A few days passed in a hurry.

The wind is calm and nothing happens.

On this day, Bai An took Mimi and went out alone again.

Ever since he started feeding Mimi, the kittens have started to get very clingy to him.

Perhaps, this is the nature of living things.

Whoever gives food will stick it with whomever he wants.

Bai An hugged Mimi and walked in the direction of Bai Jizhai.

Today, he is going to see if Childe has returned.

Walk the streets and alleys all the way.

Of course, it's all alleys.

Like the last experience, Bai An really doesn't want to experience it for the second time~.

Not much.

Bai An arrived at his destination.

Before he could enter the shop, Zhuzi rushed out of the shop in a hurry.

"Sir, sir! You're here!! "

Zhu Zi shouted urgently, and even some tears welled up in his eyes.

Seeing Zhuzi's anxious crying face, Bai An couldn't help but be stunned.

"What's the matter, what are you?"

Bai An was puzzled for a while.

"There are perverts, perverted !!"

Zhuzi pointed to the inside of the store, and was extremely emotional.

Bai An only felt confused.

Where did this perversion come from in broad daylight?

Moreover, which pervert actually dares to go wild in his own shop?

Bai An raised his eyebrows, and his face became serious.

"Zhuzi, don't worry, you speak slowly."

Zhu Ziqiang pressed his violently undulating chest, and said in a trembling voice:

"That day, a person suddenly came to the store, I thought it was a guest, so I politely entertained him..."

"But he said that he was here to find Mr., and then I said that Mr. was not there, and I would tell him when Mr. came..."

"However, not only did he not leave, but he had to wait for Mr. in the store, and he refused to leave until evening..."

"I said I was going to rest, and he said, and he said..."

As Zhu Zi spoke, his eyes suddenly turned red.

"Let me sleep first, he'll wait!!"

Douda's tears flowed down Zhuzi's face in an instant.

Bai An's eyes blinked.

He had roughly understood.

"Later, I said I was going to lose my temper, so he moved his chair out, outside the door, outside the door..."

"Outside the door all night!!"

"Sir, you say, this is a human being, is it a pervert!"

"I'm scared to death!!"

Zhu Zi burst into tears, angrily accusing a certain pervert.

Bai An flattened his mouth, trying to suppress his smile.

"Later, that guy didn't leave!"

"As soon as daylight comes, the guy brings back the chair and waits in the store, and when it gets evening, the guy waits outside the store!"

"While waiting, I was babbling about what to do, why didn't I come..."

"Sir! Do you know how I've been spending the past few days?! If you don't come again, I'm really going to be scared to death, woo~~"

Zhuzi cried silently.

It can be seen that she has indeed been greatly frightened in the past few days.

Bai An stretched out his hand to block his mouth.

He couldn't hold back his laughter.

The "perversion" in Zhuzi's mouth is obviously Tartaglia.

It's just that what Bai An didn't expect was that this guy had been waiting for him in the store?!

Is his official authority so great? So that this guy doesn't even go back to sleep?

"Zhuzi, why don't you go find me?"

Looking at the teary-eyed Zhuzi, Bai An asked softly, and patted her shoulder as a sign of comfort.

"Zhuzi, Zhuzi doesn't know where Mr. lives..."

Zhuzi kept sobbing, looking extremely aggrieved.


Bai An was embarrassed for a while.

He completely forgot about it.

"Okay, don't cry, that person is not a pervert, it's my friend."

"Come, Zhuzi, as compensation, this is for your mental damage, wipe your tears!"

Bai An smiled and took out a money bag and handed it to Zhuzi.

Looking at the heavy money bag, Zhuzi immediately stopped crying.

"Are people still inside?"

Bai An asked with a smile.

"In... In! "

Zhu Zi wiped her tears and snot while nodding her head like pounding garlic.

"Well, take you on a half-day off, you go play first, I have something to talk about with him."

Bai An said with a smile.

"Yes, yes sir!"

Zhuzi suddenly smiled, and the grievances and sadness on his face were swept away.

Smiling sweetly at Bai An, Zhu Zi immediately left with the money bag in a playful manner, leaving the shop to Bai An and his friends.

Seeing that Zhuzi had disappeared into the crowd, Bai An immediately turned around and walked towards the store.

"Wise man, you're finally here!"

Looking at Bai An's figure, Childe immediately stood up.

"You guy, you can scare my little staff a lot..."

"I asked you to come to me, I didn't let you wait here!"

Bai An was a little speechless.

"I'm sorry sir, it's just a matter of urgency, so that's the only way..."

Gongzi scratched his head in disdain, then looked at Bai An again, and asked: (If you read a violent novel, you will go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

"My lord, this clerk of yours doesn't seem to be one of ours..."

"I've tried to test her, but she doesn't seem to know anything..."

Childe asked cautiously.

"Well, she's just an ordinary person."

"As I told you, the number of wise men is small, and they are not as large and complex as the Fatui."

"So, she's just an ordinary employee I've hired."

Bai An's expression returned to indifference.

"I see..."

Hearing this, Childe nodded knowingly.

"Alright, let's get down to business."

"How's your business going?"

Bai An asked lightly.

Hearing this, Childe's expression suddenly became anxious.

"My lord, it's because of this thing!"

"The letter sent, since it is an urgent letter, so..."

Childe's face suddenly turned blue and white, and his tone became fragmented.

Seeing Childe's expression, Bai An already understood half of it.

He finally understood why this guy was waiting here.

The letter can't be recovered.

This is undoubtedly a great disaster for Childe and himself.

Of course, if you are really the so-called "wise man".

But alas, I am not.

I'm just a big fool.

"You, you... You're so smart..."

"It's really a miserable old man..."

Bai An put his hand on his forehead and made an expression of deep disappointment and chagrin.

The "smart" son was also pale, and his heart was extremely remorseful and guilty.

A big fool and a big smart looked at each other in silence for a while, and they were speechless and choked.

There was a deathly silence.

The atmosphere was extremely heavy.

Of course, it's mainly Childe who feels heavy.

Although Bai An was also disappointed, it was not very heavy.

As a "wise man", he had already guessed that a situation like this would occur.

A wise man has always been prepared with both hands.

For the situation that the letter cannot be recovered, Bai An has already thought about it and has made corresponding countermeasures.

"Your Majesty's reply to you must be to ask you to thoroughly investigate this matter, and ask you to rather kill by mistake than let it go, this is certain."

Bai An opened his mouth lightly, his face dark.

When Childe heard this, his face was a little more serious.

"And I, too, will receive instructions from His Majesty asking me to help you investigate this matter."

"Your Majesty should not suspect me for the time being."

"There is still a chance to make up for this matter."

Listening to Bai An's words, Childe's spirits perked up, and his eyes were like torches and asked:

"Your Excellency has come up with a solution?"

Bai An nodded.

"To solve this problem, it takes a human head."

Hearing this, Childe was stunned, and then his expression became serious.

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