Chapter 656: Funina: It’s not impossible if you take the initiative to admit defeat! Sora: No!

The audience couldn’t help laughing when they saw the fight between the traveler and Funina.

Candice:”Haha, the traveler was almost beaten by Lord Water God.”

Zaoyou:”(*), I feel that the traveler and Lord Water God will be happy together.”

Nilu:”(*^▽^*), Hmm, Nilu feels the same way.”

Funina:” I won’t be happy!

Sora:”I won’t be happy!””


Ping:”Hahaha, you two are talking too much in unison.”

Zhong Li:”Haha, it’s really interesting.”


Wendy:”(.),I am not happy!”


Kaiya:”Hahaha, I didn’t feel anything about”Four Zero Zero” at first, but when I saw Lord Fengshen being unhappy or something, I was really shocked.”

Fa Lushan:”Oh my god, this You actually dare to pinch Lord Water God’s face, you must be too courageous!”

Clolind:”() Kong, you have broken the law, do you know? Come, follow me back to Fontaine and surrender!”

Kong:”(^^)—She was the one who made the move first, I was acting in self-defense! Funina

:”No, I didn’t even hit you!” Well, Villette, this guy broke the law, he hit me, take him back to Fontaine for trial!”


Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ I feel like Fu Nina and Traveler are a perfect match!” null:”(^^)—Am I a good match for her? Laughed! Funina

:”(Dan)? It’s not a good match. Who would be a good match for a scumbag like him?””

Barbara:”(﹏) It’s not a good match, it’s not a good match, the sky is mine!”

Noelle:”(﹏)へ┻┻That’s it!

Arataki Yidou:”Uuuuuu~ The traveler and the Water God are not a good match at all. I don’t agree with this marriage!” Bennett

:”Uuuu~ I’m not envious at all, but why are my tears flowing like crazy? What’s the reason for this?”

Doctor:”Hahaha, if someone else is a handsome man and a beautiful woman, how can you two monsters turn against you!””

Columbia:”Doctor (Dan), where is the talent and beauty?

Funina:”(Dan)?, who is so talented and beautiful as this guy!”!!”

Kamizato Ayaka (blackened):”(^) Kong, don’t take action against Lord Water God, otherwise, you know the result!

Kong:”Of course, I am a gentleman, how could I attack other women!””

Funina:” Haha! Clolinde:”

Haha!” Charlotte:”


Leosli:”Wait a minute, now that Lady Funina has lost another round, doesn’t that mean she wants to win again?…”

Higwen:”(﹏) Master Water God wants to take off another piece of clothing?”

Eightfold God Son:”(^) Funina, Lord Water God, according to the rules, you can just take off your shoes, but be sure not to take off other parts, otherwise it will be bad for Sora to see benefits and so on.”

Funina:”(▼ヘ▼), hum, that’s natural!”

At this time.

An announcement was also sent from the live broadcast room

【Audience Fu Nina, please complete the punishment in time! 】

Funina couldn’t help but swallow her saliva after seeing it, a little afraid of this live broadcast room.

Although she was reluctant to take off her shoes in front of travelers, it seemed that she couldn’t do it now.

And anyway, I still have so many clothes on my body now.

It’s just taking off your shoes, it’s nothing.

I was still wearing socks and other clothes, so it was like I hadn’t taken them off at all.

Anyway, just win the Traveler!

By then it will be the travelers who should take off their clothes!

After all, how can there be anyone in this world who can’t lose in guessing?

Funina definitely doesn’t believe it!

I just feel that this traveler will definitely lose!

At that time, she only needs to release a few more abilities to increase luck.

At that time, I am afraid that no matter what other small tricks the travelers do, it will be impossible to win!

Funina thought so.

So she easily took off her shoes.

Funina sat on the edge of the bed, stretched out her delicate hands, slowly unbuttoned her shoes, and gently took them off, revealing her weak little feet wearing socks.

But as soon as she took off her blindfold, her eyes immediately focused on the traveler’s position.

When she noticed that the traveler was watching her take off her shoes, she said angrily:

“Hey, what are you looking at?”

“Turn your head quickly!”

Kong’s face was neither red nor his ears red, and he complained in turn: (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Heh, you think I’m looking at you?”

“Come over here and play guessing. After I beat you, I have to go back to sleep……….”

Funina immediately gritted her teeth and said:

“Ahhh, you bastard!”

“Don’t think you can beat me next!”


Fu Nina immediately stood up and once again released several abilities to increase luck.

After seeing this, Kong immediately complained to the live broadcast room:

“Hey live broadcast room, do you care that this guy has been cheating?”

However, the live broadcast room seemed not to hear it and ignored Kong’s words at all.

Funina put her hands on her hips and laughed loudly:

“Hahaha, you fool!”

“I am within the rules, how could the live broadcast room say I cheated!”

When the audience saw this, they were stunned.

Kaiya:”Hahahaha, I am really embarrassed to see the traveler and Lord Water God together.”

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ Travelers, you are the pistachio in our live broadcast room. Clolind

:”It’s all the travelers’ fault. Lord Water God had a very good image when we were in Fontaine!”


Leosli:”Haha, Lord Water God became a little nervous when he met a traveler.”

Ms.:”Who told this guy to be such a 0.6 scumbag? The Water God must not be able to bear it anymore!” puppet:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ Indeed!”

Charlotte:”Song, you can’t win over Lord Water God for me anymore, otherwise Lord Water God will take that….”

Piano:”(^^) Sora, it’s almost done, let’s give the water god some time.”

Eightfold God Son:”(^) Kong, yes, leave a trace today so we can meet again in the future!”

Fu Nina:”Who?…Who wants this guy to give in? I can win on my own! Ahem, of course, if this guy thinks I’m too strong and chooses to admit defeat, that’s not impossible!” null:”(:) Everyone heard it, she told me not to let it go.”

Funina:”(Dan)? Sora, ahhhhh, Traveler, I’m really angry!!!”.

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