Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 2764

With one sword, it feels like it can cut off mountains, rivers and rivers, and destroy all the ways of the Dao!

Extremely dazzling, extremely shocking!

"Not good!"

Wind Venerable and the others shouted, but before they could make a move, the person who came, swept away his sleeves and suddenly black light appeared. .

That black light was vast, and under the shock of everyone, it became an incomparably thick black ruler, which lay in front of those people.

Even, this black ruler gives people a very hard feeling, and the Venerable shot, the terrifying power completely erupts, and it is difficult to break immediately.

Even after three consecutive strikes, there were only some cracks on the black ruler.

"Hengtian ruler! No, it's just a fake, but even if it's terrifying enough, Old Ghost Feng needs five strikes to break it!"

Ling Family Supreme Elder, shocked at first, then sneered, this thing is owned by the Elder in the inner courtyard of the Ling Family, and even an Emperor Dao Divine Weapon.

Although the person who arrived is only imitation, but there is a trace of Dao Divine Weapon, which is also very terrifying,


Under his sneer, the wind Venerable strikes for the fourth time, the distance of the ruler trembles, the sound of ka-cha is issued, and the cracks are densely covered.

But at this moment, his eyes widened.

It's too late!

His fifth strikes, it was too late to shoot, the sword of the person who came had been completely beheaded from the sky.

Thirty meters, twenty meters, ten meters, almost in less than a blink of an eye, the sword light had already reached one meter above Su Hao's head.

Sword cut down!

"Su Hao!"

Countless people shouted, countless people were terrified, and countless people hated to the bone.

That's Ling Xiao!

In the next three days, the Supreme,

for Su Hao, came to the third day of the middle school, and was arranged by the Ling Family to enter the inner courtyard, and was vigorously cultivated, making the cultivation base advanced by leaps and bounds .

Showing up today, so terrifying, it is vivid and thorough, this guy is just flying, and went directly to the Divine King Peak!

In this outer court, only the top three Grand Guardians are qualified to be comparable.


Compared to their nervousness, Ling Dao and the others had bright eyes and incomparable joy. Slash Su Hao!


Half a meter, the sword light sprayed out, already above Su Hao's head. Leaving a trace of blood, his fleshy body could not stop the terrifying sword.

Once they are completely beheaded, they must be divided into two!

At this moment, Xiao Yu, who had closed his eyes, also suddenly opened his eyes. After looking again, his eyes flashed coldly.

You can't take it back with you, so kill it!

This guy is too terrifying, give him time to grow, he will be difficult to surrender in the future and become a catastrophe, and death ends all one's troubles.

"Die, die!" She clenched the fist under her sleeve, her heart was full of anticipation, her eyes were fixed on the front, waiting for Su Hao to explode, her blood was blurred.



sword light completely fell, but the picture of the flesh and blood exploding did not happen in the imagination.

In fact, the sword never fell.

At a distance of half a meter from Su Hao, it has passively stopped.

Above that sword, holding a palm.

That's... Su Hao's right hand!

While holding the sword in that hand, a terrifying aura rushed out of Su Hao's body.

In this brief moment, Su Hao completely broke through, cultivation base...Divine King Second Layer!

Under the stimulation of the opponent's sword, Su Hao showed great potential and completely broke through!


The vast breath surging, Su Hao's eyes also opened, the palm holding the sword, slowly upward, held up the terrifying Divine Sword.

In this brief moment, on that palm, blood energy bursts out, divine power is surging, fleshy body and divine power are perfectly combined, making the sword unable to hurt!

This terrifying scene once again shocked everyone, looking at Su Hao, his body trembled like a sieve, this guy terrifying again, terrifying boundless.

Break the Divine King Peak with bare hands, a great miracle!

Even Ling Xiao, who slashed his sword, was stunned, staring straight at Su Hao, as if he couldn't believe this scene.

How can this guy make such great progress?

In the next three days, although Su Hao was terrifying, he did everything he could to fight against him at most.

In three days of middle school, he was vigorously nurtured by the Ling Family, entered the inner courtyard for further studies, and was instructed by the Great Elder, which can be said to be powerful with the speed of flying.

have accumulated knowledge and deliver it slowly!

What does Su Hao have?

Compared to his resources, his conditions are not much worse.

However, now, it is blocking him!

Even, just rely on the cultivation base of the Divine King 2nd layer!

"Shocked?" Su Hao grabbed the Divine Sword in his hand, stood up slowly, stared straight ahead, and a playful voice sounded slowly.

But in Ling Xiao's ears, he seemed to feel that the major event was not good, and immediately his face was serious, his expression was tense, and his breath burst out.

"That will make you tremble!"

At the moment when the opponent's breath burst out completely, Su Hao's shouted sounded, his voice was extremely cold, and he punched hard.

this fist, simple and rude, burst out vigorously!


Boundless divine power, surging blasting, that Divine King Peak's Ling Xiao, under the shock, flew upside down, terrifying force , blasted all his defenses.

And even left a dazzling punch mark on his chest!

Blood gushed out of his mouth.

One punch!

The audience was horrified, trembling, like in a dream!

Too domineering!

This is not the end, Su Hao punched out, spread his palms, Killing God Sword flashed, and the terrifying edge broke out immediately.

With the outbreak, Su Hao's eyes were sharp and he shot out a monstrous murderous intention.

In the next three days, he hated this man to the core, and everything that happened to Bing Qinger and the others was all thanks to him.

This feud is irreconcilable!

"Give me perish!"

shouted colder, more domineering, and more ferocious, the sword in Su Hao's hand, under both hands, opened and closed, Whistling down.

sword light rushes away like a long river.

The void shakes, explodes, ten thousand zhang rises!

Slay the heavens with one sword!

This method has already broken through 9th layer Profound Truth under the hands of Su Hao. In the 7th layer Profound Truth, it is comparable to Divine King method, 8th layer Profound Truth reaches Divine King 3rd-layer method, 9th layer Profound Truth , breakthrough Divine King 6 Layers method.

It was only at that time that Su Hao's cultivation base could not be fully displayed, but at this moment, he completely broke through the Divine King, and even reached the Second Layer. This method was under his hands and reached the Peak.

breakthrough 6 Layers Divine King method, reach Ninth Layer, Divine King Peak method!


sword light is huge, really like a galloping river, under that vastness, the upside-down Ling Xiao in front, the complexion greatly changed, I feel Thick death threats.

Suddenly, he had one's hair stand on end, panic reached its extreme, sweat poured out like rain, he immediately opened his palm and made a blood-colored mark.

A terrifying breath, surging, even linked with Su Hao.

That's... a curse!

In the next three days, Su Hao beheaded the lord of the Great Primordial Spirit Dynasty, and Lin Yuan engraved the curse with death!

The source really is in Ling Xiao's hands!

Break out now!

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