“Lord Coral Palace, you…you you you……”

Goro was dumbfounded.

You are my boss!

Shouldn’t you be on my side?

Why did you want to be with that woman?.

Or should I say, this is your nature!

Was it just suppressed by war in the past?

I didn’t expect you to be such a Coral Palace-sama!

“No, I will never wear women’s clothing!”

“Even if you jump from the Coral Palace, even if you jump from Narukami Taisha Shrine!”

“And I will never wear women’s clothing!”

Wulang raised a flag in grief and anger.

However, he didn’t know that there was an eternal theorem called”True Fragrance” in this world!

Otherwise, he would never have said such a thing…

Looking at Wulang’s resentful eyes , Coral Palace Xinhai smiled even more happily.

Her eyes were bent into crescent moons.

Only now did she know why the Lord Palace Secretary often likes to tease people.

Don’t tell me~

It’s quite interesting~

Of course, this is also the same as the current rice wife It is related to the situation.

If it was the previous war situation, how could she still have such a leisurely mind?……


At this moment, Coral Palace Xinhai suddenly thought of something.

“Yaegomiyaji is such a disdainful person who enjoys having fun”

“Then she and I got along so well in the letter, could it be said that,”

“I also have such a disdainful character subconsciously?”

Thinking of this, she gently dragged her chin and fell into deep thought.

On the side, Wulang saw this and thought that Lord Coral Palace was thinking about how to get him to dress up as a woman.

He was so scared that he took a few steps away.

【Extraordinary chat group】

【Barbara: She is obviously a male, but in the end she was recognized by all readers as a kind-hearted big sister…ah this……】

【Yun Jin: Now, the illusions of Inazuma’s readers are about to be shattered! (Can’t laugh or cry.jpg)】

【Kamisato Ayaka: I’ve also heard of Ms. Hina’s name, but I didn’t expect it to be Goro… (wry smile.jpg)】

【Nilu: Goro: Aren’t I just happy to help others? Why did she suddenly become a woman? What kind of sin have I committed? (dog head. expression)】

【Funina: Equally miserable is Arataki Ito! Obviously funds are in short supply, but a large part should be reserved for Ms. Xina’s promotional expenses! (dog head. expression)】

【Paimon: Hehehe, the cowherd has thought a lot, but he just didn’t expect Miss Xina to be a man! (bad smile. expression)】

【Yingmei: In a different world, this would be a complete overturn for the top brother! (dog head. expression)】

【Nasida: Big brother? Roll over? (Doubt.jpg)】

【Alice: Men spend money to give gifts to women, and the one who gives them the most is the big brother on the list. Then the two met offline and found out that the woman was a very scary kind, called a car rollover!】

【Xiaogong: This…this is a real victim.……】

【Kuki Shinobu: I can already think of that scene… (face covering.jpg)】

【Kamisato Ayato: Brother Ito, hey……】

【Wendy: Hey, isn’t this more exciting? (dog head. expression)】

【Tvarin:? ? ?】

【Ruotuo Dragon King: Something is wrong with you!】

【Zhongli: From a general perspective, Wu Lang dressed as a woman in the light curtain looks pretty good! So if this is the case, it’s not impossible… (serious.jpg)】

【Shadow: Ahem, that’s reasonable! 】

Seeing this, many people in the chat group were stunned.

Go ahead~

I didn’t expect you to be such gods!

I’m afraid I didn’t get assimilated by Guang Mu’s unseemly comments~

But I was surprised. We are both fun-loving people, so naturally they all watched the fun.

As for the two parties…

After learning the truth and being publicly executed by the light curtain, they were already filled with grief and anger, and they collapsed.

At this time, the joking in the chat group seemed to be the last straw, which directly broke their defense!

【Goro: I am Goro, a man, not Miss Hina! It was all caused by that fox woman! (Rage.jpg)】

【Arataki Yidou: I am not the biggest brother on the list of enemies!】

【Arataki Yidou: Oh, oh, oh, you damn fox woman, come back to me, Miss Hina!】

【Goro: Brother Yidou, I……】

【Arataki Yidou: You…don’t come over! (horror.jpg)】


Seeing this scene, everyone couldn’t stop laughing.

What a great question and answer column it is.

This fox is indeed very naughty.

At this time, after eating for a long time, the fox finally came to an end.

【Yae Kamiko: Oh, isn’t this Ms. Hina and her top brother? How about it? Did you enjoy the meeting? (bad smile.jpg)】

【Goro: Damn fox woman! I’m helping you do things for Yae Chong Tang, but you… you, you, you actually resorted to such methods!】

【Wulang: It’s so bad that I don’t have the shame to go out and meet people now!】

【Goro: Tell you, I quit now! You can find someone else from now on!】

【Arataki Yidou: Fox woman, you have the ability to use positive methods! Who is a good man if he changes his name secretly?】

【Arataki Yidou: Wuwuwu, I have lost all my money and my fantasy has been shattered!】

【Arataki Yidou: You have to accompany me, so what’s the cost?……】

【Shadow: Mental damage fee!】

【Arataki Yidou: Oh, yes, yes, you have to pay for mental damage with me! 】

The two of them have been teased by the fox before, so they have always been at odds with the fox.

That’s why I keep fighting against him in the group.

But before, after witnessing this terrifying plan.

Because I was worried that I would be caught playing secret tricks in the future, I took advantage of the trend of travelers seeking refuge and stood over to say a few nice words.

Although somewhat reluctant, it is also a helpless move!

But now after learning the truth about [Miss Xina], they really can’t accept it!

If they could swallow this, would they still be men?

How can he gain a foothold in the army and the Arataki faction?

Why are you embarrassed to be in the same chat group with the big guys in the group?

Seeing this, Dan Hu couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows.

Then the corners of his mouth curved up.

【Yae Shenzi: @五郎, quit? Well, sure! As for the previous salary, don’t think about it~ Treat it as Yaedo’s compensation!】

【Yae Shenzi: But Yae Hall cannot live without Miss Hina.~】

【Yae Shenzi: If that’s the case, then let’s just do this! Well, the picture of Goro dressed as a woman in the light curtain is good, I’m going to have someone arrange it. Then place it in every corner of Inazuma!】

【Yae Kamiko: It can be considered as letting the people of Inazuma feel the style of Miss Hina in advance! (smile.jpg)】

【Goro: You…you you you……】

Goro was dumbfounded.

If he does this, what’s the point of resigning?

Maybe even worse!

Damn fox woman!

Thinking that he had finally been brave enough to face that woman for a while, he didn’t expect that he would be manipulated again after just a few words!

Shivering! then,

【Wulang: Ahem, Mr. Palace Secretary, I didn’t wake up just now and my head was dizzy. The job at Yaedo is so good, how could I just resign like this?】

【Yae Kamiko: Well, very good~ (smile, expression)]

Looking at the smiling expressions in the group, Goro seemed to see the hateful smile of the fox woman.

But Wulang could only continue to comfort himself

“Well, this is not surrender. . !”

“It is a temporary surrender of the enemy!”

“Those who understand current affairs are heroes!”

“It is to deal with enemies better in the future!”

But judging from the clenched fists, we can see how sad and angry he is in his heart.

On the side, Coral Palace Xinhai also had a look of sympathy after noticing it. After offending Mr. Gong Si, he still wants to run away?

I’m afraid this child will never die. She couldn’t escape being teased~

But she couldn’t interfere in this matter. She could only mourn for her subordinates~

But Arataki Yidou was confused at this time.

What does this mean?

We agreed to fight the enemy together, In the end, you voted directly?

Then wouldn’t he have to face the fox woman alone?

Inexplicably, he felt a little guilty.

But thinking of his own money and Miss Hina of his dreams, Arataki suddenly started fighting again Fighting spirit

【Arataki Yidou: Damn fox woman, you are the one who made me lose my love!】

【Arataki Yidou: Miss Xina has been destroyed, I have nothing to be afraid of anymore!】

【Arataki Ito: Come on! Use whatever means you have!】

【Arataki fights: I, Arataki, are the best in the world, and I will never be afraid!】


【Goro: I need to correct you. There is absolutely nothing we love or hate between Brother Yidou! (seriously.jpg)】

【Arataki Yito: Humph, you are just answering questions, what do you know about Ms. Hina?】

【Arataki Yidou: If it were the real Miss Hina, she would never surrender so easily!】


Dan Hu raised his eyebrows again when he saw this.

She did not expect that after the most important person involved, Goro, was dealt with, Arataki Yidou would escape.

It seems that this big man’s”love” for Miss Xina is really not simple~

But that’s fine~

It’s too simple, and it’s boring~

Thinking of this, a sly smile flashed in the eyes of the fox.

【Yae Kamiko: Hey, there is a general in Inazuma Castle, how can I dare to use any tricks?】

【Yae Shenzi: What you said makes sense. I have to compensate you for your mental damages.~】

【Yae Shenzi: When the opportunity is right later, I will notify you to come to Yae Hall to get it~]

Seeing this, Arataki Yidou was a little surprised.

But I didn’t think much about it.

I just thought that this fox woman was afraid of him.

I felt so good all of a sudden

【Arataki Yidou: Hahahaha, not bad! It seems like you, a fox woman, still know how to get things done!

【Kuki Shinobu: Boss……】

【Yae Kamiko: Ninja, you don’t want to go back to Narukami Taisha Shrine and become a shrine maiden, right? (smile.jpg)】

【Kuki Shinobu:……】

“Hey, boss, you are asking for a lot of blessings!”

Kuki-nin sighed helplessly.

She has been threatened like this, what else can she do.

The boss deserves this disaster…

Like Kuki-nin, there are many people who can see that something is wrong.

This fox woman will definitely not He would have given in so honestly. He was

200% having some bad intentions.

How happy Arataki Ichito is smiling now, I’m afraid it will be so miserable later~

Looking back on the complete situation of this drama, originally it was Goro and Arataki joined forces to fight against the fox woman.

But who knows, the other party resolved all this with just a few moves.

One was frightened and retreated, and the other was deceived and couldn’t find the north. This made many people in the chat group People were filled with emotion.

And the little guys like Qi Liangliang and Hayao were trembling even more.

This Lord Palace Secretary is really not easy to mess with.~

… villa.

Luo Chen also felt happy after seeing the prominent barrage in the live broadcast room.

This pink-furred fox is truly amazing.

I’m afraid someone might be in trouble later.

After laughing, he continued.

“In addition to these three examples, there are also some slutty words that disdain foxes.”

“After reading this, you will probably understand how disdainful this guy’s character is!”

Speaking, Luo Chen picked up the mouse and started to control it.

Soon, a video appeared in the light screen.

It was the classic scene of the fox in”Genshin Impact”.

“.〃 Follow me, three two one, one two three, ah ah ah! faster!”

“It sounds like you are more interested in my appearance, Miss Fox? What a beautiful thought~”

“The guardian of Narukami Taisha Shrine has always been very effective. I specially left one for you.”

“You can take it out and look at it when you miss me~ maybe I will pop out to see you suddenly~”

“Keep the guard I gave you well? Is that all?”

“I thought you would hang it in the most conspicuous place in front of your chest, and then tell everyone you met that this was given to me by Mr. Yaegomiya, who is both beautiful and wise.”

“My old friend, because he couldn’t eat desserts and read novels at the same time, he was so angry that he broke down inside, crying and fussing, so pitiful.~”

“Haha, so interesting! A dignified general, when he goes shopping in the city, he acts like a country girl from the countryside.”

“It’s okay, she won’t mind, she definitely won’t mind~”



The video is not long. After watching it, people in the chat group were also filled with emotion.

【Extraordinary chat group】

【Ningguang: Traveler, Arataki Ito, Goro, and General Raiden are all being manipulated by this Lord Palace Secretary!】

【Navia: These are just the ones that exploded from the light curtain, I’m afraid there are more that haven’t exploded! (Can’t laugh or cry.jpg)】

【Funina: It’s so funny. With such a family member, even if there is no light screen, her character will probably collapse~ (dog head.jpg)】

【Tevalin: Haha, this fox woman is so good at it! He is truly a role model for my family members! (Thumbs up.jpg)】

【Ruotuo Dragon King: I used to dismiss it, but now I analyze it sentence by sentence! (dog head.jpg)】

【Alice: I’m afraid it’s not that easy to learn this kind of shaving.~】

【Nasida: In addition to the talent of the Son of God, maybe it is also related to the Fox Palace? After all, that person is not a simple master~]

Seeing Nasida’s remarks, the others also nodded secretly.

Indeed it is!

After all, that Wubaizo was calculated to be General Raiden’s subordinate.

Without the”guidance” of seniors, it’s not that easy to learn.~

Castle tower.

Seeing the various comments in the light curtain, Yingmei and Paimengxia (De Zhao Hao) glanced at each other consciously.

They found that they didn’t seem so unlucky after all.

After all, they just ran out of royalties.

But someone lost their gender!

Someone stayed in bed for over a month!

Someone’s character just collapsed!

It was so miserable~

After watching it, Ying was even more unhappy.

I thought that unfair comments would make this guy Shenzi look embarrassed.

I never thought that it would be me who made a fool of myself!

This guy actually got a lot of limelight!

“Hey, Shadow, be happy~”

“I’m very happy to see you commenting on me inappropriately~”

A smile appeared on Chuan Huxu’s face

“Hehe, no one has been able to leave with a smile since Light Screen’s unfair comments!”

“This is just my first unserious review!”

“Let’s see later!”

Ying Leng snorted and ignored the fox. He stared directly at the light screen.

The omnipotent light screen!

Give this pink-furred fox something to be more powerful~

After the fox smiled slightly, he also looked at it in the same way. Towards the light screen.

But compared to before, her mentality was much more relaxed.

Who said she didn’t come out with a smile?

Maybe she was the first!

At the same time, other people also looked at the light screen.

Jing Waiting for the next inappropriate review!

…… villa.

Sensing the expectations of everyone in Teyvat, Luochen smiled.

After closing the video, continue talking

“Through the previous videos, I think you all have a certain understanding of Yae Shenzi’s ‘crumbs'”

“Next, let’s continue with the non-serious review!”

“The second item of the informal comment – the story of Yae Kamiko’s childhood!”

“But what happened when I was a kid is not what happened when I was a kid!”

“This is a big reason for Fox to rebel.~”

“As for what the situation is, you will know after watching the following video!”

Said, Luo Chen picked up the mouse and started to control it.

Soon, a new video appeared on the light screen.

【The cohabitation life of Lei Movie and Xiao Yae].

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