
The sun is shining.

Bai An, as usual, lazily walked out of the door and sat down on the eaves.

"System, open the mall interface."

The young man picked up the teacup and tasted tea leisurely, with a pleasant expression.

He hadn't used system points since he came back from the storyteller.

Take advantage of this leisure, just take a look at the mall and spend a wave.

The system mall interface should be expanded.

The assortment of goods is still as attractive as ever.

Bai An dragged the interface, kept pulling down, and then saw the magic knife thousand blades again.

A slight smile appeared on the corner of the boy's lips.

This time, he can take down this handsome blade without any scruples.

Now I have 40 system points on hand, which can be described as very rich.

Last time, he had already upgraded the Flowing Blade Flame once, so this time, Bai An didn't plan to upgrade the Flowing Blade Flame.

After all, with 30% power, coupled with the skyrocketing of their own values, the current demand for high precision is not so urgent.

So, Bai An plans to buy something new this time.

"Magic Knife Thousand Blades, take it~"

Bai An smiled, and with a wave of his big hand, the magic knife thousand blades were immediately pocketed.

[Magic Knife Thousand Blades: Non-attribute weapon, can be used for split attacks, the specific moves are as follows...]

603 [Hint: The attack power and duration of this weapon are positively correlated with the host's intelligence attributes.] 】

Looking at the introduction of the system, Ann nodded with satisfaction.

The Thousand Blades of the Magic Knife are the same as the Flowing Blades, both of which use intelligence, or spiritual power, as the pillars of use.

And with his current intelligence of more than 1,800 yuan, even if the two weapons are double-opened, he can hold out for nearly ten minutes.

And this is still in the state of not being released, and it is always open.

If it is in a semi-switched state, it will only last longer.

Ten minutes of full state is enough for a "peerless master" to do many things.

Bai An's face was satisfied, and he immediately took out the magic knife thousand blades.

The blade is slowly unsheathed.

Countless cracks, glowing with bright and brilliant light.

"The magic knife has a thousand blades, only attacking but not defending."

Looking at the extremely handsome blade in front of him, Bai An's eyes narrowed slightly, and his face was full of two breaths.


Drink clearly.

The splendid blade of the knife burst into change in an instant, one turned into three, three into nine, until it turned into a shattered shadow in the sky.

Countless shattered shadows are countless small and sharp blades.

Like countless silver petals that kill people invisibly.

Looking at the petals that kept flying and spinning in the air, the corners of Bai An's lips raised slightly. (CDFE) "Attack. "

The flying petals fell to the ground in an instant with all kinds of strange and tricky trajectories.


There was a crisp muffled sound.

Countless blades pierced the bluestone slabs on the ground in an instant, like a soldering iron into snowflakes, without any barrier.

Looking at the extremely smooth openings on the floor tiles, Bai An was extremely satisfied.

Although the magic knife thousand blades do not have their own attributes, they are really handsome.


With a command, countless blades burst out of the ground again and returned to the young man's hand, once again condensing into a complete blade.

Stroking the uneven blade, Bai An's eyes were delighted.

With the magic knife thousand blades, there are more tricks that you can play in the future.

Immediately, Bai An put away the blade and browsed the mall page again.

There are 30 points left in your hand.

You can also buy some more weapon skills.

Bai An took a closer look again.

After a moment, his gaze stayed on the "armed color domineering".

Armed color domineering, one of the three colors of the pirate world.

Offensive and defensible.

In terms of defense, it can be condensed on the surface of the body into a gold-like appearance to resist all types of attacks.

And offensively, the strong and solid surface it gives is no different from the toughest armament.

It can be described as a real integration of offense and defense, a necessary skill for home travel, killing people and goods.

And what Bai An really likes is the defensive ability of the armed color domineering.

Its ability to defend against all natural forces makes it particularly dazzling in a world where elemental forces are rampant.

The power of natural elements such as flames, thunder, and hurricanes has almost no effect on the domineering power of the armed color. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

Only the attack of physical attributes can have an impact and effect on the armed color domineering.

And this is also the reason why everyone must practice armed color domineering in the pirate world.

Although the armed color domineering, compared to the other two-color domineering, it is a relatively basic domineering, and it is not as high as the upper limit of the other two-color domineering.

But the specific situation is analyzed on a case-by-case basis.

Armed color domineering, in the world of Teyvat continent full of elemental power, it obviously has a unique advantage.

Therefore, in terms of cost performance, it is obviously higher than the other two colors.

Immediately, Bai An no longer hesitated.

"Armed domineering, take it~"

The boy waved his hand, and the 10 system points were sent out again.

With the success of the transaction, information about the armed color also poured into Bai An's mind.

[Armed Color Domineering: No attribute skill, which can be extremely effective against all elemental forces, and can be used as an offensive means...]

[Hint: Its hardness and duration are positively correlated with the host's intelligence and endurance attributes.] 】

Bai An listened to the explanation of the system while squinting his eyes and digesting the new knowledge in his mind.

Different from the previous skills, the associated attribute of armed color domineering is finally no longer just intelligence, and endurance has also become a related attribute of this skill.

This surprised Bai An a little.

However, this is reasonable.

After all, it's a physical strengthening skill, and if you don't have enough physical strength, it's hard to maintain.

After a while, Bai An finally fully digested the content about the domineering color of the martial artist.

He slowly opened his eyes, then raised his hand slightly.

The mind moved.

The arm instantly turned pitch black, faintly glowing with a strange metallic luster.

Bai An looked at the old locust tree next to him, and then at the bluestone slab bricks that had just been ravaged by the magic knife thousand blades.

Immediately decided, it is better to use bluestone slabs and bricks to practice.

Bai An slowly got up and walked towards the bluestone slabs.


The black arm, like the hottest soldering iron, easily passed through the bricks and sank directly into the ground.

Again, there was no hindrance.

The heavy bluestone slab bricks, in front of that pitch-black arm, seemed to be the most fragile paper.


Bai An smacked his tongue, his expression a little helpless.

This bluestone slab is too fragile, there is no reference meaning, it can only be used to enjoy it...

Bluestone slab: %...!!

"Alas, forget it, let's find someone to practice another day."

Bai An sighed slightly, then dispersed the armed color and walked back under the eaves again.

After that, he spent more than a dozen points to replenish some ingredients, and left three points for backup, and this time the consumption came to an end for the time being.

Although the system points of 40 points seem to be rich, it is still not very expensive.

All of a sudden, Bai An returned to abject poverty.

But he didn't have any negative emotions.

After all, this time I spent money, and I bought the two things I liked and wanted the most.

He was already satisfied with this.

"Call it a day~"

Bai An closed the system interface, and his expression became pleasant.

Then he got up lazily and walked into the house.

I got a new baby, and I had to share it with my family.

At least this little armed color, I have to show it to my family...

I hope they are not afraid of the dark...

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