Chapter 744: Clolind: I’m sorry, sisters, the traveler can lend it to me! null:(⊙⊙)?

Keqing:”Clolind, in fact, it’s okay to choose me. I think my strength is acceptable.”

Qin:”Clolind, I think it’s okay too!”

Yola:”Clolind Linde, I also want to try how strong the monsters released in the live broadcast room are.”

Yae Shenzi:”(^), although I also want to recommend myself, but my words probably won’t work either.”

Gan Yu:”+1!”

Xigwen:”Clorind, choose Lord Villette or Lord Leosley, they are two very strong! Clolind:”

Thank you everyone, but I actually have a candidate already.”

Xiao Gong:”Oh?” Who is that person?”

Charlotte:”(^.^)Clolinde, could this be the person you like? Navia:”

Ah?” When did Clolinde have someone she liked?”

Arataki Yidou:”No, such a beautiful young lady has someone she likes, so she doesn’t want that kind of thing! Who is that person? Come out to me! Bennett

:”Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu” Flow down!

Kaiya:”Hahaha, these two people are hopeless.”

Diluc:”I’m used to it.”

Lei Ze:”Don’t you look envious? Wait, why do I complain about you two every time?””

Mika:”Maybe I just couldn’t help it. I couldn’t help but want to complain after seeing it. Clolind:”

Ahem, I’m not someone I like, it’s just…I just simply think he is the best candidate!”

Charlotte:”(^.^)Clolinde, so that person is a boy or a girl?”

Qianzhi:”Haha, Miss Charlotte has used her reporter skills.

Navia:”No, no, no, this is just pure gossip, right?” but…I’m actually a little curious.”

Linette:”()+1! Clolind

:”Ahem, that person is a man!” And it really doesn’t mean what you think. Don’t get it wrong.”

Charlotte:”(▽*)o, ho ho, it turns out to be a man.”

Navia:”(﹏), who is that person? (bcaa) Is it from our country?”

Qian Zhi:”Say it quickly!”

Linette:”(), curious, excited!”

Paimon:”(⊙⊙), I don’t think you look excited.

Femini:”Sister, it’s like this, just get used to it.””

Linny:”Haha, my Linnette has less expressions, just get used to it.”

Linette:”(▼ヘ▼), that’s quite a lot.

Leosley:”Haha, according to what Clolind just said, it should be either me or Villette.”

Navilette:”That’s true.” Navia

:”Huh, it turns out it’s you two. Then I can rest assured. Clolind will indeed not like you.””



Higwen:”(^.^)Clolind, oh, so are you planning to choose Lord Villette and Lord Leosley?

Clolind:”Ahem, the one I want to choose is not from our country.” Charlotte

:”() Clolind, don’t say half of what you are saying. Tell me who you are speaking to directly?” Why are you squirming? This is very unlike you.”

Qin:”Wait a minute, I don’t know why, but my right eyelid suddenly keeps twitching.”

Yura:”What a coincidence, mine is the same.”

Ning Guang:”Suddenly I have a bad feeling.

Hu Tao:”What the hell, why do I suddenly have heart palpitations?””

Kamizato Ayaka:”Ayaka, why did my teacup suddenly crack? Noelle:”

﹏, why do the plates that Noelle puts away keep falling to the floor?””

Ke Qing:”Wait a minute, I suddenly have a sense of déjà vu to this scene! Clolinde, is that what you chose?……”

Mona:”Wait, no, you can’t choose Traveler!”

Barbara:”o(╥﹏╥)o Clolinde, sister, please let me go. If you have anything to do, you can come to Barbara. Barbara can treat you, and I can help you!”

Xiaogong:” Clolinde, no, you can’t choose empty!”

Kuki Shinobu:”(Mi) That’s right!

Clolind:”Ahem, sorry, sisters!”” null:”???”

Wendy:”Clorind, no!!! You can’t choose Traveler!!!”

Kaiya:”Hahaha, when on earth have I seen Master Fengshen speak and not laugh?”

Diluc:”Wendy, Master Fengshen is really begging you, can you be more serious?”

Tevarin-chan:”(Dan)? Wendy, just, can you stop thinking about my man!”

Qin:”Tvarin-chan , tell me more, sometimes I really can’t talk to Fengshen.”




Falga:” Hey, our Mondstadt was half destroyed by travelers….”(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


Leosley:”Clorind, why did you choose Traveler? Don’t you hate him very much?”

Arataki Yidou:”Uuuuuu~ It’s a Traveler again, don’t do that kind of thing Ah! Obviously I really want to drink and fight other monsters with beautiful girls in the live broadcast room, and then shine in the battle, and finally be liked by many beautiful girls in Teyvat!”

Bennett:” Wuwuwu~ I don’t think the same as my brother. Wuwuwu~ I’m not jealous of the Grandmaster at all, but why can’t my tears stop flowing down, bastard!”

Lei Ze:”That’s not true. Do you look envious?”

Mika:”Hey, this is no longer a question of envy or not, it even reveals their terrible plan!”

Xiaolu:”Hahahaha, what about showing off your talent ? Yes, it’s really difficult.”

Kawei:”Haha, but this is what normal people think. I also think that if I win the battle given in the live broadcast room, I will definitely shine!”

Kelai:” o(╥﹏- -)o, even though that’s the case, why did you choose my Sora!”

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~, I can understand it. After all, travelers are very powerful and can even repel demons.

Xinhai:”Yes, it can even block the Wuxiang sword of General Thunder and Lightning. It is really strong.””

Shadow:” ()Humph, that’s just not using all your strength.”

Eightfold God Son:”(^), eh, eh, eh, it seems that someone is a little angry.”

Shadow:”(), not angry!”.

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