
Luo Chen continued to speak.

“I have previously commented on the merits and demerits of my sister Baal, and now it is my sister Baalzeb’s turn.”

“First of all, the merits of Balzebul”

“1. One unified rice wife!”

“During the Demon God War, join hands with Baal to unify the rice wife”

“Compared to elder sister Baal’s martial arts skills, younger sister Baalzeb made a huge contribution to martial arts!”

“Killing big snakes, shooting thunderbirds, and destroying monsters, she uses Wuxiang to clear away all obstacles to progress for Ina Wife!”

“Created a safe external environment for Barr’s civil rule!”

“2. Teach martial arts!”

“Taught the Inazuma people the art of naginata, swordsmanship, and sword forging.”

“Giving the people their own powerful capital”

“3. Solve the disaster in Kanria!”

“Since Kanria’s return, with the help of the power of the sacred cherry tree, she has used her powerful strength to quell this huge monster disaster!”

“Saved Ina’s wife who almost perished!”

“Then what happened to Balzebul”

“1. Love others too much!”

“Regarding this point, it mainly refers to the Battle of Kaiji Island back then!”

“After dealing with the big snake, because she was considerate of the other party, she did not take any measures to make the other party return to her heart completely.”

“It laid hidden dangers for the war to come.”

“2. Don’t know how to govern the country and have extreme ideas!”

“Regarding the former, according to common sense, it is understandable”

“After all, before Balzebul officially took over the position of General Thunder and Lightning, he was just a military general with a dull personality.”

“In addition, Baal’s death was too sudden and his succession was too hasty.”

“As for the latter, Baze’s fundamental starting point is also for Rice Wife!”

“Precisely because she loves Inazuma so much, she cannot bear the thought that everyone must be tortured by obsession in this floating world!”

“Precisely because he is so aware of the pain of losing people around him, he would rather be lonely forever than let his wife enjoy eternal happiness!”

“Precisely because she had witnessed with her own eyes the tragic end of human civilization that was making great strides, she did not want Inazuma to make the same mistake again!”

“She refuses to wear it out, just because she wants to remember those eternal things in her memory!”

“But understanding is understanding, and this cannot cover up the series of tragedies caused by this move!”

“Just like the lonely king of Mondstadt back then!”

“Although I love people, I do so in the wrong way!”

“So does Balzebul! Objectively speaking, the people of Inazuma have indeed been greatly affected.”

“There are endless wars and corruption in the country, and the people are miserable!”

“All in all, do what you want in your position!”

“As the god of the rice wife and the monarch of the rice wife, Balzebul failed to govern and guide the people well, which was his biggest fault!”

“Taken together, Balzebul’s merits outweigh his faults! Yu Dao’s wife has made a great contribution!”

“From being dull and extreme at the beginning, to finally awakening!”

“Maybe given some more time, she will truly fulfill the promise she made – that is, grant her subjects a dream!”

【Extraordinary chat group】

【Alice: Indeed! As the god and king of the country, it would be dereliction of duty to fail to guide the country well! All other reasons are false, because this is your responsibility!】

【Keqing: But strictly speaking, Inazuma has only become extremely bad in the past few years! So as Light Screen said, Lord Balzeb’s overall merits outweigh his faults! Rice Wife can’t live without General Raiden!】

【Yingmei: Tsk tsk, I actually heard from Keqing that humans cannot live without gods! (dog head. expression)】

【Paimon: Master Carver, you have changed! (Dog head. Expression)]

When Keqing saw these two comments, she rolled her eyes cutely.

She is no longer the narrow-minded person she was before.

How could we still have such naive ideas of”rule by man”?

【Nilu: Yes, if there had not been General Raiden, Ina Wife might have been swallowed up by disaster five hundred years ago, right?】

【Navia: Even if you are lucky enough to survive, you will be troubled and persecuted by fools later!】

【Navilette: There’s one more thing besides that! That is Inazuma approaching the dark sea! There are many demons who escaped during the Demon War.】

【Navilette: If there is no powerful force in charge, the rice wife will never be stable!】

【Kamisato Ayaka: Yes, without the Shogun, there would be no Inazuma today! Inazuma is forever grateful to the General!】

【Kujo Sora: That’s right! Both real adults and shadow adults have made indelible contributions to Inazuma!】

【Kujo Sura: The permanent path is magnificent, and the calling god is eternal!】

【Xiao Palace: The Changdao is magnificent and the gods are eternal!】

【Arataki fights: The Chang Dao is magnificent, the Ming Shen is eternal!】

【Qi Liangliang: The Changdao is magnificent and the gods are eternal!】

【Coral Palace Heart Sea: The Changdao is magnificent and the gods are eternal!】


At this moment, all the wives strengthened their faith!

Always follow the General!

Under her leadership, let’s build a”permanent paradise” where people can live and work in peace and contentment!

Of course, there may be some deviations!

At this time, they need to step forward at any time!

This is their duty as citizens!

Only when gods and people fulfill their responsibilities together can they move towards a bright future together!

… villa.

Looking at the prominent barrage in the live broadcast room, Luo Chen also nodded secretly. indeed!

Other countries can consider not having gods, but Inazuma definitely cannot!

Who allowed it to come close to the dark sea?

With such a threat by his side, without strong strength, he would not be able to sleep peacefully.

This is the biggest role of shadow!

Besides, in the final analysis, he really fell.

Otherwise, with the two sisters joining forces, both civil and military,

Ina Wife would be able to live a good life even if the island country has some limitations.

Instead of the turmoil and hell like now!

All I can say is, it’s a pity~

After shaking his head, Luo Chen came back to his senses, and then continued to speak.

“At this point, the official review of Thor ends.”

“I have reviewed three gods so far!”

“These three are also very interesting!”

“Barbatos and Morax are unreliable on the surface”

“One never goes to work and spends all day fishing and drinking!”

“One goes to class once a year, and the rest of the time is spent shopping, watching movies, and walking around!”

“But their country is currently one of the most stable countries on the Teyvat continent.”

“Even if we encounter any major events in history, we can recover quickly.”

“On the other hand, Balzebul!”

“This one seems to be the most reliable and works every day!”

“She was even worried that her working condition was not good, so she created a theoretically perfect version of herself!”

“But under such circumstances, the country’s governance level is actually the worst!”

“It’s really dramatic~”

Hearing this, the people in the chat group also looked stunned.


It seems so!

This huge contrast has made many people interested.

So they started discussing

【Extraordinary chat group】

【Yingmei: Tsk, tsk, comparing it like this, it’s really weird!】

【Paimon: So, why? (curious.jpg)】

【Nacida: Although saying this may be disrespectful to Senior Baalzeb, I think the problem lies with the gods!】

【Nacida: Although Barbatos-senpai and Morax-senpai may seem a little out of place, they have great wisdom!】

【Nacida: They don’t do everything themselves, but they are deeply involved with the people. At the same time, he controlled the general direction of the country very well.】

【Nasida: As long as this is correct, basically there won’t be any big problems!】

【Nasida: Even if there is a problem, the two seniors can tell the truth!】

【Nasida: And because Senior Barzeb locked himself in a pure land and was unable to listen to the wishes of the people, his general direction later changed.】

【Nasida: Under such circumstances, even working every day will not help! 】

Seeing Nasida’s”study notes”, other people in the chat group also nodded secretly.

Indeed it is!

After all, Teyvat is still a country dominated by the Seven Rulers of the World!

Every word and action of the gods has a huge impact!

Wind God and Rock God are indeed the only two first-generation gods!

Experience is rich!

As for Thor… he’s still too young!

Shadow didn’t refute this.

Because this is indeed the truth!

At this time,

【Funina: In addition to the biggest influencing factor of gods, there is another factor, and that is reliable workers!】

【Fonina: Mondstadt has the Gunnhild family and the Legenfund family who have”Eternal Protection of Mondstadt” engraved in their bones!】

【Funina: Liyue has a seven-star secretary like Miss Gan Yu who has worked diligently for more than 3,000 years!】

【Funina: With such high-level workers, Mond and Liyue can control the details under the general direction.】

【Funina: On the other hand, on Inazuma’s side, two of the three practices have colluded with the fools, and the remaining social practices do not have enough say. As for Narukami Ogami, he was not involved in political affairs, so he was excluded. 】

Seeing Funina’s speech, other people in the chat group thought about it.

No matter how good a policy is, it must have reliable people to help implement it!

Compared to Mond and Liyue, Dao Zhi is far behind in this aspect.

Ying also looked helpless at this.

She also wants to have reliable subordinates… but there is no way!

All the reliable people disappeared five hundred years ago…

She and Shenzi were all unreliable…

Seeing that the chat group was having a decent and serious discussion, at this time, Alice This fun man is here again! (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Alice: Gee, how can there be so many factors?】

【Alice: Fengshen doesn’t work, but Rock God works once a year. As a result, the country is fine! But the bad-faced general goes to work every day, but the country has problems!】

【Alice: What does this mean?】

【Alice: It shows that going to work is not good for running the country! Only by messing around and fishing can the country be governed well! (dog head.jpg)】

【Wendy: Hey, that’s right, that’s it! (dog head.jpg)】

【Zhongli: Ahem, based on universal rationality, it makes sense! (Serious.jpg)】

【Yae Kamiko: That’s right~ (bad smile.jpg)】

【Funina: Yes, yes! (dog head.jpg)】

【Rosalia: Agreed!】

【Elhaysen: Indeed!】


Others were speechless after seeing this.

What kind of fallacy is this?

It’s obvious that you want to take advantage of it and be lazy!

But Ying really listened to it[]

“Is it a waste of time and money?”

The home girl began to think thoughtfully.

Although it sounds outrageous, it seems to make sense!

Just like her situation.

The more she does, the more mistakes she makes!

If she doesn’t do it, maybe it will be better!

As long as Just grasp the overall direction as firmly as Barbatos and Morax!

But the prerequisite is that this direction must be suitable for the people’s wishes!

At this moment, Shadow felt that he had realized it!

The same, there is Nasida!

The little grass god felt I learned something again!

… villa.

Luo Chen continued to speak.

“I’ll stop commenting on things related to the three gods for now.”

“Next, there is a serious review of the Eightfold Son of God, a descendant of the Thunder God.”

“As an old rule, let’s briefly talk about our identity and background.”

“Yae Kamiko, currently the great shrine maiden of Narukami Taisha Shrine, the continuation of the fox bloodline, the eternal family member and friend, and the chief editor of the light novel publishing house [Yaedo]!”

“Compared with the naive and naive Balzebul, this one’s temperament is unpredictable and changeable!”

“Beneath the elegant and gentle appearance, there is an unknown intelligence and cunning.”

“Well, she is a woman who cannot be guessed by common sense!”


Seeing the new character Yae Kamiko being chatted about in the light screen, the people in the chat group immediately turned their attention back.

【Extraordinary chat group】

【Alice: Tsk tsk, the gods are naive and their followers are smart and cunning. These gods and their followers are really interesting~ (dog head. expression)】

【Yingmei: Isn’t it? When we go to Mondstadt, Wendy asks me to beat the kinsman Tevarin; when we go to Liyue, Zhongli asks me to beat the lord Retuo Dragon King! But in Daozhu, it was the family members who asked me to beat the gods! Hahaha~】

【group���: The Son of God single-handedly revives the glory of his family! Ying Lao is miserable~!】


【Hutao: Dragon King Tevalinghot, you two can’t do it! Have you seen them? Learn more! (dog head. expression)】

【Yae Shenzi: Oh, that’s it~ You are simply embarrassing our family members.~】


【Hotuo Dragon King:……】

The two dragons were silent.

They didn’t think it was anything before.

But now for comparison… look at other people’s families!

Looking at themselves… well, it is indeed a bit embarrassing!

【Tvarin: That makes sense! Why should our family members be dragged by the gods to beat the travelers? We must fight back too!】

【Retuo Dragon King: It is our duty to restore the glory of our family!】

【Yingmei: Wow, are you going to play again? (Excited.jpg)】

【Tvarin: No! It’s not good to beat and kill too much! Directly compared to alcohol consumption! Don’t use your divine power to compete! Let them have a taste of our power!】

【Ruotuo Dragon King: That’s right! Traveler, you be the judge! Hall Master, please go get more drinks!】

【Wendy: Ahem, I think this”counterattack” is necessary!】




…… villa.

Luo Chen continued to speak at this time.

“The first item of serious comments – the story of the Son of God when he was a child~”

“Ahem, most people’s impression of Yae Shenzi (well, well, well) is probably just disdain.”

“But she wasn’t like this when she was little~”

“Over five hundred years ago, the Son of God was still a little fox harmless to humans and animals.”

Speaking of this, Luo Chen controlled the mouse to place a picture of a pink-furred fox in the live broadcast room.

Then he continued

“Because she is of the Baichen bloodline, she was raised by the Fox Sai Palace in Narukami Taisha Shrine.”

“Later, he was favored by the Thunder and Lightning sisters because of his cute and cute appearance.”

“In the words of the Son of God himself, this is what he said”

“At that time, I was just a little idiot. How could I dare to compare with Mistress Bai Chen in terms of intelligence?”

“He was reckless, as if looking for food in the snow, hoping to get His Highness’s attention!”

“It’s ridiculous to think that because of this clumsiness and fearlessness, I was lucky enough to get His Highness’s curtain!”

“That’s it, I got the small honor of accompanying His Highness and covering my hands and feet!”

“After successfully acting cute, Shenzi was successfully brought home by the Thunder and Lightning sisters, and then became their hand warmer.”

“After that, live a carefree life”

“But I met someone behind me!”

“That’s Alice!”

“Being bumped into by this Lezi man, the Son of God was so miserable that he was bullied.~”

“I am often teased to the point of crying and fussing!”

“Of course, when he grew up, the Son of God came back again!”

“This is a topic for later, let’s not mention it for now”

“Later, it’s the Kanria period”

“Because Kosaigu wanted to go to the castle tower, the position of the palace secretary of Narukami Taisha Shrine was passed on to Kamiko.”

“At that time, the Son of God did not want to accept this trouble.”

“But in the end, I was tempted by a meal of fried tofu.~”


After listening, everyone looked strange.

Acting cute?

Is it an honor to cover your hands and feet?

Being teased by Alice and making you cry and fuss?

Was he tricked into becoming a palace minister at Narukami Taisha Shrine?

Good guy, is this the mysterious and somewhat scornful Yaegomiya in their impressions?

Isn’t the contrast too great?

As for Tan Fox himself… he was immediately numb at this moment.

It’s bad, what happened when I was a child was finally exposed.……

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