Chapter 740: Sora: Believe it or not, don’t blame me if you’re wrong! Funina: I’m going to ask someone to deal with you!

After noticing that it was Clolind who answered successfully.

There were also discussions in the live broadcast room at this time.

Arataki Yidou:”Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwhhhhhh, I that, I that’s why I didn’t get the answer successfully, you bastard, why did someone else get the answer successfully? I obviously wanted to get the answer and the answer was successful, and then I asked the live broadcast room to reward me with one. Girlfriend, bastard!~!!”

Bennett:”What? Brother, your wish is exactly the same as mine?”

Arataki Yidou:”Hell, in that case we are really good brothers!”

Sora:”This is called telepathy, you guys The two can get married where they are!”

Kaia:”Hahahaha, I also think they can get married!”

Diluc:”Let’s not talk about that outrageous wish, let’s just say that the two of them do have a connection.”

Wendy :”I support this marriage with my real name!”

Arataki Yidou:”Let’s get married. We are good brothers, not that kind of relationship.���ah!

Bennett:”That’s right, we are good brothers for life!””

Navilet:” Clolinde, congratulations on the successful answer.”

Xigwen:” Clolind, congratulations on the successful answer.

Leosley:”Clorind, congratulations on the successful answer.”

Clolind:”Thank you everyone.””

Funina:”Hahaha, since you are a subject of this water god, it is only natural that you can answer successfully with the blessing of this water god’s luck! Charlotte

:”You are indeed Lord Water God. It seems that my successful answer was also blessed by Lord Water God’s luck!””

Funina:” Hahaha, that’s natural!

Clolind:”That’s it, thank you Lord Water God!”

Sora:”Funina, you are so lucky, why don’t you beat me in guessing?””

Paimon:”(^.^)That’s it!”

Funina:”O(Mouth) O Kong, ah ah ah, I don’t want to recall what happened that day, shut up!!!

Zhong Li:”Wonderful.””

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ I have to watch Traveler Sang, one sentence makes the water god choke.”

Clorind:”(▼ヘ▼)Sora, don’t speak to Lord Water God like that!”

Funina:” Just…That’s it! If this happens again, I will ask someone to deal with you! Sora:”

Hey, do you still have time to watch the barrage?” If you don’t answer quickly now, the countdown will be over soon~ Funina, and you, you still owe me a favor, don’t forget it!”

Funina:”You…Huh, I haven’t forgotten that this water god is the kind of ungrateful person….God!

Clolind:”() Kong, wait until I finish answering, then I’ll take care of you!”

Leosley:”But speaking of it, even if I had to choose the answer this time, I would still be a little confused.”


Charlotte:”Hmm, the top two look very nonsensical, and the bottom two look too consistent with Nelu, which makes it even more difficult to choose.”

Xinhai:”Yes, looking at it now, there are only two choices, either choose the nonsensical answer or choose the serious answer.””

Barbara:”(*^▽^*), Barbara doesn’t have to think about anything, just believe in Kong!”

Noelle:”(▽), yes, Noelle felt that senior’s answer must be correct! Beidou

:”Hahaha, I also think this answer is correct!””

Ke Lai:”Yeah, my intuition also tells me that this answer is correct!”

Tinali:”It’s true or false. Do you think so, Kelai?”

Fa Lushan:”Humph, I don’t believe it!

Candice:”I don’t believe it either!””

Ms.:”Clorind, the answer must be A cow, listen to me!”

Puppet:” Clolinde, the answer must be D. Dancer!”

Columbia:” Clolinde, O(∩∩)Ohaha~Choose D, dancer, because Nilu is a dancer!” servant:”(^) Clolind, the answer is definitely C. Zubair Star. It’s okay to believe in travelers~”

Dadali Duck:”Quack quack~ Hahaha, I think you just want this Clolin Is it right for De to go out of his way to answer wrongly and then blame the travelers?

Captain:”What nonsense are you telling the truth? We wish we knew this.””

The rich man:”Hahaha, I hope she chooses this way. After all, if the answer is wrong, we will have one more chance to answer. Paimon:”

Hey, hey, hey, you fools and executives all come out one by one to mislead others to choose answers. It’s really bad!””

Zaoyou:”(▼ヘ▼)That’s it!”

Dolly:”It’s not good to lie to others!”

Kavi:”Hey, you are not qualified to say that to others.”

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ Although what the Fool CEOs say is bad, it is true.” null:”(:) If you ask me, I would choose C. This answer is definitely correct!”

Paimon:”(^.^), that’s right, whoever you don’t choose will suffer!”

Kelly:”(*^▽^*), since the traveler brother said so, then Keli must choose this too.

Lisa:”Hahaha, Keli, you will suffer a big loss if you always believe in nothing.”

Mona:”Yes, this guy Kong always likes to trick people.” Xing

Qiuzi:”﹏, I have a deep understanding!””(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Chong Yunzi:”o(╥﹏╥)o, if God gives me another chance, I will never trust travelers in the Q&A session!” null:”(:) Believe it or not, just don’t blame me if you’re wrong!”

Paimon;”(^.^), that’s right!”


After observing the barrage, Clolind had a vague idea of her own choice.

She finally felt relieved when she saw that no one believed in the travelers.

I would even like to thank the traveler for going out of his way to give an answer that would definitely be wrong.

Clolind knew very well that travelers understood women’s psychology very well. He answered successfully three times in a row, which already showed that this person could really guess the correct answer to a certain extent.

And most importantly, this person really likes to trick people!

Many people in the live broadcast room were tricked by him!

So Clolind can conclude that this traveler must have come out to trick people this time, there is no doubt about it!

Once or twice, forget it, but it will still happen three or four times.

It’s just plain deceiving! []

Who doesn’t understand the story of the boy who cried wolf?

But she was also very grateful to the traveler. Without him, the probability of her answering successfully would not be one-third!

Now that one answer has been filtered out first, the remaining answers are already unknown!

It’s D.Dancer!

Clolind was not the kind of person who liked to choose unfounded answers, so she shouted into the live broadcast room without hesitation:

“In the live broadcast room, I choose answer D, Dancer Yi!”.

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