Chapter 628: Rich Man: How about our fools, executive officers and beauties? Columbia: I can!

Rich man:”Kong, you are not short of money, right? What if I introduce a beautiful woman to you?”


Fonina:”Σ(⊙▽⊙!!! Sora, why did you hesitate?”

Ke Qing:”(.)Sora, haha, if you don’t refuse immediately, it’s because you think this condition makes you very excited, right? Candice:”


Kujo Sura:”There is no doubt about it!”

Falushan:”Oh my god, this traveler casually reported the numbers to Maura and she was determined not to accept it. She immediately hesitated as soon as she heard about the introduction of a beautiful woman. If she doesn’t have money, she has to be beautiful. This traveler is really principled!

Thomas:”Hahaha, if you don’t have money, you have to be beautiful. What nonsense is this?””

Zhong Li:”Travelers do have principles to a certain extent!

Ping:”Hahaha, it’s hard to say otherwise.””

Amber:”O(Mouth)O, ah ah ah ah, I’m so angry! I was so resolute in rejecting this idiot executive officer just now. Why do I hesitate now when I hear about the beautiful woman? Reject me quickly, you bastard!”

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ I can only say that you are worthy of being a traveler-san.”

Little Deer:” Traveler, he is real, I cry to death!

Kaiya:”Haha, hesitation is the most outrageous!”

Wulang:”Haha, it’s really the style of a traveler.””

Jiu Qi Ren:”(Na)? Sora, Tie Baa, you really think of your wife as I’m not here, right? Why don’t you reject me quickly?”

Barbara:”o(╥﹏╥)”O, you already have Barbara, why did you immediately get excited when you heard about the rewards from other beauties?”

Noelle:”﹏Ooooo~ Senior, please tell me this is not true and reject it quickly.” His conditions.

Sora:”Don’t worry, I have no hesitation at all!””

Yura:”(.)Empty, fart, and no hesitation at all? If you didn’t hesitate, why did you speak now? Hutao:”

(head), that’s right!””

Yan Fei:”┻┻╰()╯┻┻The most irritating thing is that this guy still said seriously that he didn’t hesitate at all!

Sora:”I really didn’t hesitate. Why did I lie to you?” And I am a gentleman, is it weird to speak with a serious face?”

Ke Qing:”(.)Sora, day by day, you have to worry about that shitty gentleman of yours, right?

Xiao Gong:”This guy is really hopeless.”

Yun Jin:”Ah hahaha, I really can’t stand it. Why do I have such a husband?”

Navia:”Hahaha, this traveler has indeed slipped away.””

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ Now when I see the word”gentleman”, I think of traveler-san.”

Dolly:”(^.^), me too, even though it’s a derogatory one.”

Kamizato Ayaka:”(^) Sora, so you will refuse, right? Sora:”

Of course!”!! Rich man, even if you use the beauty trick, I will definitely not take the bait, so just give up. You can’t impress my rock-hard heart! Kaiya

:”Hahaha, Traveler actually rejected the beauty trap. I’m really going to cry to death!”

Thomas:”Oh my god, what did I see?””

Haoyou:”Is there going to be a big earthquake in Teyvat? The traveler actually rejected the beauty trap?

Xiaolu:”Crazy, the world is crazy!””

Dyne:”Even the travelers have fallen into madness. It seems that the world is finally coming to an end.”

Charlotte:””Shocked!” The traveler openly lost his mind in the live broadcast room and refused the honey trap on the spot? Is it the distortion of human nature or the loss of morality behind this? If you want to know the truth, please watch today’s Steam Bird News!””

Funina:”Hahaha, openly losing consciousness, this is so aptly described!

Candice:”Shocked me for a whole year!””

Fa Lushan:”Shocked me for a whole year!

Navia:”Shocked me for a whole year!”

Kong:”I’m a gentleman. Isn’t it normal to refuse other women’s temptations?” Are you all so shocked?”

Ke Qing:”(.)Sora, I’m too lazy to complain about you!”

Amber:”(.)Sora, just say no to me and don’t mention that nonsense to me anymore. What a gentleman?”(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ Nasida also thinks that the word”gentleman” is redundant! Kujo Sura:”

That’s all, as long as you refuse.””

Barbara:”(*^▽^*), um um, Barbara knew that Sora could resist the temptation of other women.”

Noelle:”(^o^)/~Okay~ Senior can finally just look at Noelle again.”

The rich man:”..Sora, so ordinary beauties can’t do it, right? What if I introduce you to some beauties among the Fools’ executives? They are much more beautiful than ordinary beauties.” null:”……”

Servant:”Rich man???”

Lady:”Rich man???”

Puppet:”Rich man???”

Doctor:”Hahaha, this condition is interesting.”

Captain:”It’s none of my business, just high-profile Get up.”

Skirmisher:”Not interested.”

Columbia:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ Sora, I can, I can!

Harlequin:”Columbia?” ? ?

Rooster:”Columbia?” ? ?”

Ice God:”Columbia? ? ?

Kaiya:”Hahaha, this one is even more heavyweight!” Rich man:”Kong, so what do you think?” Is this exciting enough? Servant

:”Rich man, haha, who said you want to be this scumbag’s girlfriend?” It’s okay to have you, I’ve been crazy lately, just wait for me!”

Ms.:”A rich man, actually, he actually asked me to be this scumbag’s girlfriend? You don’t want to die anymore, right?!!” puppet:”(^) Rich man, you want to be a collectible in my doll library, right?”

Rich man:”Ahem, we’ll talk about these things later. Kong, our executives are very beautiful. If you refuse, does that mean you don’t look down on their beauty?”

Ke Qing:”(.)Sora, you hesitated again, right?”

Amber:”(.)Sora, you’d better not say the wrong thing to me, otherwise, haha~”

Kamisato Ayaka:”(^) Sora, you can choose whatever you want. No matter how you choose Ayaka, you won’t be angry~ Kill”

Hayou:”Princess, you won’t be angry or anything like that, Hayao doesn’t believe it….”

Toma:”Haoyou, how many times have I told you, even if it’s true, you can’t say it out loud!”.

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