【Yingmei: That’s right! It’s my brother Sora!】

【Yingmei: Let me tell you! He is actually a very messy person who likes to eat randomly! That’s why I often have a bad stomach!】

【Yingmei: Once, I had a stomachache and felt like farting, but he didn’t believe in evil.】

【Yingmei: Then in public…you understand! (dog head.jpg)】

【Yingmei: It is precisely because of so many painful experiences that he has summed up so many experiences. I just learned so much! (dog head.jpg)].

The more Yingmei talked, the more excited she became.

As for the authenticity of the information?

Of course, there is truth and lies!

Well~ except for the fact that I like to eat, everything else is fake!


You said she programmed her own brother?

Just kidding~

Which sister wouldn’t persecute her brother?

It would be meaningless if my brother didn’t use it to tease and tease me!

Really like it!

Of course, in addition to this, Yingmei has another deeper thought.

That is to spread this information through the mouths of people in the chat group.

With a wide range, there might be a chance that it could spread to his brother’s ears.

With his temperament, he would definitely not be able to bear it.

I will definitely come out to clarify when the time comes.

At that time, she would also be able to learn about Sora’s situation!


The purpose of Yingmei’s doing this is largely to inquire about Kong’s current situation!

After learning about the other party’s deeds of coming to Xumi five hundred years ago, she felt a little uneasy.

She had to know what was going on!

That’s why I had an idea and made up such an embarrassing story.

Seeing these remarks, other people in the chat group looked strange.

Good guy!

Is the traveler’s brother so… so special?

It’s hard for them to describe those things, so they have to use”special” instead! real or fake?

There was a trace of suspicion on many people’s faces.

After all, travelers are so disdainful!

Arbitrary arrangement is not impossible!

But then I thought about it!

I can’t say for sure~

After all, they are brothers and sisters!

Isn’t it impossible that one is a little bit cheesy and the other is a little special?

But whether it’s true or not, this kind of behavior can only be said to be outrageous!

【Wendy: Hey, he is indeed the brother of a prisoner! (dog head.jpg)】

【Hutao: Hahaha, this person has already gained a reputation before he even joins the group, but it’s just a reputation~ (Gotou.jpg)】

【Paimon: Oh wow, how pitiful I am to have such a brother~ (dog head. expression)】

【Kamisato Ayaka: Fortunately, my brother is relatively normal! otherwise……】

【Lynette: Yes! Otherwise there would be no place for them in this family!】

【Kamisato Ayato:……】


Mondstadt, somewhere in the abyss

“Ying… Ying this guy……”

Seeing the comments in the group, the air trembled all over.

Damn it!

This stinky sister!

In the past, I just chased him and beat him.

After all, he is the older brother, so he has to give way to his younger sister.

The most important thing is that the two of them know this.

But it’s different now!

This guy is openly arranging himself in the group!

What he made up was an embarrassing incident out of nothing like having diarrhea in public!

Jane…this is simply too much!

If the tiger doesn’t show off its power, you think I’m a sick cat, right?

Furious, Kong immediately started typing in the chat group.

Prepare to give your good sister a good fight.

However, at the moment he was about to send it out, he suddenly thought of something and his movements suddenly stopped.


“Something is wrong!”

“That guy is going to be scrapped, but……”

“I understand, she must be trying to make me angry and then blow me up!”

Song reacted at this time.


This must be the case!

Thinking of this, the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but twist up.


As the saying goes, the devil is higher than the devil! I have seen through your plan, little sister! Comparison As for your brother, sister, you are still too young~ Sora felt that he had surpassed Yingmei in terms of IQ, and he was secretly happy. He was so happy


“If that’s the case, there’s no need to fight that guy.”

“But we can’t just let it go.”

“I have to let her know that my brother is not so easy to arrange!”

“Otherwise, you may not know what will happen to this girl later!”

Thinking of this, Kong first deleted the comments in the chat box, and then looked at the subordinates under the throne.

“What then?……”

“In addition to Mondstadt and Liyue, please find some more people to find my naughty sister.々` ”

“No need to fight her!”

“Just like those two countries, they used the other party’s embarrassing stories in the light curtain to mock her!”

“Do you understand?”

Hearing this sudden order, all the members of the Abyss Cult were also confused.

What happened?

Why did His Highness suddenly want to attack his blood relatives?

Or in such a disgusting way?

Could it be that the person in [Supernormal What bad things were said about His Highness in the chat group?

They were extremely curious.

But seeing that Sora had no intention of explaining, they also buried their doubts in their hearts.

Then they leaned over and responded.

“Yes, Your Highness!”

But then, an abyss mage standing in front seemed to think of something, and then stepped forward and whispered

“But Your Highness, we don’t know where your blood relative is now.……”

Hearing this, Kong was stunned.

Then I recalled the information in the chat group.

First he went to Mondstadt.

Then I went to Liyue as a guest.

Then I went to Inazuma as a guest!

It should still be there now

“Being able to visit so many places as a guest means that this guy is quite proud.”

He smiled and shook his head, then looked at Master Abyss and said

“She should be at Inazuma Kamisato’s house now.”

Currently, only the Kamisato family and Xiangling know about the fact that Yingmei and Paimon went to Jingshan Palace.

So Sora thought they were still in Inazuma.

“Yes, Your Highness!”

After getting the confirmed location, the Abyss Mage leaned over again and responded.

…… villa


“Kong and Dadaliya……”

Looking at the prominent barrage in the live broadcast room, Luo Chen looked strange.

These people in the extraordinary chat group are really fucking geniuses!

How do you create these flowers?

He felt a little dumbfounded.

They were all fooled by this guy.

After shaking his head, Luo Chen retracted his mind and ignored it, and then continued to speak with a smile.

“After talking about Nasida’s unique hobbies, we continue to make informal comments”

“The fourth item of inappropriate comment – I will build you into a mushroom!”


【Extraordinary chat group】

【Amber: I’m going to build you into a mushroom? etc! Why do these words sound so familiar?】

【Gan Yu: This seems to be the words of Inazuma’s thunder general……】

【Yingmei: Indeed! I can prove it! But the original words should be”I want to build you into a statue of God””!】

【Paimon: This is what the puppet general said to us. It’s so impressive! (dog head. expression)】

【Shadow: So…why did the Puppet General’s words end up in the little Grass God’s inappropriate comments?】

【Wendy: Hey, this is probably similar to”Liyue Thunder God” and”Zhong Li”! I applied your words to the little grass god!】

【Funina: Built into the mushroom… Hahaha, this sounds so funny.~】

【Alice: I can already imagine that kind of funny scene~ (dog head. expression)]

When other people saw this, their eyes lit up.

It seemed a bit interesting~

So they all looked at the light curtain eagerly

…… villa.

Luochen seemed to sense everyone’s expectations and said with a smile

“Next, let us have a look~”

As he said that, he picked up the mouse and started to control it.

Soon, the light screen started to move.

… in the screen.

The background is somewhat similar to the original scene where Thor collected the 100th Eye of God in front of the statue of Thousand Hands and Hundred Eyes.

But there are two differences.

One is that the one inside is not the God of Thunder, but the God of Grass, Nasida!

The other one is that there are no more Thousand Hands and Hundred Eyes!

Instead, there was a huge mushroom!

After seeing the traveler sister snatching the Eye of God and rescuing Thomas,

Nasida walked down the void steps from the air with an expressionless face.

“You don’t need the Eye of God to drive elemental power”

“You…are an exception!”

“Exceptions…are the enemy of wisdom!”

After saying that, she put her hands in front of her chest and began to gather the elemental power.

Soon, a powerful force burst out from the field.

Nasida raised her head and floated in the air, with the green grass elements around her constantly circling.

The next second, a huge green onion as tall as a person slowly floated up from its mouth.

Upon seeing this, Nasida pulled it out with her right hand, and then raised it high to the sky.

She looked at Yingmei below with a stern look.

“I’ll build you into a mushroom!”

As he said this, he gestured with the green onions in his hand!

At this point, the video ends.


After reading it, everyone in front of the light curtain couldn’t hold back.

They have seen this famous scene from the original Thunderbolt General!

Although she is not good at governing the country, she really has nothing to say about using force!

The sense of oppression and majesty in that scene of drawing the sword still leaves a deep impression on many people.

But if it were the Little Grass God… well, how should I put it?

Although the expression of the little grass god is also very serious.

But the problem is that she looks so cute!

No sense of oppression at all!

If that’s all, it’s nothing.

The key is that what she pulled out was not a knife, but a green onion!

When seeing this scene, many people felt their cerebellum shrinking.

Damn it?

It’s actually green onions?

That’s reasonable, right?

Which normal person’s weapon would be a green onion?

He even hid it in his mouth!

But is it unreasonable?

This is the Grass God!

The god of grass pulls green onions?

Well, it seems to make sense~ but it’s still outrageous when you think about it!

In addition to the last line of the little grass god – I will build you into a mushroom!

Putting these three together, it’s like a child holding green onions on the roadside to imitate adults in fighting!

Thinking of this, everyone couldn’t bear it anymore.

Pfft~ everyone laughed out loud


Castle tower.

Not long ago, Ying came back with some skirmishers.

After temporarily imprisoning him in the castle tower prison, he returned to the castle tower.

I continued to watch the light curtain with my friends.

When she learned that the little grass god was going to perform the famous scene of the puppet general, she was very excited.

But at this time, after watching it, pff~ couldn’t hold it back, and Ying directly spurted out the dumpling milk in his mouth.

But others around him didn’t care either.

Because they were all amused by Nasida in the light curtain.

“Nasida is really cute~”

Looking at Nasida’s milky voice in the picture, a gentle smile flashed in her eyes. That is to say

, the other party was not in front of her.

Otherwise, she would have hugged the little guy high and low. Have a good time in your arms.

But there is no chance!

There will be a gathering of the Five Gods later!

Be sure to seize the opportunity then!


“Your Majesty the Little Grass God is still as cute and cute as ever~”

After hearing the true words, Yae Shenzi smiled and nodded.

Then he seemed to have thought of something and started joking while looking at the stunned Kage.

“` ~If our silly shadow is so cute, then who else will the traveler save?”

“Surrender immediately!”

After hearing this, Hu Zhai Palace adjusted the position of the cigarette in his hand and blinked charmingly.

“More than that~”

“Maybe the moment the [Eye Hunting Order] is issued, the people below will take the initiative to hand it over!”

“There is no need to search so hard one by one! When Hua

Sanli saw this, he also”helped” to explain.

“In fact, His Highness can also be very cute!”

“For example, the one who commented in the previous light screen was not serious!”

“If it were His Highness, the effect would definitely not be bad.”

Hearing this, Zhen, Shenzi, and Hu Zhai Palace also nodded secretly.


The shadow (His Royal Highness) in that improper comment is really cute and naive!

It makes people’s hearts almost melt.

Thinking of this, I really hold back. He smiled and looked at his sister seriously.

“Shadow, you missed a good opportunity before!”

“But it’s not too late!”

“How about you become the otaku shadow in the light screen later?”

“You are so cute and naive, you will definitely be liked by the people of Daowe!”

“Then whatever you do will be smooth sailing”

“For example, well, eat Sancai dumplings, drink dumpling milk, and read light novels without Mora!” film:”……”

After hearing these people’s words, a black line appeared on her face.

The four of you are really enough~ and you have turned into a silly otaku girl?

Is the next step going to be to play her like a badminton ball?

No serious guy!

They are all fun people!

I really can’t stay in this house any longer…

Looking at the depressed Kage, Shinko and Shenzi laughed one after another.

The castle tower is once again filled with a cheerful atmosphere~


Xumi, Jingshan Palace

“Pulling out green onions?”

“Hahaha, I am so happy!”

“Nasida, you are so cute!”

“If it had been you instead of the movie, I would have voted right away!”

After watching the video in the light screen, Yingmei laughed so hard that she turned around.

It’s a light screen!

It’s so funny!

On the side, Paimon was rolling in the air with laughter.

But after hearing what Yingmei said, He also echoed with a smile.

“(Qian Zhaohao) Yes, yes!”

“Surrendered long ago!”

“What’s the point of being stuffed into a mushroom?”

Seeing this scene, Nacida looked helpless.

She didn’t expect that the light screen would cause such a funny scene for her.

Are you saying she is great?

Yingmei and Paimon just collapsed with laughter.

Are you saying she is not great?

The two of them The man expressed his direct surrender again!

This is something that even General Thunder and Lightning didn’t do!

Well, it turns out that cuteness is also a”weapon”!

At this time, Yingmei was almost smiling and came back to her senses.

Seeing Nasida Squatting on the ground with her chin in her hands, she looked depressed and said with a smile.

“Actually, your main problem lies in that green onion!”

“If you change the weapon, it will be different!

“Change weapons?”

It makes sense when Nacida thinks about it.

She also thinks green onions are not good.

After all, who would use this as a weapon?

It’s too abstract!

Even branches are better than this!

Thinking of this, she turned her head and looked over

“So what weapon should I change to?”

“My Thousand Nights Dream?”

“Oh, Thousand Nights of Dreams is my weapon!”

Said, Nasida stood up and took out her weapon to show it.

Yingmei looked at it and shook her head.

“This is inappropriate!”

“How could anyone take this out of Hungary’s mouth?”

“And this is obviously a mage’s equipment, not deterrent enough!”

“So what to change?”

Besides, Paimon became curious.

“The same knife as the shadow?”

After hearing this, Yingmei touched her chin and pondered for a while.

But she quickly shook her head again.

“OK, OK!”

“But the shadow is already there, and it cannot reflect the specialness of Nasida!”

“let me think again……”

As she spoke, she frowned and paced back and forth.

Suddenly, her eyes suddenly lit up.

Then he looked at Nacida and Paimon excitedly

“Yes, yes!”

“I thought of it!”


The two of them became curious.

When Yingmei saw this, she smiled mysteriously.

“It’s a sickle!”

“Sickle Nasita!”.

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