Chapter 627: Rich Man: If you are not short of money, then I can introduce you to a beautiful woman? Funina: Sora, why did you hesitate?

Captain:”It’s really good. If used in the military, this thing can produce powerful soldiers endlessly.”

Rooster:”Oh, if you think about it, this prop has many uses. Maybe it can even Servant, the children in the orphanage can quickly grow into useful people.”

Servant:”Rooster, get out!”

Puppet:”I’m not interested in this kind of thing.”

Columbia:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ Me too, but I am very interested in the person who made such props.”

Lady:”Columbia?” ? ?”

Dadali Duck:”Quack quack~ Hahaha, the soldiers I made look like they can’t beat me anyway.

Skirmisher:”It’s just rotten fish and shrimp.””

The rich man:”Haha, it doesn’t win much, but it is still useful.”

Cock:” I think this plan is good!


Rich man:”Kong, as long as you make this prop, you can quote whatever price you want.”

Sugar:” Hey, hey, so you plan to use the super-radicalized crystals in the military? I thought the function of this kind of thing was just to make people stronger and grow up quickly, but I never thought it could be used on mass-produced soldiers.”

Albedo:”When many studies were first developed, their purpose and subsequent actual use were very different. Perhaps in the eyes of travelers, this kind of research is just for fun, but in the eyes of others, this super radical The crystallization has huge commercial and military applications.”

Xiaolu:”If it is really used in the military, wouldn’t it mean that a child can become an adult in a short time, and even have more terrifying strength than an adult? If that’s the case, the situation would be really bad.

Zhong Li:”That’s true.””

Wendy:”Yeah, it’s scary to think about it.”

Funina:” It’s really terrible!”

Shadow:”I don’t understand, but I feel like this is not a good idea.”

Eightfold God Son:”(^) Hey, hey, hey, I didn’t expect that something Sora developed so casually could have such a terrifying use.”

Arataki Yidou:”Woooooo~ Why are travelers so powerful? Everything they develop can be used for military purposes, and they can even be quoted at will. They can also be used on a beautiful little girl to turn her into a beautiful big sister! Woohoo~ Damn it, if I was as smart as a traveler, how could I not have a girlfriend? Bennett

:”Uuuuuuuuuah~ I don’t envy smart people like Grandmaster, but why can’t I stop crying, bastard!””

Kawei:”I’m afraid there aren’t many smart people like Traveler. After all, he has developed such an incredible thing in just two days.

Albedo:”Yes, even if I now know that there is such a thing as super-excited crystal, I don’t know how long it will take to research it, and it may even be possible.”

Ms.:”Doctor, haven’t you seen this thing now? Can you study it?””

Doctor:”It’s difficult, and if you research it in just two days like the travelers did, I’m afraid it won’t work. Rich man:”What a pity, Kong, so what do you think?”

Diluc:”I knew that these fools had no good intentions in coveting this thing. Now that I see it, it is indeed used in the military.”

Kaiya:”Hey, if this super-intensified crystal is given to the Winter Country, something big will happen.””

Kujo Sera:”Sora, we must not crystallize them with this super intensification. Keqing said:”

Song, absolutely, absolutely cannot give it to them, otherwise, Tiwatt will be in chaos.”

Qin:”Song, yes, everyone is right, this kind of thing must not be handed over!”

Rooster:”I didn’t ask you, and this is a fair transaction. It’s something you and I both want to do. Why do we come out to stop them one by one?””

Dadali Duck:”Quack quack~ That’s right!”

Paimon:”O(Mouth)O, these fools and executives are really irritating!

Hu Tao:”(He), I really want to blow them up with one punch!””

Ms.:”Humph, I laughed!” puppet:”(^) If you can do it, you can try it.

The rich man said:”Kong, where are the people!”

Servant:”Is this guy pretending to be dead again?””

Columbia:”Paimon, O(∩∩)Ohaha~, wake him up.”

Paimon:”(^^)?If you don’t scream, I’ll piss you off!”

Colombia (blackened):”(^) Paimon, say it again?”

Paimon:”(^)Got it, call now!

Kaiya:”Hahaha, what about changing faces at the speed of light!””(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Nilu:”Pfft~ Hahaha, little Paimon immediately changed his attitude after being threatened.” null:”(:) Just woke up, what happened?”

Colombia:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ It’s okay, I just wanted to wake you up. You can go back to sleep now.” null:”(⊙⊙)?”


The rich man:”Columbia???”

The lady:”Columbia???”

Kong:”Okay, I’ll sleep then.”

The rich man:”Song, wait, wait, I have an order here. Let’s talk to you about Big Business.”


Rich man:”Song, can you make one of your super-radicalized crystals? No matter how many molas there are.”

Keqing:”Song, you absolutely can’t agree to this. Him.”

Kujo Sera:”Sora, this thing must not be given to the Executive Officers of Fools.”

Yura:”Sora, this thing is too dangerous. If it is given to the Executive Officers of Fools, the result will definitely be very dangerous..” null:”(:) Rich people are lazy and don’t want to do it.”

The rich man:”? ? ? Let you just make a price and don’t want to do it? Are you crazy? This is the number of molas quoted casually!”

Empty: 340″ () No shortage of money.

The rich man said,”Are you still not short of money?” There is no shortage of food and drinks, isn’t it?”

Paimon:”(^.^), then you don’t understand. There are a lot of travelers’ wives, and many of them are rich. If they are really short of money, we can just ask.” null:”(:) That’s it!”

The rich man:”???”

Candice:”These two guys…Isn’t it too shameless?”

Fa Lushan:”Forget about being a pretty boy, it’s the most outrageous thing to be so thick-skinned.”

Ningguang:”(^) Haha, it’s true, since I’m all alone, there must be no flaws, so other people who want to use Mora to win over him can give up!”

Qin:”(*), I also have a little bit of Mora in my house, so there is no problem at all in feeding Sora and Paimon.”

Barbara:”(*^▽^*),Yes, it is.”

Rosalía:”One hundred million points, indeed.”

Arataki Yidou:”Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.”

Bennett:”Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Rich man:”Kong, you are not short of money, right?” What if I introduce a beautiful woman to you?” null:”……”

Fonina:”Σ(⊙▽⊙!!! Sora, why did you hesitate?”.

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