It seems that under the influence of the reed celebrities, Bai An's temperament has also become a little weaker.

His expression quickly returned to his senses.

Then he silently said in his heart:

"System, settlement system points. "

The system interface changes in response to the sound.

[Congratulations to the host for getting: 78W Mora!]

[Congratulations to the host for getting: 26 system points!]

[A total of 13 people were moved by this storytelling]

[Touching people: Ningguang, Keqing, Ganyu, Walnut...]

Looking at the text on the interface, the corners of Bai An's mouth slowly opened.

He finally knew what a surprise was.

What is TMD Hi?

It's called TMD Hi!

It's called, Reward Level Up!

This time, he told the story and touched a total of 13 Genshin Impact characters.

According to the previous reward mechanism, each Genshin Impact character can be rewarded with 3W Mora and 1 system point.

Now, it has been directly increased to 6W Mora per person, 2 system points.

The rewards are directly doubled!

Mom no longer has to worry about not being well fed and clothed...

Because I have a good father!

Long live the 22nd system ~~

Immediately, Bai An opened the personal properties panel again.

The four body values did not change much, and generally increased by 30~40 points.

In terms of personal assets, it has skyrocketed.

Mora suddenly grew to 480W.

The system gave 78W, and the guest's reward was nearly 300W, plus his original million.

Now his assets can be regarded as a proper middle-level millionaire.

In terms of system points, it has also been replenished again, reaching the highest value in history.

A total of 27 system points.

Looking at the numbers on the panel, Bai Anxin was full of joy.

He had never felt so rich.

This used to be a dozen points of breaking flowers, but now it directly has more than 20 points.

Although it seems that it is only a dozen points more, it is undoubtedly a huge leap for the price of the mall.

Most of the items in the system mall are sold at 1 point at the unit price, and they originally bought more than a dozen things.

Now I can buy more than 20 things at once.

It's called double happiness.

Bai An couldn't help but thank the system for the gift again.

System, open the Marketplace panel. "

The salary has also arrived, and the salary slip has been read, so the next thing to do, of course, is consumption.

Bai Anmei opened the mall interface.

The mall interface has been upgraded and has been completely renewed, with many more products on the page that were not available before.

was originally a dazzling shopping mall, but now Bai An is even more dazzled.

The new commodities are not only various dishes and ores, but Bai An has even seen some skills and equipment.

"A thousand blades of magic knives... Huh?!"

"Love is stronger than gold..."

"Ah Wei Eighteen Style...??"

All kinds of equipment and skills stunned Bai An.

Especially when he saw the magic knife with a thousand blades, he couldn't help but feel a burst of excitement.

However, the price of these equipment and skills is generally relatively expensive, and the unit price is more than 10 points.

And this also shows that the goods of the system are differentiated by price.

These equipment and skills are obviously different from those foods that can increase attributes, and the price must be one level higher.

Looking at the magic knife with a thousand blades, Bai An'an was itching.

Although I already have a flowing blade, but...

The magic knife is handsome!

It can be split again, and the appearance is high.

Best of all, you can cut your hair!

The second middle school boy doesn't want to have a magic knife with a thousand blades?

Although it is said that the flowing blade is also quite handsome...

Bai An looked at the high price of 10 points of the magic knife thousand blades, and then looked at the points in his hand, and his heart was entangled.

There are still a lot of things to buy, and although he has about 20 points on hand now, he still feels a little distressed to spend 10 points at once.

Bai An shook his head and forcibly removed his gaze from the Thousand Blades of the Demon Knife. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Let's buy the essentials first.

Then, the boy pulled the page and continued to scroll down.

There are many passive skills in the store, such as sword skills, fist skills, and the like.

However, these attractions to Bai An are still not as good as the magic knife thousand blades just now.

After all, he has now fused with the reed celebrity, and the technique is no longer a necessity for him, at most it is the icing on the cake.

Although learning these techniques can indeed make him stronger and go further, the high number of 10 points is still too worthless.

Bai An directly skipped this part.

There are also some special skills in the mall.

For example, armed color domineering, spiritual charm and so on.

Bai An was moved again.

But he still resisted the urge to consume and continued to flip down.

Finally, he found the refining material that flowed like a fire.

The price is also 10 points.

Bai An calculated it carefully in his heart.

Under the limited resources, it is undoubtedly the most cost-effective choice to prioritize improving the degree of training.

The price of other equipment and skills, like refining materials, is 10 points.

But the biggest improvement in the effect is undoubtedly refinement.

Bai An thought about those equipment skills just now, looked at the refining materials in front of him again, and then gritted his teeth.

Magic Knife Thousand Blades, let's make an appointment next time!

Immediately, Bai An spent 10 points to buy the refining materials.

"System, refinement!"

Bai An shouted softly inwardly.

[Ding!Congratulations on the successful refining of the host!]

[The current power that can be exerted by the Flowing Blade is 30%]

Looking at the words on the promotion, the regret in Bai An 857's heart also turned into satisfaction.

The 30% power of the Flowing Blade is enough to bury the entire hillock camp with one sword.

Even if it is the king of hilichurls, it is estimated that he will not be able to withstand his own knife.

Bai Anxin is satisfied.

Immediately, Bai An spent another five points to buy 10 servings of the Four Directions Peace, 4 to supplement the basic dishes, and 2 points to make up some Qingxin and glazed lilies.

The number of points on hand is back to 1 point again.


Bai An slowly exhaled a breath of turbidity.

After each consumption, he will develop a feeling of satisfaction and emptiness.

Probably this is the so-called after-effect of consumption...

Bai An silently shut down the system.

Looking at the autumn wind and drizzle in front of the house, I was stunned.

I am still reminiscing about the goods I just saw.

A figure quietly touched the back of the young man and leaned down in his ear:

"I bullied people so badly last night..."

"Now without saying a word, will you slip out on your own?"

Feeling the soft whispers in his ears, Bai An's suddenly became excited.

"Yelan?!Are you awake?!"

Quietly touched the young man's back, it was not Yelan, who else could it be.

"Hmph, come in for me!"

Yelan directly grabbed the young man's hand and dragged him into the house without saying a word.

The drizzle continued.

The fallen leaves don't know where to go, only the good scenery in the world.

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