Chapter 771: Sora: Whoever wants to trick others, stand up for me! Paimon:(⊙⊙)?

【Punishment: Designate a person and kiss passionately for ten minutes! 】

Liu Yun’s proud look collapsed in an instant!

“Ten minutes of passionate kissing?”

“What the hell is this?”

“Why is it not a punishment for fighting, but this?”

Liu Yun couldn’t stand it any longer!

She has a lover or something!

If she were to find someone to kiss passionately for ten minutes, she wouldn’t know who to look for!

It’s over, it’s over.

Now she’s really over!

Now! Among the people she knew, only a few of her old acquaintances were still alive.

The others were long gone.

As for the people she knew, they were none other than the True Lord Li Shui Laying Mountain, the True Lord Cutting the Moon and Casting the Yang, the Emperor and Mandrill, Ping and others.

But among these people,

Liu Yun really couldn’t choose!

“”727″ After all, the emperor has faked his death and wandered around the world as Zhong Li, and he also turned into a woman because of the punishment in the live broadcast room.

In addition, the emperor’s identity is still there, and he is both a teacher and a friend. After living for so long, he has never had any other thoughts about the emperor.

Based on all the above, Liu Yun could not ask him for help no matter what.

As for Mandrill, that person has always been a loner, and he doesn’t like to interact with others.

If you go to him for help yourself, that feeling will be too weird. It

’s wrong no matter how you say it.

Anyway, you will definitely have very bad memories if you go to him.

After all, both of them were siblings of the emperor in the Demon God Era and have been fighting for many years..

The kind who has more affection than brothers.

If he did such a thing, Mandrill Shangxian might agree.

But the feeling of kissing a good brother for ten minutes would make Liu Yun feel a little nauseous.

As for The situation of True Lord Cutting the Moon and Zhuyang and True Lord Lishui and Laying the Mountain is similar.

They are both good brothers. If Liu Yun really had feelings for them, he would have been together long ago. And for so many years, they have been together for a long time.

There was no communication, which meant that she had no real feelings for these three people.

If she really found these three good brothers to kiss for ten minutes,

Liu Yun was a little creepy just thinking about it.

As for Ping, It’s not that Liuyun can’t accept it.

After all, Ping and her have a very good relationship.

If the two of them stick together for ten minutes, Ping is probably willing to do it.

But Liuyun’s ideas are very traditional.

Kissing a girl or something is still a problem. Try to avoid it.

It is king to have a man with a woman, a woman with a man!

Other women with women, men with men, etc., it is simply terrible!

I don’t understand why these people have this idea!

If these people can’t do it.

Liu Yun She also had a headache.

She didn’t expect that she, who could do anything in the past, would actually find someone to kiss passionately for ten minutes.


Liu Yun suddenly thought of something!

By the way!

Wasn’t she there before? Did he kiss the traveler in the video in the live broadcast room?

Liu Yun remembered that in that video, the traveler fell down because of a weird disease that required a beautiful girl to kiss to survive.

In order to save the traveler, he had to kiss the traveler. He kissed!

Since I have kissed the traveler in the video!

Then there should be no problem in kissing again now!

But the traveler is really good!

He looks handsome, is very strong, and can talk.

The most important thing The thing is, his cooking is very delicious!

The last time he ate his food, it was so amazing.

It was so delicious that she fainted!

Although it would have been nice without the last burst of clothes.

But Liu Yun didn’t expect it. The traveler is actually better at cooking than he is.

I didn’t expect this at all. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Based on these circumstances,

Liu Yun feels that the traveler is indeed very suitable for him. Conditions for mate selection.

But there is one thing that is very troublesome.

That is, this traveler has already lured away his two apprentices. If his master chooses travelers as the target of punishment, these two apprentices will not be angry, right?

At this time,

Shen He on the side was also stunned.

He did not expect that the live broadcast room would actually give this punishment.

Although he had seen this kind of punishment in the live broadcast room before, it had not happened for a long time.

She even thought that the master was so strong that the live broadcast room would definitely give him some punishment for defeating monsters.

But it was actually a ten-minute passionate kiss with someone else.

This kind of punishment is simply too shameful.

Even Shen He himself felt that it would be embarrassing to kiss Kong passionately for ten minutes in front of so many viewers in the live broadcast room.

As for someone who is arrogant and arrogant like the master, it goes without saying!

For a while.

Shen He didn’t dare to say anything to irritate his master………… at this time.

The audience in the live broadcast room learned that Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun gave the wrong answer, and the punishment was to appoint a person to kiss for ten minutes or something.

The barrage also exploded instantly!

Zhong Li:”Did Mr. Liuyun Jiefeng give the wrong answer? It’s such a pity.”

Ping:”Hahaha, yes, it’s a pity.”

Mr. Liuyun Jiefeng:”()Ping, how do you feel? You look very happy when I answered wrongly?”

Ping:”Hahahaha, I didn’t do it because I also answered wrongly, and then I saw my friends also answered wrongly and were very happy too!”

Yaoyao:”- -Doesn’t the master look very happy?”

Xiang Ling:”- -Master is like this sometimes, Yaoyao, please stop talking, otherwise the training will be doubled later.”

Zhen Yue Zhu Yang Zhenjun:”Hahaha, it is indeed a pity. I originally thought Liuyun that you were going to answer successfully.”

Zhenjun Lishui Dieshan:”Hahaha, indeed, it’s such a pity.”

Zhong Li:”Haha, you three”[]

Mandrill:”I’m speechless….”

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun:”(Pan) Pingli Shui stacked the mountain Zhenjun cut the moon to cast the Yang Zhenjun, walking around, everyone is gloating about the misfortune, right?”

Ye Lan:”It is indeed a pity to say, but this punishment It’s true…”

Ningguang:”Zhenjun Liuyun borrows the wind, ah this…Although I feel sorry for your wrong answer, your punishment is too harsh….”

Keqing:”Liu 4.4 Lord Borrowing Feng, I’m really curious why you chose the answer B. Seed Saint.”

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ Nasida is also very curious. The answer given by the traveler seems to be very suitable for Miss Nilu, but why is there no one? Leosley

:”Hahaha, it’s true. Clolinde and Liuyun Xianren didn’t choose anything. I didn’t expect that!””

Funina:”This is not because of a certain guy, that guy is out to deceive people!”

Clorind:”(▼ヘ▼), if the traveler doesn’t come out and say which answer is the most likely, I will really choose it.” null:”(:) Oh, is this happening? What bastard wants to trick people? Stand up for me!”


Early pomelo:”(⊙⊙)?”


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