Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 2601

Pendant is only the size of a thumb, the scarlet is like fire, and it is shaped like Phoenix spreading its wings, exuding an uncontrollable Evil Power.

Even, Su Hao was somewhat affected, and felt as if some evil fire was rising in his body.

And he just smelled a little breath.

Even in strong rejection.

But still affected.

This thing, shouldn't it really be the so-called evil Fire Phoenix?

"This thing is really not simple. If anyone gets it, it will be a kind of torture." Su Hao thought to himself, ordinary people can't stop it.

Just being swept away by that aura, the evil fire can rise uncontrollably. If you really come into contact with this thing, I am afraid that you will be completely drained.

Su Hao swears that even if he is killed, he will not touch this thing, never!


Not waiting for Su Hao to think about it, Nishang has already made a move, the scarlet jade pendant exploded directly, a miniature Phoenix, in Su Hao In the case of unavoidable, directly plunge into his body.

"Since you are that kind of physique, this method is suitable for you. It has the same origin with you, and the blood of the evil fire in it can be perfectly integrated."

Su Hao was stunned. After a moment, did the jade pendant turn into Phoenix and penetrated into my body...

He looked at Nishang, dumbfounded, who made you move? Who let you go?

Who told you what I need?

He almost yelled, you stupid woman with big breasts and no brains!

Under Nishang's answer, Su Hao's depression reached the extreme.

"The body of the evil phoenix is extremely rare. If not, this kind of fire will really burn up the body." Nishang said: "So, even if this method is very terrifying, most people would not dare to go to cultivation. "

"Fortunately you are."

"If you learn this method, even if you only master a little bit, it can be of great help, at least it can help you pass the selection and add one more I'll give you a chance."

"I'm helping you, and I'm helping myself. You don't need to repay this kindness. Of course, if you really want to repay, you can do more for me on pill concocting. ."

"I know you are well-intentioned, but can you please ask me first..." Su Hao almost vomited blood in depression, I thank you? I can't wait to crush you!

However, Nishang is gone.

After absorbing that kind of fire, Su Hao's body of the evil phoenix will erupt even more terrifying, and that kind of flame will burn more vigorously. It's not a good situation for her to stay here.

In fact, at the next moment when she left, Su Hao's whole body, from top to bottom, turned into a scarlet, as if under his skin, a boundless flame was burning.

Not only that, with the burning of this flame, Su Hao's desire, desire, uncontrollably spewed out, intensified, making him crazy.


The gate of the palace was closed, and Nishang left completely.

"Your uncle's!"

Su Hao grinds his teeth, his sober will is being suppressed, that desire. Hope, endless gushing, he is restraining, trying to restrain, but it seems to no avail.

This feeling is extremely torturous. His eyes are blood red, like a hungry wolf, but there are no resources for him to collect.


The evil flame was burning so vigorously that Su Hao felt that everything about him was driven by that desire. Wang is occupied, and he needs it immensely.


He roared, frantic, and flames burned, bursting out of his pores, flaming outside his body, and looking at his shape, it was always Fire Phoenix.

The evil Fire Phoenix!

"Ye Xiu, think of a way, speed, otherwise, I'll really kill myself!" Su Hao resisted with all his strength, the sword intent in his body whistled, constantly slaying the evil fire.

But this kind of fire, after being cut off, immediately revived, raging again, and surpassed one at a time, erupting more and more terrifying.

Su Hao at this time really needs to vent. He feels that if he doesn't vent, he will explode immediately.

It's so frustrating.

Too tormenting.

His consciousness is about to be completely lost.

Next time, if there is a next time, he will never allow someone to use this excuse to save him.

He panted like an ox, calling out to Ye Xiu for help.

this thing can't be suppressed at all, it must be done with external force.


Ye Xiu flashed, his face was heavy, he had countless Pill Recipes, but this kind of fire couldn't be extinguished, it was impossible to extinguish.

The terrifying of the evil Fire Phoenix, he is very clear, has seen the introduction on the ancient book.

The power of medicine pills is difficult to dissolve.

At least he can't.

Only possible with Spiritual God Dan.

This kind of fire seems to be burning on the surface of the body, but it is actually in the heart, a kind of desire. Hopeful burning.

Dao Heart, the boundless person, may be suppressed.

However, the Spiritual God level, even the Supreme for the next three days, encountered this kind of fire, and it was impossible to suppress it by Dao Heart.

Su Hao...can you?

In a flash, Ye Xiu left.

"Wori, your uncle!"

Su Hao cursed, went crazy in the palace, next moment, his consciousness completely disappeared, completely obsessed with that desire. Looking to occupy, he turned into a wild beast.

At the same time, the battle in the outside world continued, and everyone's eyes were fixed on the battle on the void battle stage.

Jiang Zhe and Ji Xuan fought like a raging fire, and all kinds of terrifying Divine Ability continued to bloom. The momentum of their battle shocked Supreme.

Ni Chang returned, standing on the void, with a flat face as usual, as if nothing had happened, Su Hao is the kind of physique, although it will be tortured, but not dangerous.

What awaits him will be a recovery and awakening, a kind of sublimation.

This is helping him.

A black sword came after her arrival and landed in front of Ling Xue and Bing Qing'er, and a thought came out of it.

This idea entered the minds of Ling Xue and Bing Qinger, causing the two daughters to have a complexion changed, and they quickly disappeared.

All of this, under Ling Xiao's gaze, his eyes flashed, followed along.

Outside the palace of Nishang, the door was closed, but it was not impossible to open. Ling Xue and Bing Qinger could clearly hear the roar when they got here.

The roar was like a demon, conveying an incomparably terrifying pain, as if experiencing life rather than death.

Their complexion greatly changed, they stepped forward immediately.

Although Ye Xiu didn't say it clearly, Su Hao's dangerous message had already made the two girls feel extremely anxious.

They immediately pushed the portal to enter the palace.

What happened to Su Hao?

Ye Xiu was inside the sword, breathes deeply, and secretly said, "That's the only way, that kind of thing, who can suppress it, only they can help you."

But , At the same time that the two women opened the palace, Ling Xiao's body also fell rapidly, and with a wave of his palm, the gap that opened the palace closed again.

Su Hao, who felt someone coming and rushed in frantically, was trapped again.

The roar is more piercing.

"He's already enchanted, and the door of this hall cannot be opened." Ling Xiao's voice sounded, and with his eyesight, he could see Su Hao's state clearly.

Su Hao, in big trouble.

And this kind of trouble, without anyone's help, he couldn't solve it at all.

What awaits him is... self-destruction!

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