
Confinement room.

Klee pouted, tears the size of beans swirling in her eyes.

As the little sun of the Knights of Favonius, she was rarely so sad.

Such a sad experience was the last time.


Little Lori couldn't hold it back after all.

Bean-sized tears suddenly fell.

Klee hated the Fatui to death.

She really regretted it.

When I met the Fatui before, I didn't throw a bouncing bomb on their heads.

Even if you do that, you will be locked up by the head of the piano...

But she's already decided that the next time she runs into the Fatui, she'll blow them up.

"What the hell did I blow up you bastards..."

Klee muttered jerky foul language in a crying voice as she threw the bouncing bomb to the ground in a fit of anger.

Fortunately, the bouncing bomb did not explode.

Otherwise, in the confinement room, there will be one more little bastard who was blown up.

Outside the confinement chamber door.

Wood pricked up his ears, and his heartstrings trembled with the sound of smashing inside.

If there is an explosion in the confinement room, he will also turn into a bastard.

The cool one.

"Well, what's wrong with Klee..."

"Usually when I'm locked up, the anger isn't too big..."

Wu 22 sighed for a while.

He dozed off when the boy was telling the story, so he didn't know what was going on in the confinement room.

At this time, he only felt that today's Klee was inexplicably abnormal.

When Klee is usually confined, she always quietly reflects on herself.

However, today is unusual, I can't help but be extremely irritable, and cry and make trouble.

However, Wood didn't think much about it, just thought it was a child's youthful rebellion.

It's just that Klee's adolescence came a little earlier...?


When Klee was crying.

The regimental commander's office across the wall.

The head of the piano was holding his chin, his brow furrowed.

She didn't expect that the story would end like this.

Sadness, sadness, sympathy...

A lot of emotion flashed through her eyes.

In the end, it was fixed on regret.

A story with a thousand listeners has a thousand opinions.

What impressed Thor was the evaluation of the "Trip to the Gods".

What moved Yae Miko was the extremely realistic ending.

And what moves the piano is the ending of the story.

"May all people with lofty ideals in the world get what they want..."

Jean muttered softly, her eyes sparkling, and then she shook her head and sighed softly.

There are always many regrets in the world.

The young man's sincere greetings undoubtedly represent the most sincere wishes.

Let the piano feel deeply touched.

Although she is only the temporary head of the regiment now, she also has grand ambitions in her heart.

She also hopes that she can leave no regrets.

Shaking her head slightly, Jean returned to her senses and immediately turned her attention to the matter itself.

How did this magical light curtain appear in your office?

Who is this storyteller named Bai An?

Did he do all this just so that he could listen to him?

Is there something else hidden behind it?

Captain Qin's mind was full of question marks.

There are so many things that need to be answered.

And among the countless questions, there are some questions that Jean already has answers.

This young storyteller named Bai An is clearly from Liyue.

The scene where he speaks is the teahouse in Liyue City.

Jean had been to Liyue before, so she was no stranger to the landmark.

Combined with some of the previous heard-outs from Liyue...

This young man named Bai An is obviously a genius storyteller who became famous some time ago.

And how did such a young storyteller appear in his office about the picture of him telling the story and the magical light curtain?

The problem is back to square one.

Jean was pretty sure it wasn't a prank by Lisa or Amber.

Let's not talk about whether they have the ability or not.

As is normal, these two guys, after playing a prank, must be in a hurry to jump out and secretly observe their expressions.

Amber was fine.

Lisa would definitely do it.

But until now, there is still no trace of each other.

And this proves that they didn't do it. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

Since it wasn't them...

Then there would be no one to be questioned in Mondstadt.

After all, there aren't many people who are as boring as them.

Lisa is the only one who has the courage to dare to play tricks on herself.

Immediately, Qin thought of something, and her eyes suddenly widened.

Lady Aeolus... It's possible.

After all, with the other party's out-of-the-box character and ability, it is really possible to do such a thing.


Jean shook her head slightly.

She hadn't seen Wendy in days.

And Wendy's leisure never puts it on tricksters.

The thing he bothered the most was nothing more than going to the tavern to cheat on drinking.

Thinking of this, Qin couldn't help but realize that he was a little disrespectful to the gods, and then slapped his mouth in annoyance, and repented sincerely:

"May the god of wind bless, and I hope Lord Barbatos hasn't heard this..."

After the confession, Jean fell into thought again.

Since all the impossibilities have been ruled out, only the last possibility remains...

This light curtain was placed in his office by a young man named Bai An.

But how did he do it?

Qin was puzzled by 10,000 in her heart.

There is a wrong, and there is a debtor.

Since you want to find out the truth of the facts, the best way is undoubtedly to ask the person in the painting directly.

Jean immediately made a decision.

She was going to send someone to ask the boy in person.

The thinking of the people of Mondstadt is as simple and straightforward as that.

Whoever does it, find whomever it is.


"Who should I send..."

In terms of the selection of people to travel, Qin made a difficulty.

Lisa: No.

That guy was lazy and tired of walking two steps, so by the time she walked slowly to Liyue, it was estimated that the Wind Flower Festival was over.

And at work, you also need to rely on each other.

As soon as she left, the work of the Knights was absolutely piled up, and she couldn't keep herself busy.

So, Lisa can't go.

Immediately, Jean thought of Amber again.

But she quickly rejected the idea.

Amber is too young, too immature.

It's not just a travel mission.

Politically, 447 said that this was a cross-border visit and a very rigorous political trip.

Amber was too young to take on such a heavy responsibility.


Kaizi is on a mission and can't get out for a short time.

Jean sighed softly.

None of the generals under his command seem to be suitable candidates for travel.

A huge Knights of Favonius is actually a crowd of people, and their talents are withering...

Suddenly, Jean's eyes lit up.

She almost forgot that she actually had another candidate!

That guy, although he always looks like he is not close to anyone, is actually very reliable!

Although it shows that it is always cold and looks very arrogant, it is actually a typical knife-mouthed tofu heart, and the heart is kinder and softer than anyone else.

Moreover, after so many years of staring and ostracizing in Mondstadt, she has already developed extremely sensitive nerves, and her ability to read words and emotions is no worse than that of Lisa and Kaeya.

The only drawback of such an excellent and reliable person may be that stinky face.

That doesn't affect anything, though.

The people of Liyue didn't know who she was, so they wouldn't exclude her.

Her foul-smelling face was for the people of Mondstadt who excluded her, and she probably wouldn't do anything out of the ordinary to the hospitable people of Liyue.

And Qin also believes that under his own orders, the other party should understand the proportions.

So it seems...

That guy is really the perfect fit.

Jean smiled slightly, and made up her mind.

Then she walked out the door, shouting as she went:

"Wood, go and help me find Eula~"

"I'm going to give her a task.".

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