Chapter 741: Sora: Puff, puff, puff~ Guess who didn’t answer correctly? Clolinde: Damn, I want to hit someone now!

“In the live broadcast room, I choose D. Dancer!”

Although Clolind’s face was still so cold, her eyes revealed a glimmer of confidence.

She just felt that she would definitely answer successfully.

After all, a traveler screened out the answer to C. Zubair Star. Not to mention.

In addition, the two choices A. Red Bull and B. Seed Saint are both nonsensical answers and wrong no matter how you look at them.

So no matter how you look at the final answer D. Dancer, they are all correct and cannot be repeated. The correct answer.

Because Nilu’s profession is an actor and dancer in the theater.

Because Clolind dared to conclude that the answer must be D!

Just when she thought so, a piece of bad news suddenly came from the live broadcast room

【wrong answer! 】

After seeing this, Clolinde’s originally confident”Zero Three Zero” face suddenly turned into a look of astonishment.


Why is it wrong?

I’ve obviously chosen all the wrong answers myself, right?

This is trouble.

What if the punishment is the same as everyone else’s, requiring someone to stick it out?

Is it possible that I have to learn from others and find it from people I know?

But I don’t have a boyfriend either!

Then you can only find it from the female friends you know?

But if this is really the case, then it would be too social, right?

After all, this punishment will be broadcast to the entire Teyvat audience.

Himself and a female friend accept this kind of punishment or something.

If people see it, won’t they think that they are Lily?

No, no!

At least with other boys.

But I don’t know many boys either!


What about Villette?

No, no!

She really couldn’t think about these two people.

After all, the personalities of these two people really don’t suit her.

Then since these two are not good.

Can we only learn to choose travelers like everyone else?

As a traveler

, he does look pretty good.

It’s fun to talk too…

The strength is also good.

But it’s just too scumbag!

It’s really scumbag!

This alone is an absolute failure!

But, since everyone else has chosen Traveler, if I choose it myself, no one else will say anything, right?…

Clolind’s face turned red and white. She didn’t know whether she had imagined the punishment or the punishment with someone. at this time.

Before Clolind could come to her senses in the live broadcast room, she immediately began to issue punishments.

【Punishment: Defeat all monsters within ten minutes, and you can designate a person to help!】

【Note: Those who help can get a certain level of compensation!】

【Note: Monsters are very dangerous, please choose who to help carefully! 】

After seeing this punishment, Clolind’s expression suddenly became very complicated, a little happy, but also a little strangely disappointed.

Why do other girls give the kind of punishment that doesn’t seem very severe?

Charlotte was just looking for boys to take pictures of herself.

Lady Funina, the Water Goddess, is looking for someone to play wild ball boxing with….

Other girls even kiss and stick on each other.

Even Lord Barbatos, the god of wind, is the kind of person who can find others to hold concerts and dance with others.

Why did it turn into a battle when it was my turn?


It seems that I am the only one who is punished by this kind of battle?

Clolinde thought about it carefully and found that it seemed to be true.

Although fighting is her specialty as a trial executor.

She’s very good at it! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But when she really encountered this kind of punishment, although Clolind’s expression was still so cold, she felt a little mixed in her heart.

I don’t know whether to say this punishment is good or bad.

However, since the live broadcast room has released this punishment.

Naturally, Clolind had no intention of refusing.

After all, she lives in Fontaine and has long been accustomed to being a law-abiding person.

Since you made a mistake, you must take responsibility.

Read this.

Clolinde also plans to find someone to help complete this punishment.

Because she noticed that a warning message was sent from the live broadcast room.

That is, the monster is very dangerous, and you need to be cautious and find someone to help.

Clolinde thought about this information carefully now.

She remembered that such messages requesting the attention of the punishment candidates were rarely sent from the live broadcast room before.

Since it was sent, it means that my punishment this time may not be as simple as it seems on the surface.

It is really dangerous.

Because I am facing the monster designated by the live broadcast room[]

And how could the monster released by this almost omniscient and omnipotent being in the live broadcast room be weak?

So I’m afraid I need to find some very strong support candidates.

Otherwise, I may not really be able to defeat the monster 0 given in the live broadcast room…….

Although she didn’t know whether her guess was correct.

But when a lion fights a rabbit, he must use all his strength!

Clolind does not have the character to underestimate her opponents.

So she has no plans to find weak support candidates this time!

And at this time.

The live broadcast room also exploded because Clolind gave the wrong answer.

The barrages were flying all over the place in an instant.

Higwen:”Σ(⊙▽⊙!!! How could it be that the answer chosen by Miss Clolinde was wrong? Leosley:”

Ah this…Although I didn’t expect you to choose the answer D, Clolind, people from Xumi said that this answer is also one of the two most likely answers. Is this actually wrong?”

Navillette:”Don’t talk about Miss Clolinde, even I didn’t expect it.”

Charlotte:”o(╥﹏╥)o Clolind, woo hoo~ you got the wrong answer just like me. What a pity!

Clolind:”Yes, I didn’t expect this answer to be wrong.” Navia:”

Clorind, you…No, nothing more.”

Funina:” Clolinde, hey, it’s just a wrong answer, it’s okay! And your punishment is just to kill monsters. As the first executor of Fontaine’s trial, isn’t this a simple matter? Clolind

:”Thank you for your relationship with Lord Water God, and I am also very grateful for Lord Water God’s recognition of my strength. This battle will definitely give you a perfect victory!””

Funina:”(^^)5.9—Humph, not bad, very good! But you must be careful not to get hurt, otherwise this water god will also feel sad because of the injuries of his people. Clolinde:”

Roger that!”

Tinari:”But to be honest, I didn’t expect this answer to be wrong.””


Kavi:”Yes, most people in Sumeru know that Nilu is a dancer, but this answer is still wrong.”

Ke Lai:”In this case, it means that the real answer lies in other choices.

Nasida:”This is indeed a pity.” Sora

:”Pffffffff~ It’s really a pity, but if I were asked to answer, I would definitely choose C. That way I would definitely get the reward in the live broadcast room!””

Paimon:”(^.^), that’s right!

Clolind:”(Dan), I don’t know why, but I really want to hit this traveler now!””.

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