【Extraordinary chat group】

【Qin: The village chief originally wanted to protect his villagers, but in the end he became a perpetrator after being infected… (sigh.jpg)】

【Baizhu: Doctors are kind-hearted, it is a pity that such a kind-hearted pharmacist like Bao Ben】

【Clolinde: Although Inaba Kuzo is a deserter, he is also a loyal man!】

【Navia: The traveler originally wanted to help him, but unexpectedly he accidentally injured another group of friendly people.……】

【Funina: The one named Justice is also very pitiful! In the name of justice, he did not get justice. In the end, he fought with his childhood friend.……】

【Wendy: Perhaps Kenji who survived was the most miserable, just like the adventurer. toast~!】

【Barbara: They are all poor people under the war!】

【Zhongli: This is the influence of those in high positions! Their slightest change of thought can cause chaos for the common people! great influence!】

【Nasida: Got it! Therefore, gods must be careful and prudent when making decisions!】

【Alice: Change to another���In the secular dynasties of the world, I am afraid that the people would have revolted long ago and overthrow such a monarch.】

【Alice: General Stinky Face is a god and powerful~ (dog head. expression)】

【Alice: But the situation is almost the same as before. The whole rice wife is like a winery, they are all traitors! It’s Gin that matches the stinky-faced general~ (dog head. expression)】

【Xiaogong: Winery? Gin? What’s this? (Doubt.jpg)】

【Wendy: Hey, is this a drinking factory? (Look forward to.jpg)】

【Yingmei: Ahem, this is the content of a different world comic, and there is an organization called a winery in it. Except for Gin, everyone else is either an undercover agent or a gangster. (dog head. expression)】

【Paimon: Hiss~ This is too tragic, right? Ah, I’m not talking about shadowing you!】


See it from her perspective.

It was really like this…

I was offended…

Being interrupted by Alice, the atmosphere in the chat group relaxed a little.

It’s no longer as heavy as before.

At this time, other rice wives in the group also started to speak.

【Kujo Sora: I don’t know about that winery, but our Inazuma definitely isn’t it! Well, except for the Tianling implementation and the assessment implementation, the rest of us respect the General very much!】

【Kami09 Ayaka: Yes! The shogun has protected Ina’s wife for thousands of years. Although she has gone a little off track, it does not affect our respect for her!】

【Coral Palace Xinhai: Our resistance army is to make the general see the dangers of the”Eye Hunting Order” and the”National Lockdown Order”!】

【Coral Palace Xinhai: Of course, there are also certain historical factors. But there is no other way. We can only resolve it slowly.】

【Yae Shenzi: Fortunately, it’s not too late for Kage to wake up, and things haven’t reached the worst level yet.】

【Xiaogong: That’s right! There is still time to make up for all the regrets! Believe me, General!】


Seeing this, Ying felt extremely complicated.

At the same time, it also strengthened the previous idea

… villa.

Luo Chen continued to speak at this time.

“After talking about the first two periods, the next is the third period, which is also the period when Balzeb’s thoughts change!”

“As I have written before, with the joint efforts of Traveler Yingmei and others, Balzebul saw the people’s wishes”

“In the end, he was heartbroken and the eye hunting order was abolished.”

“But despite this, she is still a little confused about eternity.”

“But after experiencing these two things, Balzeb finally figured it out!”

“As for what is going on, you will know after watching the two videos below!”

Speaking, Luo Chen controlled the mouse to play the video.

These two videos are Ying’s two legendary missions.

The first one is about the traveler Yingmei taking Ying to wander around Dao Wife.

It is for the sake of peace among the people of Dao Wife. It was also to ease the mood.

It was also a rare opportunity to get in touch with the people.

After this experience, Ying saw the way forward.

Secondly, through a series of memories, Ying finally figured it out.

In the end Through a battle with the puppet general for five hundred years, he proved his will!

In the end, he planted the seeds of the sacred cherry tree with his own hands, and the eternity of Inazuma officially opened a new chapter!

After playing the video, Luo Chen continued to say

“Seeing this, I think all viewers should understand”

“Balzebul gave up his dreamlessness and turned to shouldering the dreams of everyone”

“At this moment, she was truly the Thunderbolt General who promised her subjects a dream!”


Previously, due to insufficient information, everyone had a one-sided impression of Balzebul, the God of Thunder.

For example, she is very powerful!

For example, she is very sad!

A lot of tragic things happened.

For example, she doesn’t know how to govern the country, gives up on herself, and manages the rice wife into a mess.

But after combining these two videos, their image of this person suddenly became three-dimensional.

It turns out that Thor likes dumpling milk!

It turns out that Lei Shen goes shopping like a country girl!

It turns out that Thor’s will to protect the people is so strong!

For this reason, he did not hesitate to fight General Thunder for five hundred years!

It turns out…

Mrs. Ina’s feelings were even deeper!

【General chat group】

【Tomoki: Sho…Shogun-sama actually likes my dumpling milk? What a…what an honor! (Surprise.jpg)】

【Murata: And our Yaedo novels too! Haha, I didn’t expect the general’s idea to be so unique!】

【Ogura Mio: In the past, we were too awed by the Shogun. Now look at it. In fact, the Shogun is also very kind.】

【Tianmu Fifteen: Hey, the main reason is that the general lost too much back then and stayed alone for too long. That’s why the idea went wrong with us】

【Sachiko: Yes, if you could go out and walk more often like the lord, maybe the shogun wouldn’t go to that extreme eternity, right?】

【Inaba Kuzo: But one thing is beyond doubt! That is, the General will always love us deeply! In order to give Inazuma a bright future, she fought with the puppet general for five hundred years and almost never came back.……】

【Kenji: I believe in the current general, and I believe that she can work with us to create a new”Eternal Paradise””!】

【Genjiro Gogo: Me too! I will be like those shogunate warriors remembered in the light curtain! Always believe in General!】

【Gogo Genjiro: The path of Tsunea is majestic and the Narukami is eternal!】

【Daocheng Yingmei: The Changdao is magnificent and the Mingshen is eternal!】

【Matsumoto: The Changdao is magnificent, and the Mingshen is eternal!】


Although after learning about Inazuma’s current situation, Inazuma’s feelings towards the General were somewhat complicated.

But as the light curtain said!

The reputation of General Raiden has transcended the shackles of life and has become Inazuma’s faith that will be passed down forever!

They were so convinced when General Thunder and Lightning took extreme measures before!

I am willing to fight for the General!

Then when I saw the General who was now awakened and transformed, I became even more determined!


Rice Wife, Heavenly Leader Follows

“Dumpling milk from Zhishu’s stall!”

“It turns out that the General likes this family!”

Kujo Sora suddenly realized it.

Thinking of this, she quickly got up and hurried out.

Since the General likes it, she has to buy a few more.


Rice Wife, Castle Tower

“So that’s it, so that’s it?……”

After watching the movie, I felt suddenly enlightened.

Following herself in the light curtain, she experienced what happened in the original future.

Naturally, I finally figured it out!

“I can’t keep my eyes on the past”

“Although progress will bring losses, it will also create opportunities!”

“I am the thunder movie that Xu Yichen dreams of!”

After Ying whispered to himself, his eyes became firm.

Then he seemed to think of something and started communicating with the puppet general in his consciousness.

“In the original future, we have been fighting for five hundred years”

“In the end, I defeated you with the power of my dream!”

“Now, you should be able to determine whether I have been worn out or whether I have grasped the true meaning of new eternity, right?”

“Or do you want to fight me again?”

The puppet general didn’t reply.

But many times, silence is the best attitude.

When Ying saw this, a smile appeared on his face.

It’s solved!

It’s all solved!

“Figured out?”


Besides, Shenzi couldn’t help but raised his eyebrows after noticing his friend’s expression.

“Um!”(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Ying nodded slightly.

Then he looked at Yingmei and Paimon sitting opposite.

“Thank you very much!”

In the original future, these two people helped her and Ina Wife a lot.

She was really grateful.

“Um, you’re welcome, actually we didn’t help much either.”

Yingmei scratched her head in embarrassment.

Her current mood was quite subtle.

She might have helped, but she didn’t do anything right now. She and Paimon were either eating here or there all day long.

It was the light screen that was helping throughout the whole process!

But it would be wrong to say that it had nothing to do with her!

The light screen just exposed what happened in her original future!

“Forget it, as long as my future self is awesome, that’s it!”

Shaking her head, Yingmei didn’t think about it any more.[]

But after seeing the dream on the desk, I suddenly thought of something.

Then he looked weird

“By the way, I didn’t expect that Paimon would actually guess it!”

“This sacred cherry tree was really planted by you!”

“Although I didn’t travel through time, it was almost the same as traveling through time.”

After Paimon heard this, he also reacted.

I’ll go!

Is this okay?

Although some blind cats encounter dead mice, this does not prevent her from showing off.

She immediately hugged her with both hands and looked proud.

“Hum hum, am I great?”

“So it’s better to read more!”

Yingmei rolled her eyes cutely when she heard this.

Is reading light novels also reading?

After Ying saw it, she also smiled helplessly.

And after seeing Dream Isshin, her eyes softened.

“Really, thanks to you~”


【Extraordinary chat group】

【Wendy: Hey, is this the original future Balzebul? It seems that you have really figured it out now, so congratulations!】

【Zhongli: According to universal rationality, Baalzeb at this time should be a qualified god!】

【Nasida: Although we went through many difficulties, fortunately, the final result was good!】

【Funina: Speaking of the result, I didn’t expect that Balzebul would fight the puppet general for five hundred years. It’s really unbelievable! (exclamation.jpg)】

【Alice: This is the consequence of leaving no escape route! The stinky-faced general almost couldn’t get out.】

【Alice: What’s the difference between you and those humans who develop artificial intelligence without leaving any instructions? (sigh.jpg)】

【Alice: If you hadn’t cheated me in the last moment, I’m afraid I would have been trapped in it.……】

【Kamisato Ayaka: What is artificial intelligence? (curious.jpg)】

【Yingmei: Ayaka, you understand it as something similar to the puppet general】

【Xiaogong: What are the consequences of those humans not leaving instructions? (curious.jpg)】

【Alice: What else? Basically they are all destroyed~ (Spread your hands.jpg)】


I know, I know, stop scolding!

Be sure to pay attention next time!

…… villa.

Luochen also saw Alice’s barrage.

He still agreed very much with her speech!

The Doll General represents the ultimate in shadow power!

If the shadow is in a normal state of wear and tear, it will definitely be unbeatable if you continue to hit it.

It’s like humans and artificial intelligence playing Go.

The other party’s thinking and calculation abilities far exceed yours!

Unless you use new chess records, you will lose if you keep playing!

Fortunately, she truly understood her sister’s true philosophy and gained the strength to pursue her dreams.

Otherwise it would be really dangerous~!

After shaking his head, Luo Chen recovered his mind and continued to speak.

“After finishing what I just said, I think you all have a clearer understanding of the eternal concepts of Baal and Baalzebul.”

“Next, we continue to comment”

“The fourth item of the serious review – review of merits and demerits!”

“This pretty much describes the deeds of the demon sisters. Here is a summary.”

“The merits and demerits here are based on the concept of gods loving people.”

“It’s not merit or demerit in the traditional sense.”

“I hope you will view it rationally”

“First up is Baal!”

“The merit of Baal,”

“During the Demon God War, he and his sister Balzebul worked together to unify the Rice Wife.”

“Later, they jointly established the shogunate and managed Inazuma.”

“Although he is not good at force, he is good at martial arts!”

“In the meantime, collect the demon clan and take care of people’s livelihood!”

“Let everyone in Daoji live and work in peace and contentment, and achieve the eternal paradise in the hearts of the people!”

“Even after he died, he still left a life-saving amulet for Ina Wife!”

“Without the sacred cherry tree, Balzebul alone would not be able to quell the disaster!”

“Barr’s fault……”

“In fact, on the whole, she has nothing wrong!”

“But if you insist on saying it, yes!”

“That is because he failed to train his sister Balzeb well during the period from the Demon God War to Camrea.”

“Converted into a secular dynasty, that is, the king of a country failed to cultivate his heirs well.”

“So that after his sudden death, his heir was unqualified”

“Then it indirectly caused Ina Wife to go astray.”

“Overall, Balgong far outweighs his fault!”

“He is a kind, gentle, wise, and loving god!”

“Although it is not appropriate to say this, in a secular dynasty, she would be like Dao Gaozu and Dao Wen Emperor!”


【Extraordinary chat group】

【Shadow: Dao Gaozu? Emperor Daowen? This is?】

【Yingmei: If you treat Zhen as the emperor!】

【Yingmei: Gao Zu is the temple name, Emperor Wen is the posthumous title!】

【Yingmei: This is the evaluation given to the emperor by others after his death!】

【Yingmei: Dao Gaozu refers to Dao’s wife’s founding emperor. And Emperor Daowen?……】

【Yingmei: Wen Jingwei of Heaven and Earth, Wen of Morality and Knowledge, Wen of Benevolence and Loving People, Wen of Transforming the World, Wen of Emperor De Yun Guang, Wen of Cultivating the Class System, Wen of Showing Virtue, Beauty and Talent, etc.】

【Yingmei: To put it simply, it combines all the good things such as outstanding civil and military skills, great contributions to the country, noble character and moral character, etc.! It is the best posthumous title among emperors! 】

Hearing this, people in the chat group were surprised.

It turns out there is such a saying!

Although it’s a little weird to compare gods to emperors, it sounds kind of awesome!

Ying was so happy after seeing it!

This is recognition from the light curtain!

【Nasida: As expected of a traveler, she knows so much! (Thumbs up.jpg)】

【Yingmei: Hehe, who is it~ (delighted.jpg)】

【Zhongli: From a common sense perspective, under Baal’s rule, the people of Daoji live and work in peace and contentment. Worthy of such an evaluation】

【Wendy: Hey, the old man is right!】

【Alice: Hey, how’s it going? I also know similar things~ Do you want me to evaluate you gods?】

【Wendy: Ahem, excuse me.~】


【Shadow: Ahem, I don’t have to】

【Nacida: I am only five hundred years old……】

【Funina: Don’t look at me, don’t look at me! 】


Haven’t you heard from travelers that this can only be used after death?

Who in normal life would want to use this?……

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