Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 2613

Su Hao's gaze stopped on Ling Xiao for a moment, until the latter gnashing teeth, with a playful smile, slowly moved away.

"If I don't kill you, I swear I won't be a human being!" Ling Xiao clenched his fists and his skeleton was almost broken.

Su Hao ignored him completely. Now that the three days are gathered, the grand competition is about to start. This is the chance to get on the third day of the middle school. He will spare no effort.

But Su Hao still has concerns in his heart, the ancient War God Nie Qingtian has died under his hands, Wushuang empress has appeared, apart from this, and several others have not appeared.

His gaze, looking for among the crowd, Blue Divine Domain, Xuan God World is also in his glance.

Those people are also living in the virtual God World, but in order to escape the pursuit, Bao Buqi went across the domain and went to another two days.

Sure enough!

Su Hao stared for a while and noticed a very familiar aura, and then he looked at a place that belonged to the Blue Divine Domain.

The faction that Yinzhu is in.

And among them, a burly man in golden armor with sharp facial features, standing with his arms and hands.

Reincarnation Great Emperor, Ye Wushuang!

He is here.

"no! ”

Su Hao's eyes narrowed, it wasn't him, it was...they!

In the Great Emperor of Reincarnation, there is not only an aura, but also an aura that Su Hao is familiar with, faintly infiltrating.


Lei Di!

He devoured the Thunder Emperor!

The two emperors are united!

Su Hao's expression became more and more solemn. It seemed that this man had mastered the method of terrifying and devoured the ancient Battle Emperor of the Immortal World.

The two emperors are united, he is not simple anymore.

In fact, the aura emanating from his body at this time has already given Su Hao a Spiritual God-like oppression, and the man has reached a certain height.

At this time, the latter was also looking at him, showing a cold and cruel smile, looking aloof and remote, as if looking down at an ant.

With his current cultivation base, battle strength, and terrifying after devouring the Thunder Emperor, he thinks that winning Su Hao is as easy as pie, it is like stepping on an ant to death.

Su Hao narrowed his eyes and became vigilant in his heart, and then his eyes continued to look for several people besides him.

Unfortunately, his eyes swept away and searched all over the audience, but did not find Little Monk Xuanye, Tang Xiaotian, Taixu Ancient Dragon.

The three were missing.

"The three-day grand competition is about to start. Those who meet the conditions, climb me to the Lianhua Mountain of the Holy Dao Palace, and those who reach the top can enter the Secret Realm and participate in the grand competition."

"The chance is only this time. Whether you can ride the wind and board the three-day high school depends on your ability."

Lin Beicang looked around the audience and directly talked about the rules of grand competition.

Climb the Lianhua Mountain, step on the Secret Realm, and qualify for three days in the sprint.

Suddenly, the audience fell silent. The dísciple who were qualified to sprint all looked excited and their eyes were hot. This was an extremely rare opportunity to ascend to the skies with a single leap.

As the dean's voice fell, a white-haired old man stood up and briefly told the test of Lotus Flower Mountain, and then led the crowd to that direction.

To Su Hao's surprise, since the Wushuang empress beside Lin Yuan also moved, she is also qualified, and she has never participated in the selection, so she directly sprinted for the three-day grand competition.

Like Su Hao, she was treated special.

This woman is very skillful and has become a princess of the God Dynasty. Now she still has special treatment. Presumably, when she sprints for three days, she also has a trump card.

Be careful.

"In the Secret Realm, we will meet." Wushuang empress looked at where Su Hao was, and the playful voice resounded in Su Hao's mind.

Then she turned around and took the cultivator towards which the Primordial Spirit was heading towards the direction of Lianhua Mountain.

"In the Secret Realm, there will eventually be a break." The Great Emperor of Samsara also spoke up, defying fate with them absolutely irreconcilable, had suppressed several eras, and now we meet again in God, we must fight to the death.

Su Hao twitched the corners of his mouth, there were many people who wanted his life, such as the great Primordial Spirit toward the country lord, such as Supreme Ling Xiao, more than two people, not too many.

"Then all will come, the one to emerge victorious, not necessarily!" Su Hao clenched his fists, his eyes were not afraid, but a strong fighting intent.

Step forward, keeping up with the pace of the people in front of them. After traveling three hundred miles, they arrived at the foot of a tall mountain. On this mountain, the lotus flowers were densely covered, vying to be the first.

The charming aroma, covering several dozen li in the radius, makes people happy and indulged in it.

This place was once illuminated by the light of the Tao, and a strange lotus was born, hidden in the dark. Only those with great good fortune can get the nourishment of lotus energy, advanced by leaps and bounds.

This time grand competition, if you count it accurately, this is the beginning.

Whether you can climb to the top of the mountain depends on your ability.

Su Hao is the incarnation of Golden Lotus. When he arrives here, his senses are extremely sensitive, even his blood is boiling and his Divine Soul is trembling. There must be his great good fortune there.

It's not just him, in the three-day camp, there are a few people who have walked out, the breath is hot, begin to stir, and have a faint connection with this mountain peak.

Su Hao swept over those people, including Wushuang empress, who were all selected people.

In this way, the special selection is due to the lotus spirit!

The unparalleled empress also got the lotus fortune.

"Be careful."

At the bottom of the mountain, Dan Wushuang, Ling Xue, Bing Qing'er, Mo Feng, and Gao Zao, all looked towards Su Hao, with expressions of concern. .

This time around, Su Hao is almost invincible, and every step is difficult.

In the Secret Realm, he will be extremely dangerous.

Moreover, his opponents, none of them simply exist, all of them are the most outstanding Heaven's Chosen Child in the next three days.

"Be careful." Nishang also looked over, and sound transmission said that she hoped that Su Hao would pass this test, board the middle school with her for three days, and continue to spread her Pill Dao.

And Su Hao has great potential, Spiritual God-level Pill Refinement Master, even if it is three days in the middle, his status will be extraordinary.

"Don't worry, everyone, I'm here, make sure my brother is safe." Lin Yi walked over, smiling brightly. Those who didn't know it thought he had a good relationship with Su Hao.

Moreover, he approached Su Hao, extended the arm, put it on Su Hao's shoulder, and said, "brother, follow me, no one dares to touch you."

" What if?" Su Hao looked at him.

"I... die for him!" Lin Yi laughed, red mouth and white teeth.

"Amazing!" Su Hao dropped two words, threw off his arms, and headed towards the mountain. This fatty is really shameless.

He is the grandson of the dean and has a high status. If he really wants to die for someone to see, it is really dangerous.

After all, no one dared to take Lin Beicang's name seriously for the next three days.

What is wrong with his only grandson? Lin Beicang's anger is unimaginable.

Stomping on the ground with the soles of his feet, Su Hao jumped up and stepped directly onto the mountain following the people in front of him. As he arrived, a mighty pressure suddenly fell.

Just at this moment, someone groaned, or even collapsed on the mountain, or even rolled down.

Even if it was Lin Yi next to Su Hao, his face suddenly became solemn, and there was no slightest contempt.

The pressure of Lianhua Mountain is very terrifying.

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