【Extraordinary chat group】

【Alice: Huh? Is this what happened when the little fox was a child again?】

【Barbara: The meaning of looking at the light curtain should be different from the content in the previous serious review.】

【Yingmei: Hidden reason for rebellion? What’s the meaning? Could it be……】

【Paimon: Could it be that in this unfair review, the Son of God was abused as a child? So you have”hate” for the film and want to rebel?】

【Funina: It should be, but it’s not abuse! But it’s definitely a lot of sin!】.

【Shadow: Really? (Excited.jpg)]

Has her wish come true?

Thanks for the light curtain!

Thinking of this, she couldn’t wait to look at the light curtain.

In addition to her, many people in the chat group also brightened up.

Then he quickly looked over.

As for Yae Shenzi…

She suddenly felt a thump in her heart.

No way?

She just said she would walk out with a smile, but now she was about to be slapped in the face?

If it were true, wouldn’t they be laughed to death by Ying and the others later?

Thinking of this, Dan Huxu suddenly felt a little uneasy.

But escaping is not an option.

I can only bite the bullet and continue reading.

In the light curtain.

In the background is the castle tower.

Amidst a burst of cheerful background music, Xiao Ying and Xiao Fox stood under the shower head

“The general wants to help Xiao Yae clear his name.”

After saying that, Xiaoying pressed the shower gel in his hand.

Then a burst of pink foam directly hit the little fox’s eyes.

Suddenly, the little fox’s fur started to explode.

“Look… invisible!”

Xiaoying was a little panicked after seeing it.


You have to flush it with boiling water quickly!

So he quickly pressed the switch of the water heater next to him.

In an instant, a stream of boiling water fell from the shower head above, and then poured directly on the little fox The little fox was instantly burned from pink to crimson.

The next second, a shrill scream resounded throughout the castle tower!

“So hot——”

Xiaoying was stunned.

Is it hot?

So I quickly pressed the shower button again.

What came out this time was not hot water, but ice water!

In an instant, another miserable fox howl sounded in the castle tower!

“so cold——”

Xiaoying was stunned again.

Is it cold?

So I quickly adjusted the shower head again.

So it’s hot water – ice water – hot water – ice water – take turns to exchange!

“too hot——”

“it’s too cold——”

“too hot——”

“it’s too cold——”


Just like that, the little fox met with both fire and ice!

One after another, the pitiful cries of foxes rang out from the castle tower.~

Seeing this scene, the faces of the people in the chat group became weird.

This little Thor still doesn’t look very smart.

But this little fox… Although he had some psychological expectations, many people suddenly burst into laughter after seeing this scene! How had he ever seen the eighth-level palace minister in such a scene? quite funny! Among them, Ying even laughed so hard that he lay down on the desk. As for the person involved… Needless to say, at this time, his expression was already dull.

In the light curtain, the picture continues.

After washing it repeatedly with hot and cold water, the little fox sat on the small bench with a blank look on his face.

Xiaoying couldn’t help but curled her lips when she saw this.

“Yae, why didn’t you tell me clearly whether you wanted cold water or hot water?”

When the little fox heard this, he couldn’t bear it anymore.

The grievances in his heart burst out directly.~!


But complaints are complaints, and I still have to continue taking baths!

“Next, let me help you rub your back!”

As he said that, Xiaoying squeezed a little rice wife oil on the brush.

Then he stood behind the little fox and wiped it vigorously from the top of his head.


The comfort that the little fox expected did not appear, but instead came It was a burst of severe pain!

The next second, a scream that was even shriller than before resounded throughout the entire castle tower!

“babble!!!! ah!!!!”

Then the scene changed.

The little fox lay miserably on the pillow.

There was a red scar on his back.

It was caused by Xiaoying’s brush earlier.

“it hurts……”

The little fox couldn’t help but cry

“I’m sorry, Yae-chan~”

Xiaoying then came over with a large band-aid.

“Let me put a band-aid on you!”

“Um? Bandage?”

The little fox was stunned for a moment.


Xiaoying nodded.

Then she stuck it directly.

But the next second, she realized something was wrong.

“Oops, it’s posted crookedly!”

So he stretched out his hand and tore it apart.

Tear ~

The little fox was stunned for a moment, and the next second, a severe pain hit him from his back.

Then, the familiar miserable sound resounded throughout the castle tower and outside again.

“babble!!!! ah!!!!” after,

“Wrong posting, try again!”


“babble!!!! ah!!!!”

“Wrong posting, try again!”


“babble!!!! ah!!!!”


After being”abused” repeatedly, the little fox was extremely angry.

I just got up and took a pen to write it down in my little book of holding grudges.

While remembering, he angrily complained about the other party’s sins!

“Article 114514 of the Little Book!”

“The general did something very stupid!”

“Put the band-aid on crookedly and tear it off again!”

“My back hurts now!”

Behind me, Xiaoying felt a little guilty when he saw this.


The little fox became even more angry after hearing this.

“Is it okay to just say sorry?”

Then, the scene turned again and came to the bed.

Xiao Ying and Xiao Fox were lying on the same bed.

Feeling the comfort of their bodies, Xiao Ying closed his eyes and looked satisfied.


“When I sleep with Yae-chan, the quilt is warm!”

Besides, the little fox gritted his teeth and endured.



Obviously still angry about the previous thing.

But Xiaoying didn’t notice it.

Seeing that the other party didn’t speak, she said curiously


“Yae-chan? ?”

The little fox endured very hard at this time, and there was a lot of sweat on his face.

“I want to break up with you!”

The little fox said hoarsely.


“Who are you going to break up with?”

Xiaoying looked confused.

But soon she ignored it.���

Because she discovered something cute

“Hey, Yae-chan’s sleeping posture is so cute~”

As he said this, he stretched out his hand and touched the other person’s face twice.

Now, the little fox couldn’t bear it anymore.

He got up and left the bed.

Then he left the castle tower and walked all the way. She ran wildly outside until she finally came to Narukami Taisha Shrine.

She put her hands to her mouth, and then she spoke loudly to the shrine.

“The general is a big fool——”

At this point, the video ends

In the past, Yae Kamiko’s image to everyone in the chat group was that of a fun-loving, arrogant, teasing, and scheming person.

For example, the Traveler, Arataki Ito, Goro, and even the god Raiden Shogun mentioned in the previous unfair review were all teased and teased by him.

That’s it for everyone else, but it’s really Teyvat’s first job for his family to play tricks on the gods!

So much so that there is a plot to follow the tamed gods~

As for the other images, they are just the little fox mentioned in the previous serious review.

But at that time, the light curtain was only briefly mentioned, so no one was impressed.

More of what was before!

But this video completely subverted everyone’s views.

He never thought that Dan Fox, who had always rebelled against Tiangang, would one day be punished!

Being scalded alternately by hot and cold water!

The band-aid was ripped off repeatedly!

Being nagged by Xiao Ying makes me mess with my face!

Thinking of the pitiful cries of foxes in the picture, everyone in the chat group burst into laughter.

And the”hostile” forces like Arataki Ito and Goro felt even more happy!

Well done, General!

That’s how it should be done!

Rice wife, street.

Kujo Sora is buying dango milk from Tomoki’s stall.

Since this stall was exposed by the light curtain, business has exploded instantly.

Everyone wants to try this dumpling milk that would make the general like it!

Just like the celebrity endorsement advertisement in Blue Star!

However, the”endorsement” effect of the film is even more exaggerated!

Previously, when she came, the queue was almost endless.

But when they learned that Kujo Sora was buying dango milk for the shogun, they immediately gave up their first spot.

Kujo Sora was not polite and just ordered a few portions.

While waiting, she was also staring at the light curtain.

She couldn’t help laughing when she saw the scene in which Yae Shenzi was”disciplined” by the shadow.

“Lord Palace Secretary, I never thought you would have such a day!”

“Well done, General!”

As the loyal cook of General Raiden, she was extremely dissatisfied after seeing Yae Shenzi’s rebellion against Tiangang.

But there was nothing she could do.

Now that she saw the general regaining his true nature as a god and”rectifying” the fox, she felt Not to mention how happy it is!

This fox should know who is a god and who is a dependent!

But inexplicably, Kujo Sora also felt a little envious in his heart.

It would be great if she also had such treatment~

At this time, the stall owner Tomoki had already The dumpling milk is packed

“Kujo-sama, these are what you want!”

“How much?”

Kujo Sura came back to his senses and said

“No, how can I collect money?”

“It’s my honor to serve the General with dessert!”

“Not to mention that my stall is so popular because of the General’s appreciation!”

Tomoki quickly waved his hand.

After Kujo Sora thought about it, he didn’t argue too much.

After nodding, he took the dumplings and milk and left.

After seeing the castle tower, she felt happy again.

“It’s enough to be able to buy desserts for the General!”

Castle tower.

As the object of the Son of God’s teasing, Yingmei, Paimon, and Shadow all had a”deep grudge” with this fox!

This time when they saw the funny scene of their”enemy”, the three of them all laughed and rolled over.

“Hey, isn’t this Mr. Yaegomiya who is both wise and beautiful?”

“Why are you so pitiful?”

“Because the little fox at that time was silly and naive.~”

“Poor little Shenzi, because he was beaten up by Kage Fatty, he ran to Narukami Taisha Shrine all night and cried and fussed, oh oh oh, how pitiful~”



Yingmei and Paimon, the two living treasures, exchanged words with each other, just like a cross talk.

Forget about Dole.

Ying burst into tears after seeing it.

Thinking about the previous scene where she was”tamed” by the Son of God, and looking at it now, she felt extremely happy.

This is right~

How can the dependents ride on the head of the god?

This is the correct way for gods to open up to their relatives!

Looking at the son of God who lowered his head and remained silent, a smile flashed in Ying’s eyes.

Then he sat down next to the other person and started joking.


“Why don’t you laugh?”

“Aren’t you quite happy after listening to the unfair comments just now?”

“Could it be that you want me to help you clear your name?”

“Don’t worry, you won’t get scalding or icy water this time!”

“Keep it so you can wash it comfortably!”

“Huh? Why don’t you speak?”

Speaking of this, she paused for a moment, and then pretended to suddenly understand.

“Oh, I get it!”

“It must be that you don’t have a grudge book, right?”

“In this case, I will give you a notebook later”

“If something unpleasant happens later, just write it down!”

“If there are too many to remember, I will give you a few more when the time comes!”

Hearing Ying’s words, Yingmei and Paimeng collapsed on the ground with laughter.

What is shrimp and pig heart?

This is it!

I didn’t expect you to be such a Ying!

Seeing this scene, the fox was still smiling There is no look on her face.

But she is very angry inside!

Hu Luopingyang was bullied by a dog, right?

She miscalculated, completely miscalculated this time!

I didn’t expect that the light screen could be so adjusted!

Her previous persona was completely changed with this video It collapsed.

But there was nothing that could be done!

At this moment, Chuanhu looked at the smiling figure in front of her, and felt that she deserved a beating.

But she forgot. She had the same face when she teased her friend before~

It can be said that the tides are turning.

With no other solution, Dan Fox could only repeat her old tricks.

So she closed her eyes and meditated.

She completely ignored the shadow’s provocation.

“How cunning!”

When Ying saw this, she rolled her eyes angrily.

Then, she looked at the chat group


【Extraordinary chat group】

【Shadow: This time, this little fox finally knows what gods and dependents are!】

【Arataki Yidou: Wow, the general did a great job!】

【Goro: Ahem, it’s so exciting!】

【Skirmisher: It’s so satisfying to see the crooked side of this fox!】

【Wendy: Hey, good job! The dependents are the dependents, how can they ride on the head of the gods? (dog head. expression)】

【Zhongli: In terms of universal rationality, this is indeed the case! Families should do their own thing! There is something wrong with imitating other people’s personalities! (Serious.jpg)】

【Tvarin:? ? ?】

【Ruotuo Dragon King:? ? ? 】

Who do you two imply by this?

Isn’t it inappropriate to learn about character?

Families should do what family members should do, right?


They will have to learn from this role model in the future!

The two of them must imitate this eighth-level palace minister and begin to tame their own gods!

But just do it secretly.

No need to point it out directly!

At this time,

【Alice: Hahaha, yes, yes, General Stinky Face has finally regained his virility, oh no, it’s a female one!】

【Alice: Hehe, I finally see how embarrassed the little fox is!】

【Gan Yu: Son of God: It’s both hot water and ice water, but it will evaporate if you leave it alone~ (dog head. expression)】

【Nasida: If she went to see a doctor, she would probably be puzzled as to how she could take a bath and get frostbite and burns at the same time! (dog head. expression)】

【Barbara: That’s right! (dog head. expression)】

【Xiangling: But having said that, isn’t this operation a bit like cooking?】

【Xiang Ling: Look, first use boiling water to remove the hair, and then run it through cold water again, so that the meat can become firmer! (Dog head. Expression)]

Seeing this, everyone in the chat group was shocked.

I go?

Can you still think so?

But don’t say it, really don’t say it!

There seems to be a slight resemblance!

As expected of you, Xiangling!

Sure enough, he is one of the few people in the chat group who is extremely impressive!

At this time, Yae Shenzi could no longer hold his nerve, and his expression was dull.

Is this a thought that normal people can have?

Is everything really edible?

After people in the chat group reacted, they all happily agreed.

【Alice: Huh? That makes sense! Let’s see who dares to say that my stinky-faced general can’t cook! Isn’t this expert? (bad smile.jpg)】

【Kujo Sora: Ahem, that’s right! The General will do nothing if he doesn’t take action. Once he does, he will definitely shock the entire Teyvat!】

【After all: Hehe, it really shocked the whole of Teyvat! Ordinary people really can’t do it!】

【Yingmei: I understand! I have emergency food around me, so I’ll go back and learn how to cook! (dog head.jpg)】

【Paimon:? ? ? 】.

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