Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 2612

azure robed girl, with a light temperament, compared to Bai Lian'er, she looks a little more immature, but her delicate facial features are not bad at all.

Blue Divine Domain, Sound Bamboo.

Su Hao climbed the Cang Yuntian ladder for the first time and ascended the virtual God World. He had a chance encounter with this young girl, and got some help from the latter.

It is equivalent to saving Su Hao's life.

As Su Hao looked around, the girl seemed to feel it too, and when she turned her eyes, she was moved towards Su Hao.

And as the eyes fell on him, the girl's eyes showed a strange look, and then flashed over under the curious gaze of everyone.

"Look, Yinzhu moved towards this side, and there was a smile on her face, as if she saw who?"

"She, shouldn't she have seen it? Me?"

"I said brother, it's still dark, can you stop dreaming? And you should pee and see what you look like, is that possible?"

"Although your words are ugly, but enlightenment, I really think too much."

The discussion sounded, and it was noisy.

Finally, everyone looked at that direction and noticed Ling Xiao's location. They seemed to understand that he should have gone straight to that person.

Even Ling Xiao himself thinks like this. First, he and Yinjia are a bit pretentious and have met this Yinzhu several times.

Secondly, the direction from which Yinzhu went straight was in the same direction as him.

But he never thought that there was a person standing behind him in a straight line, it was Su Hao.

Actually, there was no such thought in the audience, Su Hao was already crazy enough before, Nishang, Ling Xue, Bing Qinger.

This sound bamboo belongs to the outer domain, and no one would have thought that he and Su Hao would have friendship.

"Niece Yin..." Ling Xiao had already said lightly, and when Yin Zhu approached him, he showed a bright smile.

It's just that this voice, this smile, has not fully unfolded, but it has already stiffened, and the girl walked straight past him, never staying half a minute.

The audience was stunned for a while, not Ling Xiao Supreme.


Looking along the direction where the girl continued to move forward, everyone's eyes suddenly condensed, and then they showed great shock, she really fell to Su next to Hao.

And the next moment, the smile on her face became even brighter, she said: "long time no see."

Her voice was very light, like a pearl falling on a jade plate, Very sweet, Senior Brother said it well, he really is in this most holy Dao Palace.

"long time no see." Su Hao also greeted with a smile, the girl once saved him, this kindness Su Hao will remember in the heart and will not be forgotten.

The two laughed at each other, which caused a burst of jealousy. Those people were going crazy, what kind of existence is this kid.

Are all the beauties in the world related to him?

Is he the protagonist made by the creator?

Natural with a halo?

They looked annoyed, such as having a deep hatred with Su Hao, but in their hearts they were all full of envy, this kid is really too happy.

Especially Ling Xiao, who had calmed down just now, a boundless flame ignited again, his face was hot again, as if he had been slapped a few times, it was really uncomfortable.

Yinzhu even knew that kid!

However, between the two, maybe it's just a general acquaintance, just saying hello to each other.

"Work together, we must go to high school together for three days." Yinzhu spoke again, and seemed to reveal some news.

This made Ling Xiao immediately misunderstand, and the anger in his heart could not be contained again.

But this is not the end. When he was provoked by Su Hao and didn't want to look at him more, the white-clothed girl from Xuan God World also approached.

At the same time, he walked past him, and then fell in front of Su Hao while everyone was dumbfounded. Said with a smile: "Bai Lian'er, Xuan God World, descendant of Bai Family."

"Fuck, f*ck, f*ck!"

I don't know how many people spit out these two words in the heart, they really can't find the words to describe their feelings , only the trough can represent everything.

And not even one.


This is so exciting, yet another big beauty gets close to Su Hao.

In fact, this time Su Hao was also surprised. He and Yinzhu had known each other for a long time, and it was normal to say hello to each other.

But with this Bai Lian'er, she has never been masked, why is she?

"We, know each other?" Su Hao asked indifferently.

This surprises the people around you, don't you know?

Why is Bai Lian'er?

"You don't need to know me, as long as I know you, and I'm very interested in you." Bai Lian'er is mature and sexy, and her voice is full of temptation.

This surprised the people around him again, Su Hao didn't know him, Bai Lian'er brought her to the door, and threatened to be very interested in him.

What is this called...

Why am I not so lucky?

Are you dying of jealousy?

Ling Xue and Bing Qinger looked at each other, then looked towards the side decisively. Even though Bing Qinger could bear it, she felt that she was a little sour.

Don't be so likable, okay?

Su Hao blinked, should he laugh or cry?

"Work together, I'll wait for you." Bai Lian'er left a few words, turned to leave, and returned to the camp of Xuan God World.

This made Su Hao narrow his eyes and be vigilant in his heart. Bai Lian'er doesn't seem to be simple. How does she know herself?

"Little brother, be careful, that woman is not simple." Yinzhu sounded a reminder, and then left, returning to the Blue Divine Domain.

"Brother, you're awesome, I'm so jealous, are you... taking some kind of tonic to automatically exude the arrogance of a bastard?"

Lin Yi was at close range. Next to Su Hao, the boss who was staring before, almost drooled, but unfortunately, neither Yin Zhu nor Bai Lian'er gave him a single glance.

It's completely air.

How he moves, he can't attract people's attention.

This made him extremely depressed.

"How the hell did you do it, teach me, we are like-minded people." Lin Yi came up close with a look of flattery, forgetting all the previous unhappiness.

"You can't learn." Su Hao said calmly.

"Hehe, if nothing else, I, Lin Yi, have great innate talent. Don't think I'm weak right now, but I'm still young and have a bright future." Lin Yi said.

The people around are also staring here, even Ling Xiao is staring, to be honest, I am really curious, does this kid have a unique smell that attracts beautiful women?

Why are you all close to him?

Su Hao glanced at him and said, "Women, they all like bad men."

Lin Yi was stunned for a moment, then his eyes lit up, could it be, Am I bad enough?

People around with pricked ears also showed deep thoughtful expressions.

It seems to make sense.

What can't you learn?

Of course, when Su Hao woke up, another sentence fell, and at the same time, Lin Yi and those who pricked up their ears all grind their teeth.

"However, women don't like men who are broken."

Su Hao turned his eyes and looked forward, where Ling Xiao was.

"Why are you looking at me?" Ling Xiao cursed in his heart, almost spurting blood.

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