Chapter 640: Sigwen: I also want to know about the traveler! Villette: Higwen? ? ?

Dadali Duck:”Quack quack~ Hahaha, my punishment is to become a duck for one month, and Mika’s punishment is to become a forest pig for three years. Hahaha, no matter what, he is worse off than me.”

Captain. :”I originally thought that Dadali Duck was the limit, but I didn’t expect that there are masters!”

The rich man:”Haha, being a pig for three years is indeed a rare experience.”

Mika:”o(╥﹏- -)o, stop talking -, I’m already crying!

Falga:”Mika, hold on, it’s only three years, it’s gone by in a flash.”

Kaia:”Mika, hold on!”

Diluc:”Mika, although I can’t help much, I still hope you can be stronger!”

Lei Ze:”Mika, come on!”

Bennett:”It hurts me too, Mika, you have to hold on!””

Mika:”o(╥﹏- -)o, thank you all, I feel much better now.”

Albedo:”Mika, I have a merciless request. Can you please come to my research room during this period? I want to study why you can still have sanity after becoming a forest pig and why you are still sane. Can talk.”

Mika:”Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu” Abedo

:”Why are you crying?””

Sangtang:” Abedo, teacher, I’m afraid it’s not a good idea to say this now, okay?…”

Abedo:”Yeah…Is that so? Mika, I’m sorry, I’m not very good at talking, but I really want to study you. Don’t worry, I know you have become a forest pig now, and I will also study some foods that forest pigs like to eat for you.”

Mika:”﹏, then I really thank you.”

Amber:”Hahaha, I’m sorry Mika, I really couldn’t stand it when I saw Abedo say that.”

Yura:”Hahaha, I don’t know what to say. Qin

:”Pfft~ Ahem, Abedo sometimes speaks more uprightly and rationally. He doesn’t have any malicious intentions. Mika, you understand, right?””

Mika:”﹏Although I know, I still want to cry for some reason.”

Albedo:”That’s it. It seems that forest pigs can indeed cry, and now they can be recorded.”

Mika:”o(╥﹏- -)ooooooooooooooooo~”

Tinari:”Mika, haha, our researchers are all like this, so please don’t take it to heart.”

Lisa:”Although Mika is miserable now, Lisa, I really want to laugh.”

Seno:”Mika, I’ve seen too many researchers. In fact, everyone is like this. Just get used to it.

Doctor:”Hahaha, it is indeed true.” Rooster

:”Haha, even the doctor laughed today. So it seems that the doctor is also very concerned about Mika’s affairs?”

Doctor:”A little bit like that. After all, what researcher wouldn’t care about a forest pig that can talk?”

Tinari:”It is indeed true.”…”

Elhaysen:”To be honest, I am the same way.”

Seno:”Although I am also a Gale Disciplinary Officer, I am actually a little curious.”

Sora:”(:) You guys really, I cried to death for Mika in advance!”

Paimon:”(^.^), Mika doesn’t need to thank us.”

Mika:”Traveller, ah ah ah, I can’t stand it anymore!”

Sutang:” Ah this…”

Kaiya:”Hahaha, ruthless killing.”

Zhong Li:”It’s hard to hold back.”…”

Xinhai:”Hahaha, this Kong is so bad.”

Dyne:”Mika, compared to that, I care more about why you chose the D tomboy option instead of choosing the answer given by Traveler and Tinari ?”

Thomas:”I am also a little concerned about this. After all, you see, that was said by Tinari, who is most familiar with Kelai and is her master. Even the travelers who are most familiar with women said so. You I actually didn’t choose the answer they said. I’m also very curious.”

Funina:”That’s right! That’s what the number one scumbag in Teyvat said, and this guy has answered successfully three times in a row. What do you think? These answers are very useful!”

Sora:”(), the traveler who is most familiar with women, and the number one scumbag in Teyvat. These two sentences are redundant!”

Navia:”Hahaha, I’m looking for Sifu Nina-sama and Thomas were right.”

Kamisato Ayato:”Indeed!”

Funina:”(.)Sora, could it be that I told you wrongly?”(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Kong:”You just said the wrong thing about me! Please, I am very dedicated! No matter how you look at it, I am the most affectionate person in Teyvat, not the best scumbag in Teyvat!”

Ke Qing:”(.)Kong, I’m too lazy to complain about you. I’ll come back to Liyue and get beaten! Xinhai:”

(Pan) Kong, you don’t want to eat anything, right?””

Kujo Sera:”I think this guy should be put in prison and reflect hard!

Leosley:”Hahaha, it’s hard not to support this!””

Xigwen:”(^.^), I also want to get to know the travelers well in prison.

Navilette:”Xigwen?” ? ? Leosley:”

Xigwen?” ? ?

Navia:”Isn’t it possible that even Miss Higwen?”…”

Higwen:”(*/ *)I don’t have it, so don’t get it wrong.

Charlotte:”() Kong, when did you become a prostitute again?”” null:”(⊙⊙), when did I become a prostitute again, how could I not know? Charlotte:”

()How do I know?”” null:”???”

Clolind:”Charlotte, why are you the one asking the question? Shouldn’t the travelers’ lovers be asked to speak at this time?”

Chiori:”Charlotte, I’m curious too.”

Funing Na:”() It feels like something is wrong.”


Charlotte:”(*/ *)Ahem, as a reporter, it’s normal to ask questions from someone else’s perspective. Don’t make such a fuss! Arataki Yidou:”

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Damn, how could someone have already charmed the nurse lady of Fontaine while still in Inazuma? Woohoo~ How can I repair it? I’m so envious, you bastard!”

Bennett:”Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuahnniu, I am not envious at all of being able to charm the nurse. But why can’t my tears stop flowing down?

Lei Ze:”Don’t you look envious?”

Falga:”Humans always have to deceive themselves.”

Kaiya:”Hahaha, don’t tear it apart when the going gets tough!””

Xigwen:”(*/ *)I’m not fascinated by travelers. What are you talking about?

Sora:”Ahem, that’s right, shouldn’t you care more about Mika’s things than my things?” Arataki

Yidou:”Ah, yes, I almost forgot what I wanted to ask Mika if you didn’t tell me.”

Bennett:”It seems so.””

Mika:”o(╥﹏- -)o, it turns out you still remember ahwan”

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