Chapter 382

Countless villagers were forced to go out looking for old rocks, but those who went out in groups only returned one or two survivors, and some even directly disappeared on the road looking for old rocks.

The purpose of those who came out of the village later was not to find the old stone, but to find the corpses of their blood relatives.

They are honest, and they never thought of overthrowing the ruler’s rule. They only wanted to return their children and relatives to their roots and return to their ancestral graves for burial.

But unexpectedly, when they had gone through untold hardships to transport the bodies of their relatives back to the village, they encountered strong opposition from the leader.

He forcibly demolished the ancestral graves of hundreds of villagers on the grounds of repairing the huge garden house!

Regarding the unfair treatment of the lost relatives and the insulted ancestors, these villagers should have revolted against the ruler.

But few villagers who can stay in the end are young and strong young people. Most of them are old and weak women and children. It is very difficult to even take care of themselves. How can they go with the leaders who have many doglegs to protect? What about the struggle?

Ever since, with blood and tears in their hearts, they carried the corpses of their loved ones and brought the bones of those people to Qingyunding.

The origin of the name Qingyunding is because a long time ago, there was a very fair ruler.

No matter what decision he makes, he will consider everything. A bowl of water will be smooth and will not make anyone feel unfair.

Over time, these villagers praised him for his cleanness and purity, as clear and clear as the blue sky and white clouds in the sky.

So after his death, the villagers buried him on the top of this mountain, which is the highest mountain nearby. If you stand here, you will be closer to the sky.

It also fits the image of the ruler in their hearts.

The more desperate people are, the more they believe in legends.

After being oppressed by the leader for many years, these villagers took the legendary old ruler who was like a blue sky and white cloud as a god-like existence.

They began a useless obsession, that is, burying their dead relatives one after another in Qingyunding.

I hope that one day I can meet a fair and honest person and give them justice.

But this kind of resistance is the most useless. What they waited for was not fairness and justice, but more and more corpses were sent to Qingyunding, and in the end Qingyunding became a ghost mountain full of graves!

Su Ze emphasized the word “Ghost Mountain” at the end of the talk. He shivered in fright when he was listening carefully, and hugged his waist tightly. 0 ……

Perceiving Qin’s movements, Su Ze showed a calm and complacent expression on his face. When his goal was achieved, the story was not in vain.

He was actually trying to frighten Qin, so that she wouldn’t pay attention sometimes, how could she get so close.

“woo woo woo woo……”

It’s just that when Su Ze was enjoying the fruits of his labor, he heard a forbearing cry. He lowered his head and saw that it was his wife who had begun to sob silently.

“Jin, what’s wrong with you?”

Su Ze’s thinking is very simple. It is estimated that Qin thinks there are ghosts around this mountain, so he only needs to fly forward for a while and fly out of the range of the blue cloud top.

But I didn’t expect Qin to cry and explain:

“I just think the people at the time are so heartbreaking. I can’t imagine what kind of distress they are living in!”.

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