or two. I want to meet this gentleman named Morax!”

Su Ze was originally very happy about his wife’s crying and regaining the look just now, but he suddenly got a headache when he saw his wife’s movements from the corner of his eyes, and his wife was planning to throw the old stone into the air!

“Wife, what are you doing? You have to know that this thing is invaluable!”

In fact, when Su Ze first found this old stone, he was very excited. It was much more powerful than those diamonds with a few carats and a dozen carats. Who would have thought that his wife actually regarded money as dung and wanted to take this thing. Throw it out!

If this old stone is thrown out, including the money owed to him by his previous wife, Qin Dang’s wife for several lifetimes will not be able to pay off the debt.

“It is the blood and tears of the villagers near Qingyunding, and it itself is the funeral of the villager. I want to return it to Qingyunding!”

As he spoke, Qin made another move to throw the stone.

Su Ze was frightened and quickly grabbed her hand.

“My wife, don’t worry about it. That incident has passed hundreds of thousands of years, and everything has returned to dust, and the old stone is not the same piece it used to be. Why are you angry with it? And I want to tell you the most important thing!”

Qin was holding his hand, only feeling warm in the palm of her hand. When she first started, she really liked this old stone very much, but after hearing the tragic story behind the old stone, she felt that this thing was really hot. Let this scourge exist in the world!

“Whether it is the same piece or not, it can’t eliminate the pain caused by it at the beginning, so I must throw it away!”

Su Ze was a little nervous. He didn’t expect to tell a story and dug himself in. He glanced at the scenery next to him casually, and suddenly a flash of light in his mind came up with a reason. .

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