Chapter 696: Kelai: Sorry, Sister Qin, Sister Youla, Sister Amber and so on!


After Ke Lai saw the video in the live broadcast room.

She was also extremely ashamed and angry.

Didn’t you expect that the person in the video was actually a couple with the traveler?

Although I am very happy that Sora is my lover.

But she didn’t expect that Kong would actually find Sister Amber before her?

Are the two still a couple?

Kong even gave a ring to sister Amber, but he actually dared to deceive himself and let herself become his girlfriend?

But that’s not to mention the most annoying thing.

This bastard Sora, in addition to the two of them, actually went to Inazuma to pick up Miss Ayaka Kamisato.

“You really dare to ride on three boats, right?”

“I will never forgive you!!!”

Ke Lai held her fist tightly and spat out the words”six, seven, seven” fiercely through her teeth.

She thought that if she met this bastard Kong, she would have to teach him a lesson!

Otherwise, she wouldn’t be able to let go. This is so frustrating!

At this moment, after the interactive Q&A live broadcast room ended,

Ke Lai, who was in the room, immediately received a private message from the live broadcast room.

【As an apology, memory fragments and the Eye of the Water Elemental God will be compensated! 】

After Ke Lai saw these two compensations, he suddenly froze on the spot, and then he was ecstatic.

Although she didn’t know what the memory fragment was.

But she knew exactly what the Eye of the Water Elemental God was.

After all, Kelai himself also has the eyes of the grass elemental god.

She is already very powerful just by having the Eye of God.

Ordinary people and ordinary monsters have no chance of defeating her.

And the live broadcast room actually plans to compensate himself with the Eye of the Water Elemental God?

Doesn’t that mean that my strength can become stronger?

Ke Lai suddenly smiled and felt that being a participant in the live broadcast room this time might not be such a bad thing.

After all, it is blessed by the power of water element and grass element at the same time.

I can use elemental reactions by myself.

The strength is simply that 1+1 is greater than two.

But thinking about this, Ke Lai was a little worried.

Because everyone in the continent of Teyvat can only have one God’s Eye, she has never heard anyone say that anyone can have two God’s Eyes at the same time.

Although there is still a heaven-defying existence like Kong in this world that can possess multiple elemental powers at the same time.

But after all, Sora is not from the world of Teyvat. He seems to be some kind of descendant.

I heard from other people that the traveler’s physique seems to be very special, so he can possess multiple elemental powers at the same time.

And I am an ordinary person, not like Sora.

Can I really have two God’s Eyes at the same time?

Kelai couldn’t help but start to doubt whether the water elemental god’s eye given to him in the live broadcast room could be used.

And just when she thought so.

The live broadcast room also started to pay out compensation

【Start distributing the Eyes of Water Elemental God! 】

In an instant.

A burst of blue light flashed in front of Kelai.

The dazzling light made her couldn’t help but close her eyes slightly.

And when she noticed that the light dissipated.

Kelai slowly opened his eyes.

The moment you open your eyes.

She noticed that a divine eye with water elemental power suddenly appeared in front of her.

The azure eye of God just floated slowly and motionless in mid-air.

It was as if he was quietly waiting for Cole’s touch.

Kelai looked at the eye of the water elemental god and instinctively realized that the eye of the god seemed to be one with himself.

She couldn’t help but reach out her hand.

At the moment of contact.

Kelai could feel the majestic water elemental power contained in the eyes of the water elemental god.

After feeling the power of water element.

She also used it instinctively.

Just like using the Eye of the Grass Elemental God in the past, I started to use the Eye of the Water Elemental God on the flower pot in front of me.

Thoughts moved slightly.

The power of water element slowly formed a water ball on the flowerpot. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


The water balloon bursts.

The splashing water quickly fell into the flowerpot like raindrops.

After witnessing that the water elemental power was really used as he wished, Ke Lai was filled with surprise and at the same time in awe.

I just feel like this live broadcast room is so outrageous.

How could she break the rules of the Teyvat continent so easily, allowing her to possess two Eyes of God at the same time?

This is so outrageous!

【After the distribution of the Eyes of the Water Elemental God is completed, memory fragments will begin to be distributed!】

“Memory pieces? What exactly is this?”

Before Ke Lai could figure it out, the live broadcast room began to emit light.

The light shone on Ke Lai again, and she couldn’t help but close her eyes again.

The dazzling light, accompanied by a large number of memories, began to quickly integrate into her mind……..

Scenes from the past keep appearing in my eyes like a revolving lantern.

Countless memory fragments are bits and pieces of Sora and Kelai’s own love.[]

Kelai just closed his eyes and kept thinking about these scenes.

She was sometimes laughing, sometimes angry, sometimes shy and sometimes angry, and she wanted to beat Kong up hard.

After reading these memories.

Kelai also had mixed feelings.

Although she knew Sora was a scumbag, she didn’t want to give up on him just like that.

After all, Paimon said that Sora seemed to be a virgin during this time period.

I haven’t officially confirmed my relationship with anyone yet.

Anyway, Sora’s reputation is so bad now, presumably the other sisters don’t like Sora that much, right?

So that doesn’t count as running away, right?

Sister Amber probably won’t say anything, right?

Because after having these memories with Sora.

Kelai also completely understood how outstanding he was.

Good looking.

Strong and powerful.

He is also good at chatting and always makes people happy.

Profitable and powerful.

He can answer any question.

I’ve basically never seen anything he doesn’t know how to do.

Etc., etc.

Through all the above, there are basically no boys who are better than Sora in the entire Teyvat continent.

Thinking of this, Kelai also vaguely made up his mind.

Although I feel sorry for the 5.5 sisters such as Sister Amber, Sister Yura, Sister Qin, Sister Noelle, Sister Tewalin, etc.

But no matter what she says, she will definitely get it!

Rice wife.

Haiji Island.

After Kong saw the live broadcast room ended, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

“Phew, it’s finally over.”

Sora knew that the next step was to solve the problem of Kaiji Island.

Then he and Xinhai would go to Inazuma’s main city to solve the problem of the eye hunter.

I’m afraid he would have to face the Kage again.

Paimon is here I also wiped my sweat away, as if I had spent a very hard time:

“Phew, another rough day.”

“Fortunately, everyone in the live broadcast room is quite friendly this time.”

“Is this friendly?”Kong wanted to complain about something, but when he suddenly noticed that Xin Hai was staring at him with a dark face, he suddenly stopped talking and did not say the next words.

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