Chapter 641: Sora: My favorite choice is B! Paimon:(⊙⊙)Why does it sound weird?

Arataki Yidou:”Mika, why did you choose this answer? Didn’t Tinari and Traveler obviously give the same answer before?”

Bennett:”That’s right, compared to Tinari The answers given by Li He and the traveler, why do you think the tomboy’s answer you chose is not consistent with Kelai at all?”

Mona:”Looking at it this way, it is indeed not very consistent with Kelai.”

Mika:”﹏ Don’t talk about it. I originally thought that the live broadcast room would go against the routine this time. After all, the live broadcast room has been like this several times before. There are three normal answers, all of which are wrong. In the end, the answer that seems to be the most nonsensical is the correct one. But I didn’t expect it to be wrong this time….”

Kaia:”Hahaha, I understand. It means that I wanted to think reversely and choose the answer”483″, which led to a mistake in the end, right?”

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ This time I was so clever that I was mistaken for my cleverness.”

Kuki Ren:”(*^▽^*)~Okay, okay, finally someone experienced the situation where I successfully answered the question twice in a row, but both times I chose nonsensical answers, resulting in wrong answers. Fortunately, I didn’t encounter such a penalty for answering wrongly twice, which is really great.”

Mika:”﹏, why is my punishment turned into a forest pig, woohoo~”

Durav:”It hurts!”

Fischer’s father:”It hurts too much!” Thomas

:”Hahaha, it’s so bad. Everyone likes to base their happiness on the pain of others, right?”” null:”(:) gave the wrong answer or something, I don’t quite understand this feeling.”

Paimon:”(^.^), that is, the travelers answered successfully three times!”

Kuki Ren:”(.)Sora, you have to show off in front of me, right? You better not get caught by me!

Kaiya:”Hahaha, here it comes, here comes the person who answered successfully three times in a row!””

Ms.:”If you start mocking, this traveler is the meanest.”

Colombia:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~, Sora is so bad, I like it so much~”

Puppet:”Columbia? ? ?”

Mika:”﹏Woooooo~ Traveler, please stop talking. I already want to find a hole to crawl in.””

Albedo:”I see. Now that I have become a forest pig, will I have the same habits as the forest pig, like digging holes and crawling in?” It seems that changes in the body will also lead to changes in the mind.

Doctor:”Hahaha, it seems so.”” granulated sugar:”……”


At this time.

Another announcement came from the live broadcast room

【The punishment is over!】

【Start thinking time again】

【The Q&A session will start again after the thinking time ends!】

【Audiences are asked to think about the correct answer during this period! ]

As the announcement in the live broadcast room appeared, the audience began to discuss the answer again.

Nasida:”Since D. Tomboy’s answer is wrong, it means that the correct answer now is among the remaining three options.”

Nilu:”Yeah, Nilu, I remember that there is A now.”Daochenglin trainee ranger B, Tinari’s apprentice C, Amber’s best friend, these three choices.”

Ayaka Kamisato:”Now that the most nonsensical answers have been eliminated, then the remaining few The answers all seem to fit Miss Kelai.”

Seno:”Yes, among the three choices of ABC, whether it is Dao Chenglin’s trainee ranger, Tinari’s apprentice, or even Amber’s best friend , these three choices are perfect for Kelai.”

Amber:”(^.^)Yes, Kelai is also my best friend.

Kawei:”Looking at it this way, it seems that no matter what choice you make, it is the right one?”

Xinhai:” It’s really true.”…”

Barbara:”(*^▽^*), Barbara chose the answer Paimon just said.”

Noelle:”(^.^), Noelle too!”

Paimon:”(*), Paimon got the answer just now from the traveler.

Lady:”Damn it, do you really believe in travelers that much?”

Servant:”If I remember correctly, the answer the traveler gave before was also wrong, right?” Puppet:”

Yes.”” null:”(:) My answer is not true, please think for yourself.”

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ No matter what, travelers can’t know all the answers, so you’d better think of the correct answer on your own……….”(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Dain:”I answered successfully three times in a row, and the traveler still said that, it’s so humble.”

Zhong Li:”Indeed.”

Youla:”No matter what, even if Kong doesn’t say what the answer is. In my eyes, the probability of the correct answer for these three answers is almost the same.”

Amber:”Yeah, no matter what, these three choices are all very consistent with Kelai.”Yes.”

Tinari:”Indeed, so if you think you like it, just choose whichever one you like. In fact, you don’t have to choose the answer AB that I told the traveler. Maybe C is the correct answer.”

Desiya:”Hahaha, I don’t care. If I succeed in answering, I will choose the answer directly according to my intuition.”

Beidou:”Dishiya, hahaha, heroes see the same thing!”

Keqing:”() Kong, so if you succeed in answering, you will choose B?”

Kong:”o(*^▽^*)┛Hmm, of course, I like B the most!”

Paimon:”(⊙⊙)Why does it sound weird?…….”

Son of the Eightfold God:”(^) Sora, since you said it so firmly, if I am wrong in choosing this answer successfully, just wait for me~”

Columbia:”(*^▽^*), if I succeed in answering but fail to answer, I will be beaten!”

Kamizato Ayaka:”~(^5.5 )~Sora, Ayaka, my words are very casual.”

Haoyou:”It’s very casual….What does that mean?”

Dolly:”It doesn’t sound like it means a good thing….Should it be worse than a beating?” null:”(⊙⊙)Ah this…”

Higwen:”(^.^)Sora, don’t be afraid. If you are injured, you can come to me in the prison and I can help you treat it.”

Funina:”(^^)—When the time comes, arrest the travelers directly! Leosley

:”Song, haha, that’s not bad. I can also invite famous travelers to tea.”

Kong:”That’s not good. Why are you going to jail in Fontaine?””

【Thinking time is over!】

【The Q&A session begins! 】.

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