Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 2769

Su Hao's voice fell, and the steward standing behind the stone platform smiled faintly and said, "Little Brother, you are thinking too much, this was identified by Master Chen."

"When someone didn't have a punch." Su Hao laughed, without any disrespect, and to tell the truth, this kind of stone gamble-like thing, no one can guarantee that there will be no accidents.

But in the eyes of the manager and the people around him, there was a different understanding, and there was a hint of unhappiness in those eyes.

Master Chen is a famous treasure appraiser from Heavenly River City, betting on Master Shi, the treasure in his hand is almost 90% correct, and there are very few accidents.

Even if there is an accident, it is the proven stones from the bottom of the river, and there is almost never a mistake for the low-grade stones hidden in the surrounding sediment.

In Heavenly River City, Master Chen is so prestige that he has almost become the Divine Eyes in everyone's heart!

"You have the guts, Master Chen is the first to bet on Master Shi for Heavenly River City. He is a senior expert and has a high reputation. When it comes to your mouth, it's just a vain reputation, and it's worthless?"


Fire Spirit has double openings and a sharp voice, directly putting a big hat on Su Hao.

"I'm just speaking frankly. No one can guarantee the stone gamble. It's normal for accidents to happen." Su Hao's tone was flat.

The Sword Master Cang Qiong used to be a ten great expert, experienced and knowledgeable three days ago. He has a lot of means, but he can't guarantee it, and he is 100% right.

Leave a word, Su Hao is going to leave here and get what he needs, he doesn't plan to say more here.

There is definitely a terrifying treasure in the stone in the hand, otherwise, the dragon soul in the Killing God Sword would be impossible restless, even a little boiling.

However, before Su Hao's feet could move, there was an old man downstairs, stepping on the river, saying solemnly: "old man really dare not say 100%, but old man man has been immersed in this way for hundreds of years, you are not a hairless brat, can you make irresponsible remarks?"

As the voice sounded, the faces of the people changed greatly, and after looking at it, Qi Qi cupped one fist in the other hand and said, "Master Chen."

The person who came was a black robed old man with wrinkled skin and snow-white hair, looking at Su Hao, With a strong majesty.

As he stepped down the river and landed on the Second Layer, he even said: "That thing is worthless, I said!"

"Master is right, the boy is just Nonsense, many offended, but also look at Haihan." Su Hao hugged cup one fist in the other hand, turned around and left.

He didn't intend to say more, and he didn't intend to cause any trouble. He came here just to solve the curse, not to be an enemy of others.

But before Su Hao's figure was gone, the Fire Spirit said again: "You are disrespectful to the Master, do you want to expose it after a few words? Hmph, kneel down and apologize to the Master!"

The people around them share the same hatred, and they respect Master Chen very much.

"Master's reputation can also be ruined?"

"I don't care who you are, I will kneel down and apologize immediately, otherwise, Heavenly River City will not tolerate you."

"Ignorance fearless, Master Chen and the others, how can you, a hairless brat, arrange it at will? If you do something wrong, you will be punished and kneel!"

Icy The voices sounded one after another, and many people spontaneously blocked in front of Su Hao, blocking his way forward, their eyes overbearing.

The Master Chen, with his hands behind ones back, looked proud, and had no objection to everyone's embarrassment, and looked at Su Hao with a burning gaze, thinking that he should do this.

The evaluation of him is that he is utterly rebellious, cannot tell good from bad, and should kneel down.

This made Su Hao's face sink, unsatisfied!

He had already tried his best to protect the old man's face. If it wasn't so, if he opened treasure on the spot, the old man's prestige would have dropped a thousand zhang in one fall.

After all, he has the inheritance of the sword master of the sky, and the support of the dragon soul. He can be almost 100% certain about the treasure in the stone gamble, and the treasure among them is amazing.

That's the case, but also suffered such a big complaint and targeting.

"Master, you are highly respected and senior expert, so you don't need to argue with this junior, and my words have no intention of targeting."

Su Hao said again, holding back his heart. annoyed.

However, that Master Chen hands behind ones back, without even looking at Su Hao, casually said: "Now I know that I'm low, but the previous evaluation is not the case."

"Youngsters like you, I have seen many, ignorant fearless, shallow temperament, but if you make a mistake, you have made a mistake and you have to be punished. The punishment is also for your future consideration, don't judge things that are unclear in the future. ."

"Today you knelt down and kowtowed three times. The old man said that because of your young age, he withhold investigating, which is also a chance for you."

With When Master Chen fell, everyone didn't feel that his temperament was narrow, but instead, it was a compliment. They felt that Master Chen was really compassionate.

"As expected of a highly respected expert, being so insulted and so indifferent, he only needs to kowtow three times to apologize. I have to admire it."

"That kid picked up a big deal. , and fortunately I met Master Chen. If it was someone else, I don't know how much punishment would be given to him."

"This kind of thing that cannot tell good from bad should be fiercely taught and let him eat. One quarrel grows one's wisdom, and if you dare to talk nonsense in the future, it is a pity that the Master is too merciful and the punishment is too light."

"Boy, don't be stunned, just do it quickly, Master Chen It's already kind enough."

Those people spoke loudly, complimenting them with cold eyes, and aimed at Su Hao again, seeming to make Su Hao kneel and admit that he was wrong, or he got a huge advantage, it should be deeply grateful.

"Are you a little unsatisfied?"

Su Hao's voice sounded again, there was no more respect in his voice, but a strong coldness.

Suddenly, all around everyone complexion changed.

They thought Su Hao would do it right away.

didn't expect, not only did he not, but he was so ignorant.

And this is not the end.

As the voice fell, Su Hao turned around, took a step towards the Master Chen, lifted the head, looked at him with cold eyes, and said, "I don't care about you, I've already given you enough face. , but you don't know how to advance or retreat, overbearing, do you really consider yourself an expert?"


Su Hao's words are simply outrageous. Although the sound is not loud, in the hearts of everyone, it is like a thunderous explosion, and the rumbling continues.

Those people shivered fiercely by the stimulation.

Even after that Master Chen was stunned for a while, it was a little incredible.

In this Heavenly River City, it is extremely rare to dare to speak to him like this, and as for youngsters, it is even rarer.

Who saw him without bowing?

This kid is definitely the first!

Simply bold!

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