Chapter 770: Liu Yun: I just want to give the opportunity to others! Shen He: You are truly worthy of being a master!

Liu Yun thought for a while.

It’s also a bit confusing.

After all, the three answers now seem to have pitfalls.

The first two answers, Red Bull and Seed Saint, are not serious in any way – don’t say anything.

There is also the last C, Zubair Star, which is even more heavyweight and is directly targeted by the Traveler.

Most of the answers that guy targeted were meant to trick people.

Thinking of this situation, Liu Yun gradually started to have a headache.

“Apprentice, if it were you, what would you choose?”

The eyelashes on Shen He’s extremely cold and charming face were slightly trembling, but her beautiful eyes were extremely firm, and she said without hesitation:

“The disciples will choose C, the Star of Zubair, because this is empty talk!”

After Liu Yun heard this, he couldn’t laugh or cry immediately, and he felt a little helpless. He just felt that his inquiry seemed to be in vain.

After all, Shen He, this girl, likes the traveler guy.

She still likes him very much.

Now traveling Even if she talks about jumping from the clouds, my apprentice will probably just jump without saying anything. If you ask her for the answer yourself, this girl will definitely only believe the answer given by the traveler. Liuyun sighed slightly:

“So it turns out that the master knows it.”

Shen He’s expression remained calm and he suggested:

“Master, the response time in the live broadcast room is almost up. If you don’t reply, it will time out.”

“Um.”Liu Yun nodded slightly, and also noticed that the time was almost up, and it was time to make a conclusion.

She felt that the answer this time should be either A, Red Bull, or B, Seed Saint.

A Cow or something, looks better than Seed Saint Women are a bit more unreasonable.

This kind of sect saint girl also has the word saint girl, which sounds better no matter what. Red Bull or something, it is simply weird.

As for C and Zubair Star, Liu Yun also subconsciously gave up directly.

I planned to directly choose B, the Saint of Seeds.

Liu Yun felt that based on the situation in the live broadcast room, this answer must be right!

There is no doubt about it!

After thinking about the answer,

Liu Yun immediately started thinking about wishes.

She According to what other viewers in the live broadcast room said, as long as the answer is successful, the live broadcast room will be able to realize the wishes of the person who answered successfully to a certain extent.

That is, as long as she answers successfully, the live broadcast room will also estimate that Can realize her wishes.

As for wishes, she honestly only has those few.

The first one is nothing more than that Liyue continues to be as peaceful as before.

The second one is that she hopes that those friends in the past can be resurrected, such as Teng

It would be great if they could be resurrected by old friends such as Grand Marshal Fushe of Snake Tai, Admiral Rasenaki Kaanan, Admiral Fire Rat Onada, Admiral Heart Monkey Minu, and Guishu. This wish is a bit selfish, that is, she hopes that the live broadcast room can give her a machine that can make all the food in the world.

Liu Yun has no other big wish in this life, only to be able to make all the food in the world. Things like machines can arouse her interest.

Of course, she is not greedy for food.

Instead, she wants to personally study the difference between the machine given in the live broadcast room and the machine she designed!

After thinking about her wish.

Stay Yun Ye knew it was time to answer, so she said to the live broadcast room without hesitation:

“In the live broadcast room, I choose B, the Saint of Seed Gate!”

Liu Yun, who is a crane, raised her proud head and raised the corners of her mouth slightly.

She just felt that her choice this time must be correct!

After all, she has eliminated all strange choices.

How could this be wrong?

On the side Shen He was also stunned, but she did not expect that her master would choose this answer.

But since it was the master’s choice, she had no intention of saying anything.

Even in her heart, she very much hoped that her master could answer successfully.

But Just when the two of them were thinking this, bad news suddenly came from the live broadcast room

【wrong answer! ]

The cold voice of the announcement echoed in his mind, and Liu Yun’s originally sworn face suddenly turned into shock and disbelief. this…How can this be?

How could I make the wrong choice? (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After clearly excluding the answers given by travelers, and then excluding the most nonsensical Red Bull answer.

No matter how you look at it, it can’t be wrong!

But why…Why is it wrong?

Liuyun couldn’t understand!

Even Shen He on the side was stunned and immediately turned to look at the master:


After Liu Yun heard his apprentice’s voice, he immediately came to his senses and put away his stunned expression.

I don’t plan to be embarrassed in front of my apprentice!

She knows that what is wrong now is wrong!

No matter how hard you think, it won’t help.

It’s better to accept it honestly!

They come, the security!

She has lived for so many years and has never seen any big storms!

Isn’t it just a matter of receiving punishment for giving wrong answers?[]

What’s the big deal?

Liuyun coughed twice and cleared his throat before his expression finally returned to the indifferent look of an immortal like before.

“Shen He, calm down!”

“Whether you choose the wrong thing or something, it’s all within the teacher’s calculations.”

“After all, I have already obtained everything I want, and now I am in a state of having no desires or desires!”

“I just thought that instead of letting me get this opportunity, it would be better to give it to other students.”

Shen He’s eyebrows were slightly condensed, and his expression was extremely solemn:

“I see!”

“You are truly worthy of being a master!”

“It turns out that the mistake was also in your thinking!”

“Disciple, I finally understand your selfless thoughts.”

Liu Yun’s face turned red, and he coughed and said:

“That’s natural. Since you are an immortal, you still have to do something for other mortals.”

After saying this,

Liu Yun could feel that his image in Shen He’s eyes was getting taller and taller, and he couldn’t help but feel a little better.

Shen He asked:

“I just don’t know what the punishment in the live broadcast room is. Liu

Yun waved his wings calmly and said proudly:

“It was probably the same punishment as that girl Clolinde from Fontaine, just fighting monsters. Shen

He nodded and said:

“If it was the real stingworm in the live broadcast room just now, then the master alone would probably be enough! Liuyun was extremely proud and said disdainfully:

“That’s natural!”

“How can my strength be comparable to that of Feng Dan?”

“Although the strength of this immortal is indeed not as good as that of Traveler, after all, Traveler’s strength has reached the level of the Rock King Emperor.”

“But if we only deal with these true stinging insects, it is more than enough!”

Just after Liu Yun said these words, the live broadcast room also immediately sent a punishment announcement.

【Punishment: Designate a person and kiss passionately for ten minutes! ]

Liu Yun was immediately dumbfounded after seeing this punishment!

“Ah Guang?”.

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