
At this time, the teahouse has become a sea of sadness.

Weeping and lamenting were all in one.

The weather was already gloomy.

The continuous rain and autumn wind undoubtedly made this sad atmosphere even more intense.

In the midst of a wail.

Childe sat stiffly, with extremely complicated emotions.

From the beginning of the story to the "evil eye", he has always had this expression.

He also has an evil eye on his body.

Although it is not as shoddy as the organization gave to the rebels, the essence is the same.

All at the cost of burning life force, providing energy.

Zheping's ending undoubtedly reminded him of himself.

But unlike Teppei...

His life belongs to Her Majesty the Empress.

In order to fulfill Her Majesty's ambition, no matter how much sacrifice is made, it will not hesitate.

Those who are ministers should do their best and die.

As early as the day he swore allegiance to His Majesty, Tartaglia was ready to die.

So, he's not the same as Teppei.

To a large extent, Teppei lost himself because of his excessive pursuit of power.

It's no surprise that it will come to an end.

And themselves...

As early as the beginning, he was ready to sacrifice for the empress.


Childe gently exhaled a breath of turbidity, shook his head slightly, and wiped away the heavy thoughts in his heart.

Then he slowly raised his eyes and looked at the handsome young man on the stage again.

Shock and bewilderment, on his eyes.

"How the hell did he know this...?"

Childe only felt incredible.

The evil eye is no secret.

Inazuma's uprising is not a secret.

But the combination of the two is undoubtedly a big secret.

This was the plan of the Fatui in Inazuma.

And for this secret plan, the storyteller in front of him actually knows everything, no matter how big or small, he knows everything!

Even the "lady" is the main person in charge of this plan, he knows it!

This undoubtedly shocked Childe's heart to the extreme.

The Fatui's plan against Inazuma has so far been kept under wraps.

Even he, the executive officer, only knows a little bit about it.

And the storyteller on the stage actually knows more about himself?!

Not only that, but he also compiled a very realistic story based on this information!

The realism of this story is so realistic that even Childe himself can't find a loophole at all.

The Fatui's funding of the rebels, the mixed evil eye in the supplies, the side effects of the evil eye...

In Childe's opinion, this is exactly like a true story!

If it weren't for the fact that Inazuma's plan had just begun, he would have almost believed it.

Childe's heart couldn't help but be shocked inexplicably.

Originally, he just planned to listen to a book comfortably and go home happily before leaving.

As a result, it seems that things are far from being as simple as I thought.

Looking at the young man on the stage, Childe's eyes couldn't help but be filled with jealousy and suspicion.

Among the Fatui, there were only a few executive officers who knew about Inazuma's plan.

How did this teenager know?

Childe's face was dark.

I must not leave until this matter is investigated.

It's a matter of reuniting with your family or something, and we'll talk about it later...

Childe made a decision silently in his heart.

After deciding to go back later, he immediately wrote a letter to Her Majesty the Empress to explain the situation.

"It seems that I have a new task..."

Looking at the young man on the stage, Childe's eyes flickered.


It was rainy.

Everyone's mood still can't be calmed down for a long time.

"Alas~, Mr. Bai, your story this time is more expensive than ever~"

Ningguang finally emerged from the smoke, his eyes mournful.

The tobacco she brought this time has been smoked completely, and there is nothing left.

The strength of this story can be seen.

"Hehe, is it..."

Bai An touched the tip of his nose, and an irrepressible smile hung on the corner of his lips.

Looking at the smile on the young man's lips, Ningguang's eyes became even more resentful.

"You little guy, you really know how to squeeze people's tears..."

"If it weren't for my tenacity, I'm afraid I would have become like Lord Yuhengxing..."

Ningguang grumbled as he looked at Keqing.

There were several extremely clear black tears on the latter's face, as if he had become a real "flower-faced cat".

"Hmph, talk about yourself, what are you doing with me..."

Keqing retorted with a crying voice as she picked up a handkerchief and wiped her cheeks.

As a result, it's okay not to wipe it, but it gets darker when you wipe your face.

Keqing's dark face finally made Ningguang couldn't help laughing.

The faces of the Genshin Impact characters are also a little pale.

Immediately, Ningguang looked at Bai An on the stage again and smiled softly. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

"Come on, reward."

At the sound of the order, several Millelith soldiers came over again carrying delicate wooden boxes.

The smile on Bai An's face finally fully bloomed.

"The boss is atmospheric~, the boss is mighty~"

Bai An said with a smile.

Ningguang rewards himself, isn't it equivalent to the boss giving benefits to employees...

"You little guy, you look like a money fan, and you can write such a touching story when you are a partial..."

"Really, I don't know what to say about you..."

Looking at Bai An's shiny eyes of wealth fans, Ningguang only felt angry and funny.

The tone is also unconsciously a lot closer.

"I don't mind being a cheesy artist~"

Bai An smiled and groaned, not hiding his essence as a money obsesser.

Hearing this, Ningguang couldn't help but cover his mouth and chuckle.

The mood of everyone has also changed a lot.

"That's it, I still have something to do, so I'll go back first."

"Just next time, can you tell me something happy..."

"After all, this moment of rest, the concubine still wants to relax."

Ningguang smiled softly.

"It's easy to say, it's easy to say~"

Bai An smiled brightly.

Easy is impossible to be easy, not for a lifetime.

"That's it, goodbye, little one~"

"Okay, you go slowly~"

Immediately, Ningguang left the scene with his entourage.

The people who came to the stage to reward were Baizhu and Qiqi.

"Qiqi, thank you Bai An!"

Qiqi's eyes that were dull in the past were extremely bright at this time, and he was extremely well-behaved and returned the leftover empty bottle to Bai An.

It's just that her gratitude is obviously not only because of the teenager's coconut milk.

There is also the reason for the words that the young man conveyed to Hu Tao before.

Bai An didn't think too much about it, and took the empty bottle in Qiqi's hand with a smile.

"Qiqi, as long as you come to listen to your brother in the future, my brother will invite you to drink milk, how about it~"

Qiqi's eyes became brighter.


Looking at the well-behaved and cute little zombie, Bai An only felt extremely happy.

It turns out that the annoying guaranteed true monarch is not so annoying.

The real Qiqi is still very painful.

What is annoying is the guarantee, not Qiqi.

"Sir's story is really touching..."

"Coming to the scene to listen to a book is really much more shocking than hearing about it..."

Baizhu's face was full of emotion, and he respectfully bowed to the young man.

"Mr. Bai is polite, it's really an honor for you to be here."

Bai An also smiled and saluted.

"What Mr. said for Qiqi before was also deafening and heartwarming~"

"Where, where, just feel it, you're welcome~"

"This little care, and Mr. accepted it

"Eh~, sir is polite, it's already very face-saving for you to come, how can I collect your money again~"

"Sir, don't be polite~"

"Sir, you are really polite~"

The two of them have a sentence of "sir" on the left and a sentence of "politeness" on the right, which really interprets "respecting each other like guests" to the extreme.

"No, you can worship on the spot. (Li Zhao)"

Hu Tao's yin and yang weird voice sounded behind the two of them.


The two were silent for a while.

Qiqi's neck shrunk and hid directly at the feet of Baizhu.

"If Mr. is polite, Baizhu won't come next time."

"Then thank you for your kindness~"

The two saluted politely again, but the movement was a little stiffer than before.

Immediately, Baizhu left with Qiqi.

Perhaps worried about being harassed by Hu Tao, the two walked extremely fast.

Hu Tao moves faster than them.

"Na~, reward money, the story is good, I'll go first~~"

Hu Tao threw a small bag of reward money on the table, without saying a word of superfluous words, and then chased after Qiqi and Baizhu with an excited face.

"Qiqi, wait for me~, let's go together~~"

In the girl's excited shout, the two of them were excited, and their steps became faster and faster.


Looking at the three people who were hurrying away, Bai An and Zhongli were both speechless for a while.

Immediately, Zhongli turned his head and looked at the young man, a gentle smile on his face again.

"Sir, this is a good stone that I have been looking for in the next day, please accept it."

Looking at the shining old stone in Zhongli's hand, Bai An's face finally bloomed with a smile again.

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