Chapter 697: Paimon: It’s true, Sora is a virgin! Xinhai: Real or fake?

Kong didn’t dare to say anything more about his scumbag deeds, so he had to change the subject immediately.

He picked up the newly cooked Tieniu beef noodles and placed them in front of Xinhai, laughing softly:

“Xinhai, the Iron Bull Beef Noodles you asked for are ready.”

Xinhai looked at the Tieniu beef noodles and recalled Kong’s scumbag deeds just now. He felt increasingly unhappy and snorted coldly:

“I don’t eat beef! Paimon said excitedly:


“Xinhai, don’t you eat beef?”

“Then give this Iron Bull Beef Noodles to Paimon!”

As soon as he finished speaking,

Sora glared at Paimon, as if to tell me to go away.

Paimon and Sora had a tacit understanding, but now after being glared at by him, he also flew aside to eat his own. Breakfast.

At this time,

Kong turned to look at Xinhai, who was losing his temper and didn’t speak. He could tell at a glance that Xinhai must be angry because of what happened in the video.

He knew that he still had to coax Xinhai at this time.

If you ignore it, you will definitely get even angrier later. 16

Kong slowly sat next to Xinhai, stretched out his hand to hold her little hand with skin as smooth as gelatin.

When he just held it, Xinhai threw it away angrily. Sora’s hand.

Sora also guessed that this scene would happen, and his expression remained the same, not angry at all.

He slowly whispered in Xinhai’s ear and began to say some comforting words to her.

After soothing her for a while, Xinhai’s mood also eased Slowly stabilized.

At this time, Kong held Xinhai’s hand again, and she did not resist again.

But at this moment,

Xinhai stared at Kong’s eyes and asked coldly:

“Sora, so you will never take action against Ke Lai, Amber or even the other ladies, right?”

Although Sora was startled by the sudden question, his expression did not change at all. Instead, he looked at Xinhai affectionately and said:

“Don’t worry, I will never take action against them!”

“After all, the person I love most in this world is you Xinhai”

“Otherwise, why would I come here to find you in the first place?”

After hearing this, Paimon immediately rolled his eyes at Sora and muttered crazily in his heart.

This traveler didn’t know how many young ladies he had said this to.

Every time, he said that she was the one he loved the most.

Now he actually came to Haiji Island. This is still the case, it’s really hopeless.

Although Paimon muttered in her heart, she also knew that she must not complain at this time.

If she really complained, and if Xinhai knew about it, Nakora would definitely reduce her food.

I’m afraid that the gains outweigh the losses.

So after thinking about it, Paimon decided not to say anything.

Anyway, it’s not the first time Sora has said this, so there shouldn’t be any problem if he says it again.

Even if he overturns by then, it won’t be any of his business. That’s it.

At this time,

Xinhai was a little shy because of being stared at by Kong. After he said that he loved himself the most, his face became even more shy, but he was still a little confused and asked tentatively again:


“Of course it’s true. Kong pointed at Paimon beside him and said,”If you don’t believe it, you can ask Paimon.””

“Paimon, is this true?”Xinhai looked at Paimon, hoping to get the answer from her mouth.

After all, Xinhai himself has been on Haiji Island all the time, and it is easy to talk about the news about Inazuma.

But he doesn’t know any information about other countries.

Who knows this? Did Sora lie to himself?

Paimon did not expect Sora to ask him, but the tacit understanding after getting along for many days made Paimon nod his head instinctively and replied:

“Of course it’s true!”

“Traveler has never taken the initiative to attack other girls since Mondstadt until now.”

“I sleep with Paimon every day, and I never sleep with other girls at all.”

“So Paimon can guarantee that the traveler is still a virgin!”Paimon patted his chest and said righteously.

Although she knew that the traveler had said a lot of love words to other young ladies, in her memory, the traveler had never spent the night with other young ladies.

Most of them were with herself. They were sleeping together.

That’s why Paimon dared to guarantee that the traveler was still a virgin.

After hearing Paimon’s explanation, Xinhai felt extremely pleasantly surprised.

“So this is ah…”

“If that’s the case, it’s not like I can’t forgive you.”

“But you have to know that you are my boyfriend now. If I really hear you taking action on other girls, you will really be finished! Kong swore categorically: (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“I swear I will never do anything to a woman outside of my heart.”

“If I really take action, then let Inazuma’s god Thunderbolt General strike me ten times with Wuxiang’s sword!”

Xinhai panicked immediately, quickly covered Kong’s mouth, and said angrily:

“What on earth are you going to say, you idiot?”

“Is it possible to say this kind of oath?”

“If you take the Thunderbolt General’s sword ten times without thinking, someone will really die!”

“Take it back! Kong shook his head, his hot eyes staring straight into Xinhai’s beautiful eyes:

“No, because what I said is true”

“So Xinhai, do you understand what I mean now?”

Xinhai was stared at by him so that his face turned red with embarrassment. He didn’t dare to look at the empty eyes. He could only bury his head in his chest and stammered in his voice like a mosquito:

“Um…I see.”

After hearing the reply, Sora stretched out his hand and slowly caressed Xinhai’s cheek, moved her face in front of him, and then kissed her directly without saying a word.

Xinhai also kissed back affectionately without any resistance. With.

At this time 043[]

Even while Sora was kissing Inkai, he couldn’t help but give a thumbs up to Paimon beside him, saying that this assist was great!

While eating, Paimon also extended his thumb and smiled, indicating that we are both family and no need to thank him!

Not a moment.

Kong and Xinhai finally separated after a deep kiss.

Kong looked calm, but Xinhai was already out of breath, and his beautiful eyes were filled with confusion.

Obviously, he didn’t expect Sora’s kissing skills to be so good.

Kong looked at Xinhai’s extremely beautiful appearance, and felt a little anxious in his heart.

But I also know that the timing doesn’t seem to be good now, and Paimon is here.

And we have to deal with the main storyline of Kaiji Island later.

More haste less speed.

So forget it for now and wait until later.

After saying goodbye to the sea of heart.

He took Paimon to a corner of Haiji Island.

I remember Xinhai once said that the members of the Swordfish Second Division are all here.

While he came here to conquer this team, he also planned to destroy the nearby Evil Eye Factory.

Kong remembered that the Doctor’s Evil Eye Factory seemed to be near here.

Now it seems like skirmishers are monitoring the factory.

But according to the main line of the plot, the skirmishers don’t care about the Evil Eye Factory.

The purpose of the skirmishers coming here is for Thunder God Shadow’s Heart of God..

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