Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 2768

This place is quiet, there are only a limited number of people, but they stared at the pearl and did not speak. In their hearts, this thing is not of high value.

However, Su Hao is very concerned, he wants to experiment, whether these treasures from Tianhe really have an effect on his curse.

It's just that, after Su Hao's voice fell, the Fire Spirit pair came quickly, spitting out a price that exceeded Su Hao's double.

"Two million!"

A few people around were surprised, and when they saw the delicate faces of Fire Spirit pairs, they suddenly showed surprise, even a little greedy .

But feeling the other party's terrifying, this kind of gaze and psychology can only be found in the dark, especially, Fire Spirit's double mouth is two million, which also shows her rich and imposing, and her status is very not. simple .

"It seems that you are really afraid and dare not give me half a chance. Just like this, you still dare to be arrogant with me?" Su Hao continued to tease.

"Wrong, I just think, I can kill you with one hand, I don't need to use two hands." Fire Spirit defended both, standing with a smile.

Su Hao sneered, turned around and walked away. He came to a stone platform shaped like a shell, and saw the purple spar above it, his eyes flashed again, three million.

This time, the Fire Spirit pair is even more straightforward. After sweeping the sleeve robe, the treasure is directly in his hand, and he said, "Five million, I'm going to order it."

"As expected of the Thirteen Grand Guardians in the outer courtyard of the North Divine Palace, they are indeed rich and imposing, admiration, admiration." Su Hao said with a sneer.

The sound was also clearly heard by all around, who immediately looked sideways with shock in their eyes.

The few cultivators who coveted her beauty before were even more secretly afraid, but fortunately they didn't open their mouths to molest her, otherwise they would get into big trouble.

North Divine Palace, the overlord of the North Divine Domain, is one of the most terrifying forces, and there are absolutely no three places that can be compared with it.

In the outer courtyard of the North Divine Palace, the dísciple has been terrifying, and the thirteen Grand Guardians are even more extraordinary.

It can be said that if any one is taken out and placed in some small clan forces, it can be said to be the existence of the handle.

Especially, when Su Hao's voice fell, some people in the crowd recognized the Fire Spirit pair and said in horror: "North Divine Palace Outer Court, Second Grand Guardian, Fire Goddess, Fire Spirit Double! "

As soon as these words fell, the sound of suck in a cold breath roared, and those who coveted her beauty immediately left, for fear of being in trouble.

After all, the Fire Spirit pair can't make a shot here, and they will leave Heavenly River City sooner or later, and it's hard to say what happens when the time comes.

Also, the name of the person and the shadow of the tree, although I have never seen it before, but few people don't know this name. Offending her will definitely kill her!


Fire Spirit is snorted with two faint touches, and is unmoved by the dread and compliment of all around, just staring at Su Hao, full of fun.

I'm here, you won't get half of the benefits.

"Ten million!"

And just in his thoughts, Su Hao's voice rose, pointing to the treasure next to each other, and spit out a few words. terrifying numbers.

Ten million is a lot.

Especially, the reserve price of the treasure is only three million, and Su Hao is more than three times more than expected.

Even if the Fire Spirit was stunned for a moment, her eyes were struggling, three hundred, five million, she can still be calm and casual, tens of millions, for her, it is not a small thing.


But under gritted teeth, she still stepped forward and waved her hand: "Eleven million!"

After she spoke, Su Hao immediately gave up and walked to The third place, the fourth place, the fifth place, almost saw the treasure and bid, no matter who bid, no matter how much the reserve price was, he would always exceed the minimum five million.

And the price paid by Fire Spirit double for this is really not low, at least it exceeds 50 million.

This made those around her admire her even more. It was really rich and imposing!

Fifty million threw away without batting an eyebrow.

However, in the hearts of Fire Spirit, it is already painful to die, fifty million, who can care, how many Divine Crystal stones I have?

But Su Hao didn't stop and kept moving.

However, to the surprise of Fire Spirit, Su Hao did not go deeper, but returned to the entrance, where the treasure is the cheapest category.

Even the lowest ones only need hundreds of thousands of Divine Crystals.

"300,000, I want it." Su Hao pointed to a black stone ahead, which was stained with some sand and seemed to have just been dug up from the river.

But this treasure valued at 300,000 yuan is only the shallowest thing on the bank of the Tianhe River. The chance of having a treasure can be said to be extremely slim.

Moreover, the treasure that can enter here must have been passed by those treasure appraisers. If the value is high, it is absolutely impossible to put it at the entrance.

This is also surprising. Although Su Hao lost all bids in the previous bid, the rich and imposing should not be someone who can see such low-level treasure.

Even Fire Spirit squinted, somewhat surprised.

At the next moment, Su Hao took out 100,000 Divine Crystals, took a few low-level medicine pills, and managed to collect 300,000, which made those people even more surprised.

What's going on here?

"Little Brother, you are so rich and imposing, trifling 300,000 yuan, do you still need a medicine pill to replace it?"

The Chief-In-Charge after the stone platform said curiously.

After all, Su Hao opened his mouth very loudly before, shouting three million, five million, or even tens of millions, which has already attracted attention.

"I don't have any Divine Crystals, isn't that a brainless person following me?" Su Hao's voice was not shy, and even deliberately amplified it so that everyone could hear it clearly.

Suddenly, those people blinked their eyes, then turned their heads and looked at the Fire Spirit pair, that idiot, was she talking about her?

Also, that person has no money and keeps shouting prices that exceed the value of the treasure itself, just to... dig Fire Spirit pairs?


Fire Spirit clenched her fists under her sleeves tightly, and the harsh creak sound spread in the hall, and the anger in her heart was exuberant in an instant to the extreme.

Finally, she was stimulated by Su Hao.

That kid cost her at least tens of millions of Divine Crystals!

"Do you still want this thing?" Su Hao asked with a calm expression, looking at the Fire Spirit pair whose face was so gloomy that it could almost drop water beads.

And the latter, the sound of grinding teeth is harsh, I want your uncle!

How many times has she been fooled, hasn't she had enough?

Moreover, with hundreds of thousands of trifling stones, can I see Fire Spirit?

With a flick of his sleeve robe, he looked towards the side.

At this moment, Su Hao had just laughed, paid those Divine Crystal and medicine pill, and replaced the black stone.

"Young man, this thing is just a treasure dug out of the outermost silt of the Tianhe River. Master Chen has already identified it. If you are lucky, you will be able to preserve your capital." Chief-In-Charge indifferently said .

"I think this thing is Supreme Treasure!"

Su Hao's voice is very confident, and his eyes are shining!

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