Chapter 745: Paimon:(▼ヘ▼), it seems that Paimon has not betrayed you, right? null:(.)Do you want to stop thinking about it?

Clolind actually had no intention of choosing Traveler at first.

I plan to choose Lord Water God.

But after hearing Lord Water God say that she seemed unable to choose, she had no choice but to choose someone else.

I don’t know how strong the monster mentioned in the live broadcast room is.

Clolind herself didn’t dare to gamble.

So you can only choose the one who is as strong as you know among the people you know.

As for the candidates, she actually thinks there are several.

One is Lord Navilette.

His strength is indeed impressive~ I have seen it myself.

But he is the highest judge of Fontaine. If something happens, Clolind feels that she is really difficult to deal with.

As for Leos-Lee, it’s the same.

If something happens to him, there will probably be big problems in the prison.

Since you can’t choose Fontaine’s three strongest combat powers.

Then you can only choose someone else.

But apart from the people in Fontainebleau, she really didn’t know any other strong people.

Although she is said to be a fool among the executive servants, she still knows a thing or two about it.

Its strength is also very powerful.

But Clolind was also a little worried that this servant would cause trouble behind her back, which would be bad.

So I have no intention of choosing servants like these fools.

Then after thinking about it, the only people who are very powerful in other countries are travelers.

After all, she had seen the traveler defeat the demon in the video.

We even know from other information that he defeated the Abyss Wind Demon Dragon, withstood General Thunder and Lightning’s Wuxiang Sword, and other powerful deeds.

Based on these alone, Clolind has already judged that the traveler’s strength is close to that of the Seven Gods.

Even the current Navilette and Leosley are probably unable to compare with the travelers.

And although Traveler is a bit of a scumbag, there is no doubt about his strength.

This is undeniable!

Of course, she didn’t seek out travelers just because she wanted to be on some Teyvat beauty list.

Absolutely not!

Clolinde’s face turned red, and after coughing twice, she said to the live broadcast room:

“In the live broadcast room, I choose to be empty!”

As soon as Clolinde finished speaking, an announcement came from the live broadcast room.

【The selected person is empty as a traveler!】

【Prepare to teleport Clolinde and Traveler Sora into the battle space! ]

Clolinde, who was still at home, slowly began to have little bits of light appear on her body. soon.

She just disappeared.

And at this time.

Sora, who was still in Kaijijima Shrine, also disappeared in an instant.

Not a moment.

The two of them felt that after a while of strange scenes passed before their eyes, they suddenly came to a strange space.

The entire space is filled with sparkling starry sky.

The ground beneath their feet was a huge disk.

Kong himself didn’t care about fighting, but he never expected that he would be called to complete the punishment again, and he was a little bit dumbfounded for a while.

Clolind’s physique was not as strong as Kong’s. When she was teleported, she was still slightly shaken and could not react immediately.

But when she came to her senses, she also began to observe the surrounding situation. After noticing that no monsters seemed to have appeared here yet, her eyes fell on Kong.

When she saw the traveler’s extremely handsome face, she couldn’t help but feel a little suffocated.

I just think that the real person of this traveler is so much more beautiful than the one seen in the live broadcast room video?

No wonder so many beautiful ladies always like him.

This kind of appearance doesn’t look like a mortal at all.

It’s really beautiful.

The kind that makes people look at it and never forget it.

She even felt that even Lady Funina’s divine appearance was somewhat eclipsed by the traveler’s appearance. at this time.

Clolinde, whose face was slightly red, became slightly panicked after noticing the traveler’s gaze, and immediately looked away, not daring to look directly at the traveler again.

Sora himself did not notice this, but directly complained:

“Why did you come to me?”

“I was lying very well in the shrine just now. I could have slept for a long time.”

“Now that you suddenly called me out, I couldn’t even sleep anymore.”

After hearing this, Clolind immediately sneered and said:

“Humph, you haven’t been able to resume your sleep yet?” (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“That would be the best! Kong complained:

“Hey, what grudges do we have?”

“Are you hurting me so much?”

“I remember that I didn’t seem to offend you, right? Clolinde raised the corners of her mouth slightly, looked at the traveler coldly, and played with the taste with interest:

Please give me flowers 0

“Who just mocked me in the live broadcast room?”

“You also said that if it were me, you would never make the wrong choice, pffffffff~?”

Hearing Clolind imitating the tone of her barrage, Sora couldn’t help laughing and couldn’t help but laugh or cry, but after thinking for a moment, he still said seriously:

“You are wrong, it was sent by Paimeng, not me!”

“I’m a gentleman, I wouldn’t say that!”

After hearing this, Clolind couldn’t hold back any longer. She just thought this was angry and funny:

“What a lie!”

“Do you really think I’m easy to fool?”[]

“Now I really understand why your girlfriends want to hit you”

“Even I can’t bear it now!”

At this time.

After hearing this, the audience in the live broadcast room couldn’t hold back.

Zaoyou:”Σ(⊙▽⊙!!! Hayao remembers what the traveler said just now, right?”

Tewarin-chan:”You heard that right, he said it first!”

Zaoyou:”Σ(⊙▽⊙!!! Then why did he dare to say that?”

Miss:”(.), that’s because he is the number one scumbag in Teyvat!

Servant:”Only this guy dares to tell lies in front of so many viewers!”” puppet:”(^.^), it’s so bad, it should be used to make dolls!” team leader:”…Would you die?”

The rich man:”…This is what puppets are like, just get used to it.”

Colombia:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ I like Sora like this!”

Zaoyou:”Σ(⊙▽⊙!!! ah?

Kaiya:”Hahahaha, this traveler is so outrageous, how can he survive so well?”

Xiaolu:”Hahahaha, Paimon was stabbed in the back!””

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ Paimon is probably going to faint in the toilet from crying!”

Ke Lai:”O(Mouth) O Kong, ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, you big scumbag, don’t bully Paimon like this!”

Paimon:”(▼ヘ▼)Sora, is this how you treat Paimon? Paimon seems to have never betrayed you once, right?” null:”(.)Paimon, do you want to think more carefully?”

Paimon:”(*/ *), Hey, just occasionally!

Funina:”Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I can’t hold it any longer, these two living treasures!””.

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