Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 2765

The blood-colored mark was cast, and the curse erupted. It can be seen that Su Hao's body was violently burned with blood-colored flames, which seemed to be the essence of his body, mind, and soul, all of which were passively ignited.


Ling Xiao shouted, "You dare to make trouble in front of me while the curse is still there? "

However, such an arrogant voice had just fallen, and his face changed greatly again, Su Hao was burning with flames, and the curse erupted, but he was still roaring forward.

The sword in that hand was raised, moved towards the fiercely cut in front, ignoring the curse, ignoring everything, the thick sword light, like a long river rushing forward.

Ling Xiao shouted, a terrifying death crisis enveloped the whole body, fiercely bit the tip of his tongue and spewed out a mouthful of blood essence, and the speed of reversal speeded up again.

But he underestimated the speed of Su Hao's sword light. With a bang, the sword light condensed into a wisp, chasing his soul and killing him. If he didn't kill him, he would not give up.

At this moment, he has one's hair stand on end, his body is cold, and while looking forward, he sees that Su Hao's body is burning with flames, but his eyes are firmly shot out, and he will pull him together if he is dead. !

Such terrifying makes him have one's hair stand on end, and in this brief moment, the sword light comes ruthlessly, fiercely slashes, blood splatters!

"Ah, ah..."

Ling Xiao shouted, frightened to the extreme, but he didn't rush away, blood sprayed from his arm, at that critical moment, he He was grabbed by the Ling Family Supreme Elder and pulled aside.

sword light did not kill him as he wished.

The sweat on his forehead was pouring down frantically, and the whole body was enveloped by the cold air. Ling Xiao relieved for a moment, and then he became embarrassed: "Die, die for me!"

Su Hao made a mistake with his sword, not much to say. At this moment, the curse is shrouded, the essence of his body is burning, and the twelve Ancient God orders cannot be broken.

This was planted in his body when he was weak, and it exploded at this moment, causing huge damage.

Let him not have too much time to display the second sword at all!


At this time, the wind Venerable moved, the terrifying cultivation base burst out, and a terrifying aura enveloped Su Hao, causing the flames on his body to temporarily stop. suppressed.

But it's not disappearing, it's just relieving. In Su Hao's body, the flames are still rising like a demon, ready to devour everything in Su Hao at any time.

"Go to Tianhe!"

Feng Venerable said nothing, took Su Hao and left immediately. On the North Divine Domain, there is a Tianhe, if it can lead to the heart of the river Water, has the opportunity to dissolve all curses.

Just when he was about to leave with Su Hao directly, in the depths of the outer courtyard, a huge bell sounded suddenly, one, two, three.

The bell roams and spreads throughout the North Divine Palace. This is the congregation bell that only rings when a major event occurs in the sector.

Anyone in power in the sect, whatever the circumstances, must gather.

Wind Venerable gritted his teeth: "Damn it, don't come early, don't come late, what bell is ringing at this time!"

"grandfather, hurry up, this is the dean's order I sent Su Hao to Tianhe." Feng Nishang also knew what was going on.

"Be careful!"

Feng Venerable was helpless, looked at Su Hao worriedly, and said, "Within three days, be sure to reach the Tianhe River, and when you get there, attract the water from the Tianhe River. , enter the heart of the river, get the most holy water, and have a good chance to wash away this curse!"

Su Hao nods, and immediately leaves with Nishang, below Dan Wushuang, Lin Yi, Yinzhu, Mo Feng, Gao Zhishang, Bing Qinger, Ling Xue and the others followed immediately.

It's just that at the same time as they moved, the Ling Family's dísciple also moved, with a sneer on his face and a murderous intention in his eyes.

All rungs come first.


Feng Nishang is not in the mood to deal with them here, time is everything, she loudly shouted, and a loud tweet sounded for a short time, a huge giant The azure giant bird, rising from the mountainside of the North Divine Palace, roared like a thick whirlwind.

With the arrival, under the scroll, several people below were directly rolled up, together with Feng Nishang and Su Hao, all appeared on the back of the giant bird, whistled and flashed, and went straight into the distance.

Those Ling Family dísciples were hard to catch up, but they didn't move, but looked at the place where the wind sparrow had gone away, showing a cold smile.

It seems to have been arranged.

In fact, the speed of the wind sparrow is boundless, not to mention comparable to Sovereign, but it is not much different, and it is hundreds of miles in a flash.

But, after leaving the sect and arriving in a mountain forest, a thunder blasted out in front, accompanied by a vast sound, and a silver-haired man walked out of it.

The man held a sledgehammer in his hand. The hammer was moved towards the front fiercely when the wind sparrow arrived, and the thunder killed it like a sea of thunder, and it moved towards the wind sparrow and hit it away.

"The third Grand Guardian, Lei Zhen!" Feng Nishang gritted his teeth, stepped on his feet, and said, "I'll block him, you guys continue, go straight to the north, there is a Heavenly River City, when you get there, naturally I know the news of Tianhe."

"In Heavenly River City, private fights are not allowed, and I have no privileges in the North Divine Palace. It must be safe to go there!"

The hurried voice fell, She left Feng Que's back and ran straight towards the thunderbolt. The battle between the two broke out in the sky. Even if the charge ahead was far away, you could still hear the huge momentum.

Su Hao's eyes are cold, and his murderous intention is boundless, Ling Family, you wait for me, I, Su Hao, will not kill you, I swear not to be human!

And when his fierce eruption, before the wind sparrow, a flame surged up, burning like a fire sea blocking the front.

In that fire sea, there was a person sitting cross-legged. As Su Hao arrived, she opened her eyes, and those eyes shot out flames that burned the void.

"Second Grand Guardian, Fire Spirit Double!"

Ling Xue's complexion greatly changed, they came to the North Divine Palace. Although they were suppressed, they still knew a little about it, especially It is the news of the Thirteen Grand Guardians, and I know it very carefully.

This Fire Spirit pair is the second person in the outer court. In the outer court of the North Divine Palace, it is terrifying compared to many elders, and it is many times stronger than that of Lingdao.

She is a being who has truly stepped into that Half-Step Divine Sovereign.

At this moment, Su Hao arrived, her eyes shone, and she stood up at the same time, stepping out of the fire sea, coldly said: "Supreme Elder wants you to die, the price: a Divine King Dan!"

Ling Family Supreme Elder, really is not a simple existence. Under the outbreak of Su Hao's curse, everything has been arranged. Knowing that he must go to Tianhe, he immediately arranged to block it.

As the voice fell, she stepped forward and said, "You are not my opponent, so you should solve it yourself."

This woman is indifferent and ruthless. , Murderous intention is raging, with the flames galloping, like a demon roaring, giving a very terrifying feeling.

At this moment, Su Hao is cursed. Although he is suppressed by the wind Venerable, the cultivation base cannot break out 50%, and there is no chance to fight against this person.

And the few people around him have never grown up.

However, those people rushed out without saying a word, Dan Wushuang, Gao Jiao, Mo Feng, Lin Yi, Yin Zhu, all rushed out...

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