Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 2600

With hatred, everyone fell on Su Hao in unison, and even stood up non-stop, approaching him.

"I want you to die. You are the one who is smashed to pieces. How dare you confuse Sister Qing'er Junior." Jiang Zhe said, and the dive spiritual aura emanated, covering Su Hao.

"I wasn't confused, I volunteered." Bing Qing'er opened her mouth, looking at Jiang Zhe, whose face became more and more ugly, and added: "If I meet you, I will teach you a lesson for him! "

Jiang Zhe's psychology has a shadow.

"Sister Qing'er Junior, no matter what he said to you, it's just a trick. He's a nobody, but he's just rhetoric."

Ji Xuan opened his mouth, really He didn't want to see Bing Qinger being so optimistic about Su Hao, he wanted that person to be him.

"I'm willing to be deceived by him, I can deceive anything." Bing Qinger's words were simple, her bright smile was warmer than the sun.

This is like a sharp sword, piercing into Ji Xuan's heart, making him heartbroken and almost crying.

Your uncle's!


At this moment, a shout rang out, the top ten Supremes were all in place, and the old man in the center clicked with one hand, and the void in front immediately exploded.

With the explosion, within that void, an incomparably large battlefield appeared.

These cultivators who participated in the selection had no lack of Spiritual God level existence. Their battles were bound to be incomparably exciting and mighty. Fighting in the outside world could not guarantee that they would not cause damage to Dao Palace.

In the battlefield in this void, there is no need to worry at all, and there is a large array of his full strength on it, which can block all storms.


The shouts sounded in unison, those cultivators who were already furious, looked towards Su Hao again, their fists under their sleeves clenched tightly, let's fight, Fight now.

They want to vent frantically and have a life-and-death duel with that kid.

And being annoyed by these, Su Hao didn't look at it at all. He had already reached this point. He couldn't hide it if he wanted to, and he wouldn't be forgiven if he confessed.

In this case, just accept it lightly.

It's all about life.

"Boy, aren't you afraid, didn't you see everyone being annoyed at you, if I were you, kneel down immediately, surrender, and stay away from here." Ji Xuan gritted his teeth.

"hmph, it's too late, no matter whether he walks or not, even if he falls to his knees and kowtows to me and admits his mistake, I will kill him too!" Jiang Zhe reprimanded.

At this moment, a loud shout sounded, and the two who presided over the Elder stage, read out the First Stage battle, it turned out to be Ji Xuan and Jiang Zhe.

They are all collaterals of the Great Family of the Middle Three Days. With the current cultivation base, they have great potential. They were recruited into the Middle Three Days and entered the main clan.

However, it depends on this grand competition.

Therefore, the two people who originally hated and glared at Su Hao, breathed deeply, and immediately regarded each other as absolutely irreconcilable enemies.

They separated and each stepped onto the void battle stage, on which they stood 10 meters away from each other.

As the host, Elder, announced again, the two turned into two lights and shadows, colliding continuously on the battle stage, and the sound of banging continued.

I have to admit that the cultivation bases of these two people are all terrifying, and the two people who have reached the Spiritual God level fight with great momentum, like Two Great Stars colliding.

Ji Family and Jiang Family are both Great Family with a long-term inheritance. The descendants, even if they cross their knees, master Art and Dao, also have a profound mystery.

The Divine Ability they displayed was brilliant, True Dragon competed with White Tiger, Caifeng competed with Vermilion Bird, and on the battle stage, various dive lights were transpiring.

There are countless people in the audience who are amazed. It is worthy of being a super genius for the next three days. The terrifying displayed is unimaginable.

The battle continued, the two were similar, even evenly matched, and it was impossible to decide the winner in a short period of time.

Moreover, for the only chance they have, they will do everything possible, and regardless of everything, this battle will be a protracted one.

In this regard, Su Hao glanced at it casually, and it was no longer paid attention to. These two people are not in his eyes. If he goes, he is sure to suppress it.

What he really cares about is that Ling Xiao, and the few people around him are even more powerful.

Even the curly-haired man, with his grim face and burly figure, noticed a terrifying depression after Su Hao looked at it.

That person is not simple.

"That's Longwu, the third in the inner courtyard, battle strength terrifying, and even rumors that he is already qualified for the War God Spirit 2nd layer!" Bing Qinger reminded.

Su Hao nods, if you meet this person, you really have to be careful.

"I'm curious, what did you say?" Su Hao changed the subject and asked again, he was really curious about Bing Qinger persuading Ling Xue.

"You're sick, why didn't you tell me earlier?" Ling Xue also spoke at this moment, staring at Su Hao, her eyes filled with shame.

Su Hao blinked, am I sick?

"You are the body of an evil phoenix. That kind of fire is burning at any time. If you want to suppress it, you can only..." Ling Xue blushed and said, "It's normal for you to find more, I know. , you are for my own good, I can't catch it alone."

Su Hao stared wide-eyed.

Mo Feng's mouth opened wide.

Dan Wushuang and Gao Shang have been amazed in the heart before. This is different from the human Su Hao, which is different everywhere.

Hearing the word "Xiefeng" at this time, he secretly gave Su Hao a shocked look.

The evil phoenix breeds evil fire, which only women can extinguish.

The birth of this physique is destined to be surrounded by countless women.

"That, hehe, my physique, is it so good." Su Hao was a little embarrassed.

Especially, Ling Xue looked ashamed, guessing that this girl thought that she would rather find someone else to suppress the evil fire, and she would never do anything out of the ordinary and be grateful.

At this time, the eyes of Nishang looked again, and a voice entered Su Hao's mind, and then he turned and left here.

Su Hao paused and glanced at the battle on the void battle stage, which would not end in a short time.

Following Nishang to the outside of her palace, Nishang turned her head and said, "I seem to have misunderstood you, too."

"You understand, I'm not just casual. People." Su Hao had no psychological burden on her, and smiled and said with a smile: "However, if you want, I'm fine."

It can be clearly felt that a mountain of Pressed and enveloped, Su Hao felt his bones almost explode.

But just for a moment, it disappeared again.

Nishang restrained her anger, she also knew that kind of physique, sometimes, she couldn't control herself.

Su Hao can't be blamed entirely.

Even, it is very rare that he can control it to this point.

"You have a great chance to enter the three-day grand competition, but the premise is that through this selection, you can participate in the real three-day grand competition."

"This time, entering the middle school There are many people in the three days, surpassing the previous ones, and I, Ling Xiao, etc. and the others will all go with them."

"Actually, we belonged there too."

Nishang took Su Hao into the palace and continued: "So, I originally wanted you to go, after all, you still have to continue teaching me Alchemy Technique."

"Since you are that kind of physique, then This method is definitely suitable for you."

When they said this, they had already entered the depths of the palace, and Nishang waved, and a scarlet Phoenix pendant appeared in his hand.

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