【Extraordinary chat group】

【Yingmei: Isaac? I remember this little guy! In the original future, when we were in the desert, we almost had problems because of him!】

【Paimon: Yes, yes! The confrontation with Rahman was really thrilling. I was so nervous watching it. (Afraid.jpg)】

【Candice: Sorry, Desia! It almost made you suffer. (sorry.jpg)】.

【Disiya: It’s okay, after all, he cares about grandpa too~】

【Desiya: And in the end, he also played a lot of role in saving the little Lucky Grass King, and redeemed his sins.~】

【Nasida: Well, overall, he’s a pretty good kid!】

【Alice: That’s true~!】

【Alice: It’s much better than those naughty children and naughty parents in another world!】

【Alice: Those children did evil things, and the parents not only failed to discipline them but also said some disgusting words.】

【Alice: For example,”He/she is just a child!”、”What do children know?”、”Why does he bully you instead of bullying others?”……】

【Alice: Don’t be too disgusting! 】

Hearing this, many people in the chat group were speechless.

Good guy!

Can a person say this?

My blood pressure rises just by listening to it!

Is he still a child?


It is recommended to give such a child a big mouth!

【Qin: Huh~ Looking at it this way, Xiao Keli and Ms. Alice are still very good!】

【Barbara: Yes! Xiao Keli has a sweet mouth and corrects her mistakes! Ms. Alice is also reasonable!】

【Barbara: Well, it would be better if the bombs hit less~】

【Alice: Hum, that’s impossible~】

【Amber: Diona is also very well-behaved~, but a little tsundere! (smirking.jpg)】

【Diona: That’s… not a tsundere!】

【A Ping: Yaoyao is also a very reassuring child! In comparison, Gan Yu is a bit worse and needs Yaoyao to take care of her.】

【Gan Yu: Ah this, this… (face covering.jpg)】

【Baizhu: Besides having a bad memory, Qiqi is also very well-behaved!】

【Yae Kamiko: Hayao is cute too~ She just likes to sleep in!】

【Zaoyou: That’s… I’m not sleeping in! I just want to grow taller!】

【Leosley: The head nurse is also very gentle with patients 04, but the food she cooks is a bit………】

【Villette: No way! Meluxin’s race is different from our taste】

【Xigwen: I…I will definitely work hard to improve!】


Seeing this, everyone felt at ease again.

Not bad!

Although there are many naughty children and bear parents, there are also well-behaved children.

At this time,

【Hutao: But having said that, this pirated Nasita still looks very different from the genuine Little Grass God, right? Why didn’t the people in the Order Council see it?】

【Zhongli: Hall Master, the Little Grass God has been imprisoned in Jingshan Palace all year round. Very few people have seen her. At most, they can be distinguished by her clothes.】

【Coral Palace Xinhai: The Imperial Academy imprisoned His Excellency Xiaocao Shen in an attempt to weaken her influence. Unexpectedly, this became the key to the plan to save His Excellency Xiaocao Shen! It’s quite ironic……】

【Charlotte: Isn’t it? As long as His Excellency Xiaocao Shen has some influence, it won’t be such that the guards can’t tell the difference.】

【Charlotte: What a big difference after all!】

【Navia: Indeed! One is fair and tender and cute, the other is dark-skinned! Anyone who is not blind can see it!】

【Yingmei: Pirate Nasida? (×) Black Lucky Grass King! (√)、Little Auspicious Red King (√)】

Black auspicious grass king?

Little Auspicious Red King?

Seeing these two names, people in the chat group couldn’t help laughing.

He got this nickname.

As expected of you, the prisoner!

The wind review of Xiaocao Shen and Red King was killed~

【Alice: This cosplay is not good~ Let me tell you, if it were our precious daughter doing the cosplay, even if the people from the Order Academy had seen the little grass god, they would never recognize her!】

【Kamisato Ayaka: cosr? what is that? (curious.jpg)】

【Alice: Dressing up like Isaac wearing the clothes of a grass god and imitating her actions is cosplay!】

【Xiaogong: So this is cosplay! Not to mention, Xiao Keli and Mr. Xiao Cao Shen do look very similar!】

【Xiaogong: If she were cosplaying with her, she might not be able to recognize her!】

【Abedo: No!】

【Abedo: If it was Keli, she wouldn’t have escaped, but would have directly taken the bomb to blow up the Order.……】

【Qin: That’s true… (Fuqie.jpg)】

【Sugar: Master Abedo is right.……】

【Noelle: Hmm…that’s exactly what Xiao Keli would do.】

【Amber: That’s right! It may be the Order of the Order that escapes then! (dog head. expression)】


Seeing this, many people, including Nasida, became curious.

Who is this little Keli?

It actually makes the senses of the Mondlanders in the group so consistent!

Could it be really scary?

Inexplicably, they were looking forward to the day when the follow-up light curtain review would be about this little cutie.~

…… villa.

Luo Chen continued to speak with a smile.

“After talking about the badminton version of Nasida and the pirated version of Nasida, let’s continue with the informal review”

“The third item of inappropriate comment – going to the toilet!”

“Among the gods of the previous countries, each one has a relatively unique hobby.~”

“For example, Fengshen likes to drink and is an alcoholic!”

“Iwagami likes to go shopping and is a street wanderer!”

“Thor likes to stay at home, read light novels, and eat three-color dumplings. He is a homebody!”

“And Nasida’s unique hobby is going to the toilet!”

“In the original future, when seeing a traveler, he repeatedly reminded her whether she needed to go to the restroom.”


【Extraordinary chat group】

【Yingmei: After the wonderful metaphor, Nasida has another strange point~】

【Paimon: Yes! ��Someone reminds others to go to the toilet? (Standing hands.jpg)】

【Alice: The four gods’ ways of entertaining:】

【Alice: Fengshen: Let’s go drink!】

【Alice: Iwagami: Let’s go eat!】

【Alice: Thor: Let’s go eat three-color dumplings and read light novels!】

【Alice: Grass God: Let’s go to the toilet! (dog head. expression)】

【Hutao: Hahaha, I am laughing so hard, my painting style has suddenly changed! (laughing.jpg)】

【Ayaka Kamisato: Others treat guests to dinner and drinks, but Kami Kami treats guests to the toilet! (Can’t laugh or cry.jpg)】

【Nasida: But I heard that humans feel refreshed after going to the toilet, and even sleep better. (Doubt.jpg)】

【Dadalia: Ahem, that’s right!】

【Dadalia: There are two points in life that are the most uncomfortable! One is extremely sleepy, and the other is upset in the stomach!】

【Dadalia: The former just wants to sleep, the latter just wants to go to the toilet!】

【Dadalia: Especially the latter! There is nothing happier than being able to find a toilet at that time! (Emotions.jpg)]

Seeing this, many people in the chat group also nodded secretly. indeed!

It’s so refreshing to find a toilet at this time!

Otherwise it will be a disaster ~

At this time,

【Woman: Got it! Dadalia once had diarrhea on the spot because she couldn’t find the toilet!】

【Skirmisher: Pass on, Dadalia is having diarrhea in prison!】

【Ning Guang: Ahem, there is a toilet in the prison! I hope this prisoner will not urinate anywhere! (Serious.jpg)】

【Dadalia:? ? ? 】

Dadalia is numb.

Isn’t it?

Can this also be a rumor?

If I had known, he wouldn’t have accepted this.……

Xumi, Jingshan Palace

“So, is it right or wrong to ask someone to use the toilet?”

Nascida was a little confused.

She originally thought this was a way for humans to relax, so she suggested it.

But now it seems that it is indeed!

But it seems that this suggestion is somewhat inappropriate.

On the side, Yingmei saw this, thought about it and suggested

“It’s easy!”

“You can say this again after eating in the future!”

“This is absolutely appropriate!”

Paimon nodded repeatedly after hearing this.

“That’s right!”

“There’s no better time to use the bathroom!”

“Is that so?”

Nasita suddenly understood.

She understood!

…… villa.

At this time, Luo Chen continued:

“So the question is, how did Nasida go to the toilet?”

“After watching the next video, you will know~”

After saying that, he picked up the mouse and started to control it.

Soon, the light curtain began to move.

In the picture, the background is a modern school.

Accompanied by a cheerful tune, Nasida ran quickly down the corridor, clutching her stomach.

The expression on his face was extremely anxious.

At this speed, she quickly ran to the toilet in the corridor.

After seeing the toilet, Nasida’s eyes suddenly lit up.

Then he rushed in quickly.

He closed the door and sat on the toilet with a happy expression on his face.

Of course, only the top half of the picture is visible.

However, at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.

It startled her.

Nacida looked over in panic following the voice.

Above the toilet, Lannaro was playing a huge stereo.

The sound just now came from the stereo.

Now, the sound still continues

“come on! effort! Pull S harder!”

“It doesn’t matter if you can’t pull it out, at least put a P!”

“come on! effort! Pull S harder!”


Hearing this, Nasida’s expression went numb while sitting on the toilet.

At this point, the video ends


After reading it, everyone was laughing so hard

【Barbara:”Come on! Work hard! Pull the S harder!”,”It doesn’t matter if you can’t pull it out, at least put a P!”……】

【Barbara: Originally, I thought going to the bathroom was a way to relax, but this……】

【Xiang Ling: I never expected that I would be surrounded by people cheering me on when I went to the toilet! horrible! (cover face.jpg)】

【Kujo Sora: This is simply more terrifying than fighting……】

【Coral Palace Xinhai: Indeed!】

【Navia: I’m most afraid of being rushed by others when I go to the toilet.……】

【Alice: No, no, no~ This is not urging! This is the encouragement of love!】

【Alice: Lanaro was worried that Nasita would have difficulty going to the toilet, so he did this!】

【Alice: Are there any other such caring relatives on Teyvat?】

【Alice: Woohoo, I really cried to death~! (dog head. expression)】


She doesn’t want to come on like this either.……

【Paimon: Look at his kin! Watch well and learn well! @特Valin@鲁多龙王@八重神子】

【Tewarin: That makes sense. I’ll learn it later! (dog head. expression)】

【Ruotuo Dragon King: Count me in~ (dog head. expression)】

【Yae Shenzi: Tsk, that seems interesting.~】

【Yingmei: Wait!】

【Yingmei: I have a question! Do gods know how to use the toilet in real life? 】

Hearing this question, many people in the chat group were also stunned.


It seems to be a problem!

【Wendy: Hey, since they are all gods, of course there is no need.~】

【Zhongli: According to universal rationality, this is indeed the case! You can even go without eating or drinking!】

【True: Yes! Otherwise, Shadow and the Little Grass God wouldn’t be able to stay in the same place for five hundred years!】

【Huzhai Palace: If you need to go to the toilet, the Pure Land and Jingshan Palace will be filled with smoke and smoke. Thinking about that scene, tsk tsk… (dog head. expression)】




I was offended…

Tevalin, Ruoduolongwang, and Yao Shenzi felt a little pity when they saw this~

Why didn’t the gods go to the toilet?

If they go to the toilet, then they can also learn the method of Lanaro in the light curtain.

It must be interesting to think about.

It’s a pity, it’s a pity ~ at this time,

【Villette: God doesn’t want to go to the toilet? Then why did I see Ms. Funina going to the bathroom often? (Doubt.jpg)】

【Hutao: Got it! Funina is not actually a water goddess, she is just an ordinary person! (dog head. expression)】

【Yingmei: Gods don’t need to go to the toilet, ordinary people need to go to the toilet! So Funina = ordinary person! Nothing wrong! (Dog head. Expression 783)】

【Navia: Except for special cases, have you ever seen ordinary people who can live five hundred years? (Standing hands.jpg)】

【Clolinde: That’s right! Why do you think Lady Funina is Lord Water God! As for going to the toilet……】

【Charlotte: What’s this? The god of wind, rock, and thunder are still eating and drinking.~!】

【Funina: That’s right! Whether eating, drinking or going to the toilet, it is all done by the gods as they please! 】

Originally, Funina’s heart almost lifted when she saw the comments in the group.

She is not a god, she is a human being!

There are just some special people!

That’s why you can live five hundred years!

That’s why I have to go to the toilet!

If it weren’t for the dog-headed expression behind other people’s remarks, she would have thought that others had discovered the truth.

Fortunately, I got through it.

But this could not be concealed for long.

Thinking of tomorrow’s review, Funina’s relaxed heart became melancholy again.

After a simple joke, Yingmei thought of something and continued to speak.

【Yingmei: Judging from the information in the light screen video, Nasida should have diarrhea.】

【Yingmei: If that’s the case, then running away like this is wrong!】

【Nasida: Huh? why? (Doubt.jpg)】

【Yingmei: Because diarrhea is different from other types of going to the toilet, this situation is very dangerous!】

【Yingmei: It’s best to clamp your legs, lift your anus, and then walk slowly to the toilet. Don’t be impatient!】

【Yingmei: What is particularly important to note is that you must not let go easily at this time!】

【Yingmei: Because at this time, the high probability that you put is not P, but……】

【Yingmei: Otherwise, we will end up like Dadalia! I had diarrhea on the spot!】

【Yingmei: Then it won’t be Nasida, but”Lasiida”! (dog head. expression)】

【Dadalia:? ? ? 】

Isn’t it?

Can this also be mentioned?

In addition to”wallet”, he also has such a weird nickname?

And Nasida suddenly realized.

It turns out there are so many ways to talk about going to the toilet!

Learned, learned!

Although this is of no use to her, it is still knowledge~!

But Laxida… can we not have this name?

Nacida felt offended… while the others in the group couldn’t stop laughing.

【Wendy: Hey, judging from what the traveler said, he seems to be very experienced~ (dog head. expression)】

【Paimon: Oh, can you say… (dog head. expression)】

【Yae Kamiko: Hey, I didn’t expect that a famous traveler would have such embarrassing things~ (bad smile.jpg)】

【Charlotte: Darling, big news, big news! (Excited.jpg)】


【Yingmei: What are you thinking about? I’m not as naive as Dadalia.~】

【Yingmei: Actually, this has something to do with a friend of mine!】

【Dadalia: Is this friend yourself? (Dead fish eyes.jpg)】

【Yingmei: No! he is the one���My brother – Sora! (smile.jpg)]

Everyone:? ? ? null:? ? ?.

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