Chapter 655: Sora: You stupid water god! Funina: You are stupid!

When Funina thought about taking off another piece of clothing later, her beautiful eyes slowly glowed with small pearls, and she stamped her feet anxiously:

“Why, why would I lose?”

“Obviously my luck has improved! Kong stretched out his index finger and said with a smile:

“I have never lost a game since I was a child, but I am praised as the god of guessing by people around me.”

Funina was stunned after hearing this.


“I haven’t lost since I was a kid ~ Guessing?”

“How can this be?”

Not only Funina was deceived, but also other viewers were deceived.

Paimon:”Σ(⊙▽⊙!!! No wonder the traveler said there was nothing to worry about. It turned out that he had never lost in the guessing game?

Xiaolu:”What the hell?” Is there anyone who has never lost in guessing?”

Zaoyou:”Σ(⊙▽⊙ah? Ever since you were a child, you have never lost in guessing? Isn’t this too outrageous?

Arataki fought:”Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu~ How can someone win the guessing game all the time?” This is simply not something that humans can do, right? Woohoo~ Damn it, why don’t I have this ability, bastard! Bennett

:”Uuuuu~ I have never lost anything in guessing games since I was a child. I don’t envy you at all. But why, my tears can’t stop flowing down!”

Lei Ze:”Don’t you look envious?”

Falga:”How come this fellow Traveler knows everything?” This time it’s even more outrageous. He has never lost in guessing?”

Kelly:”Σ(⊙▽⊙, Keli really wants this ability!

Xinhai:”No wonder this guy is not afraid that he will lose, and he looks so calm.””

Barbara:”(*^▽^*), Phew, now Barbara finally doesn’t have to worry about Sora losing.”

Noelle:”(^.^), Noelle knows that senior has a way to solve the current predicament!

Doctor:”Is there still a physique in the world that can’t lose in guessing games?” Haha, as expected, this traveler always gives me a constant source of freshness.”

Elhaysen:”Interesting, now even I am a little curious about the traveler’s physique.

Kawei:”Why does this guy feel like he knows everything?” Even if he’s a good fighter, handsome, and feels like he knows everything, the most outrageous thing now is that he can’t lose in a game of luck like guessing?”

Paimon:”(^) Sora, no wonder Paimon always said that he always loses in the guessing game. It turns out that you can’t lose in the guessing game, so now can you give back to Paimon the Mora who won in the past? Sora

:”Luck is also a part of strength. If you win with strength, why should you pay it back!”

Nilu:”Pfft~ Hahaha, travelers are so bad.””


Arataki Yidou said:”Uuuuuu~ I am still the Emperor of the Rock King!””

Zhong Li:”6!


Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ Now it seems that Funina is in danger.”

Shadow:”丨丨Does that also mean that Funina has to take off another piece of clothing now that she has lost?”

Eightfold God Son:”(^) Yes, but I feel like she will just take off her shoes like last time.”

Wendy:”(^.^), if it were me, I wouldn’t take off my shoes, Sora, you know!”

Su Tang:”Wendy, Master Fengshen, don’t talk anymore, you already have a sense of the picture!”

Albedo:”It’s hard to stretch….”

Rosalia:”I didn’t think anything about it at first, but looking at your barrage, I also have a sense of the picture, and I can guess what Master Fengshen is planning to do.”

Diluc:”Wendy, Master Fengshen really begs you. Please don’t say such weird things again!”

Sora:”Wendy, go away!!!”

Charlotte:”O(Mouth)O, don’t win against Lady Funina!!!

Clolind:”() Kong, I don’t believe it. How could there be someone who never loses in guessing?” This is absolutely impossible. Are you cheating?”

Ms.:”Yes, yes, it must be cheating! Servant

:”Hmph, he actually dared to defeat Lady Funina twice in a row. This traveler is really brave.””

Colombia:”O(∩∩)Ohaha ~ Death penalty, death penalty!!!”(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Puppet:”(^.^), the body will be mine.

Rooster:”Puppet?” ? ? What are you going to do with the traveler’s body?” puppet:”(^.^), stop meddling in my affairs!”

After thinking that she was about to take off another piece of clothing,

Funina became angrier as she thought about it, and immediately shouted to the live broadcast room:


“This is definitely cheating!”

“In the live broadcast room, I report the traveler for cheating!”

However, no matter what she said, the live broadcast room remained motionless, with no intention of punishing the travelers.

Funina said angrily:

“Why aren’t you talking in the live broadcast room?”

“Obviously this traveler is so despicable! Kong couldn’t help but complained:

“Hey, didn’t you just use some ability to improve luck?”

“Are you embarrassed to talk to me now?”

Funina clenched her fists and said angrily:

“Compared to you, my kind is not cheating!”

“Then Villette, try this guy quickly, I want to put this guy in jail!”

“How despicable you dare to cheat in front of my God of Justice!”

After Kong heard this, he couldn’t help but burst the veins on his forehead, and complained directly:

“You fool, two hundred and five, stupid water god, you said I cheated?”

“Do you have any evidence?”

After Funina heard the traveler calling her a stupid god, her eyes couldn’t help but small pearls appeared in her eyes. She was so angry that her face turned red, her cheeks were bulging, and she stared at him with tears. She took a step back and became angrier as she thought about it.!

Funina finally couldn’t control the anger in her heart, and directly tightened the corners of the traveler’s clothes, gnashing her teeth and crying like an angry little girlfriend:

“Ahhhh, you bastard traveler finally said something you must never say!”

“Take it back!”

Funina shouted while taking action, and wanted to hit the traveler angrily.

But in Kong’s eyes, her attack was extremely slow and lacked any strength, so she stopped it with just a light block.

But seeing this Funina actually wanted to hit him after losing. He couldn’t help it anymore, so he pinched Funina’s face.

She squeezed her hands wildly, crying and begging for mercy.

“Ah, ah, don’t pinch my face, it hurts, it hurts, I apologize to you, please let go!”

After Kong heard this, he also snorted, and then let go of his hand.

But even so, Funina puffed up her face, folded her hands around her chest, and looked like she would not admit defeat.

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