"System, settlement storytelling rewards. "

Bai An said silently in his heart.

[Congratulations to the host for reaching the upgrade standard!]

[The system is being upgraded...]

Hearing that the system was not prompting the reward, but the upgrade information, Bai An was stunned.

A burst of ecstasy ensued.

After working hard for so long, the system has finally ushered in its second upgrade!

The system upgrade means that there are more items to open in the mall, and more resources can be consumed!

And among them, it is likely that there are refined materials that are like flowing water, as well as items that can see other people's attributes!

Bai An couldn't help but rub his hands, his face full of excitement.

After a short wait.

The sound of the system finally sounded again.

【System upgrade successful!】

【Mall Level Upgrade!】

【Reward Level Increase!】

Looking at the prompt information in front of him, Bai An could hardly suppress the excitement in his heart.

Especially this third piece of information. "Three-Nine-Seven"

Reward Level Up!!

The first two tips were all expected by Bai An.

Only this third tip gave him a big surprise.

Bai An forcibly suppressed his excitement and quietly waited for the system's prompt.

[Congratulations to the host for getting: True Projection Screen*5!]

Bai An was stunned.

The last system upgrade gave myself 3 projection screens.

This time I upgraded, and I actually gave myself 5 units?!

Wouldn't that be you, and then project a Genshin Impact character again?!

Well, that couldn't be better!

This time, the projection directly locks in 8 Genshin Impact characters, which also represents 8 guaranteed points.

Compared to those Genshin Impact characters who are going to be invited to the scene, these eight characters who accept the projection are undoubtedly a more stable audience.

And as for which five Genshin Impact characters to project to...

Bai An has no idea yet.

I need a little time to think.

Immediately, Bai An put the projection screen into the warehouse.

"Go on, system. "

The boy shouted softly in his heart.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining: The Best of the Four Directions of Peace*5!]

[Congratulations to the host for getting: Best Pickled Fresh*5!]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the passive skill: Reed Celebrity]

The system prompts sounded one after another.

Bai An's eyes also lit up to the extreme.

With excitement in his mind, he clicked on the prompts in order.

[Peace of the Four Directions: Eating can increase intelligence by 50 points, with no special effects.] 】

[Pickled Fresh: Eating can increase stamina by 50 points, special effect: can reduce karma and wear (this entry only takes effect on some characters)]

The boy's eyes lit up.

It's been a long time since he'd seen an item with a special effect.

This pickled tuk xian, in the game, seems to be Zhongli's favorite dish.

It seems that the system also depends on the person to cook.

What Genshin Impact characters like to eat, there will be fixed special effects in their favorite dishes.

It's very spiritual.

Immediately, Bai An calculated the number of points that these two materials could provide.

Both dishes can add 50 points.

And this time after the system upgrade, 5 servings were given for both dishes.

That is, it adds up to a total of 500 points.

That's a full 350 points more than last time!

This reward increase has actually increased by as much as three times!

Bai An couldn't help but be surprised and delighted.

After a burst of excitement, Bai An put away the dishes and then looked at the last reward.

"Reed celebrity...?"

The boy's eyes blinked.

This is a reputation that people who don't play single-player games will find very unfamiliar.

But Bai An was a game streamer in his previous life, and of course he remembered the name.

This is the top school of swordsmanship in the wolf world.

The founder of his swordsmanship is Ashina Isshin, also known as the sword ghost.

He is a true kendo master.

Although the name of the reed celebrity is kendo, in the country of cherry blossoms, swords are not separated, and they are all called swords.

Therefore, the reed celebrity is actually not a swordsmanship, but a knife technique.

This is just right with their own flowing blades.

Last time, the system rewarded himself with a golden light mantra, which was also a kind of exercise.

But the Golden Light Mantra is more of a skill.

The palm thunder is similar to Lisa's flat A, and the shield is similar to Beidou's ultimate.

The Golden Light Mantra is the same as the Flowing Blade, which requires mental energy. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But the reed celebrities are different.

It is a technique.

It is a pure method of fighting, a move with a sword.

There is no need to consume any blue bars.

[Reed Celebrity: No attribute passive skill, created by the sword ghost Reed, the ultimate kendo skill. 】

The systematic explanation also confirms Bai An's idea.

This is a passive skill.

In other words, this is a combat skill engraved in the bones, and there is no need to use it deliberately, and the body will react autonomously.

A bright smile appeared on Bai An's face.



Although he has a super high body value and a weapon skill that is better than a boom, he just doesn't know any martial arts.

Holding the flowing blade like fire, using the golden light spell, he can only play the effect of a spiritual guy...

It's just too ugly....

I don't feel like a master at all.

Now, the system has directly arranged a set of cowhide thundering knife techniques for itself.

I don't have to dance around with a peerless sword like a fool.

Looking at the three words "reed celebrity" in front of him, Bai An couldn't help but smile at the second grade.

"The reed celebrities are all passing on the sword skills, Bai An, participate!!"

Bai An laughed stupidly.

It's a pity that he doesn't have a fan in his hand, otherwise he would still be able to cosplay a certain eldest lady.

"System, fusion skills!"

Bai An shouted in his heart.

Immediately, countless pieces of information poured into the teenager's mind.

Feeling the countless subtle and concise moves, those killing skills that he had never tasted, the young man couldn't help but squint his eyes in enjoyment.

For a person who has never practiced martial arts, these superb skills, every move and every style, are enough to grope and comprehend for a lifetime.

And for someone who has a plug-in...

It only takes three seconds.

In just three seconds, Bai An understood all the details.

That's how you learn.

With the comprehension of the reed celebrity, Bai An's temperament has gradually undergone some changes.

The boy raised his eyes slowly.

His gaze is as clear as a sword.

A free and sharp feeling slowly rose from the young man's body.

At this time, Bai An was like a demon seed descending from the sky, with no heaven and no earth in his eyes, only sword intent rippling.

Here it is...

Sword ghost.

A maple leaf slowly falls.

The young man lightly pinched the fallen leaves with his two fingers and slashed at his side at will.

A fine mosquito landed on the ground.

The body has been divided into two sections of perfect symmetry. 5.0

Looking at the fine mosquitoes on the ground, Bai An nodded with satisfaction.

The skills of the reed celebrities have been completely integrated into their bones.

I don't need to think about anything at all, every sword I swing instinctively is exquisite.

With such exquisite skills, coupled with his strong physical fitness, Bai An has self-confidence, and now he can crush some elemental forces even if he doesn't use elemental power.

Even, a certain god.

For example, the one in Mondstadt.

Bai Anxin is satisfied.

Immediately, something suddenly occurred to him, and his expression couldn't help but become weird.

On the Internet in the previous life, many wolf players would create the game twice.

And the most famous of them is only strong.

Yourself, this is...

Fusion of only strong templates?

Bai An couldn't help but feel extremely funny.

And what makes him even funnier is that in his own house...

There are just two bears, two bears.

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