Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 2099

Nine Great Sects, all worship, in the face of absolute strength, they have no resistance at all, and Lei Immortal King and Lu Tianya, under the guidance of Su Hao, cast forbidden spell on these people.

They didn't have the guts to resist, their body, mind and soul were suppressed, and their lives were in Su Hao's hands.

Even, Su Hao a single thought, asked them to completely the soul flew away and scattered.

"Sir, dare to ask Gao's surname?" At this moment, they were helpless, but they didn't know Su Hao's real name. Thinking of this, several people felt sad, and they were all subdued. I don't know who the owner is.

Su Hao stood up, looked towards the people below, said with a smile: "My name...Su Hao!"

The two words were passed into the ears of the people below , including Xue Wanli, all of them trembled, and then suddenly lifted the head, with a strong sense of incredulity in their eyes.

"Su Hao, you are... no, your lord is a cultivator who rebelled against the northern immortal domain." Xue Wanli was extremely shocked, it turned out to be this person.

They don't know what Su Hao looks like, but after hearing this name, it attracts the three overlords, Qi Shangbei immortal domain, who is an absolute genius.

And, according to the gossip, even the Supreme Elder of Extreme Yin Church was dispatched to enter the northern immortal domain only to capture the cultivator.

didn't expect , he's good, and he's here.

"That's right." Su Hao smiled and said: "Remember my name, those who recite my real name in the future will have a great good fortune!"

Several people were shocked, and at the same time Chilled all over, following Su Hao was like getting on a pirate ship and offending the three super overlords.

But they have no choice but to accept it, and one more day is one day.

"You have transferred all the elites to Lei Divine Sect. From today onwards, this is my Immortal Sect, the first sub-rudder in Eastern Wilderness."

"Yes. "

Several people want to cry but have no tears. When the three overlords come, they feel that they will die. The existence of this division is meaningless, and they will be scattered ashes and dispersed smoke in the future.

When the time comes, they'll all be crushed to pieces.

"Ai, ”

Several people sighed inwardly, hoping that this news would reach the ears of those Overlord Influence later.

Actually, the situation was just the opposite. Su Hao then arranged for these people to attack. The Nine Great Sects masters were all experts at the Sovereign level, and they attacked with all their strength, sweeping the Extreme Yin Church, the East Imperial Palace, and the Blood Sword The rudder of the Sect.

In the vicinity, there are also forces belonging to them, but the people who guard it, the cultivation base is not strong, and an Immortal Sovereign is enough to sweep.

In just three days, each of the three major overlords has a sub-rudder occupied, all the Elder dísciple, direct slavery, and all the treasure, the income is in the Immortal Mansion.

And such actions, regardless of the law and of natural morality, naturally immediately spread to the ears of the sub-rudders who were approaching the three overlords. Fire City.

In all three directions, there are great experts appearing, the lowest Immortal King Peak cultivation base, holding the Major Sect Supreme Treasure, who want to suppress the disaster, Yang Major Sect divine might.

Northwest, a long rainbow thread came from the sky, in the Changhong, with surging and violent anger, this is a great expert of Immortal King Peak.

Unfortunately, before they could reach the Lihuocheng range, there were already two people in front of them. It was Lu Tianya and the Immortal King Lei.

"Lu Tianya, it turned out to be you, you traitor, you betrayed Extreme Yin Church, you have no choice but to die." From the Changhong, there was a terrifying killing sound, rumbling and deafening.

"Take it!"

Lu Tianya didn't talk nonsense, and rushed forward. He had a clear conscience. It was Extreme Yin Church who was sorry for him and forced him to rebel.


The battle started immediately, with great momentum, and Lu Tianya’s cultivation base, with the help of Snow, has recovered more than 50%, Immortal King Peak also Hard to be his opponent.

Although this Extreme Yin Church expert is holding the Major Sect Supreme Treasure in his hand, Immortal King Lei can glare like a tiger watching his prey by the side, and when he makes a shot, he directly intercepts the Supreme Treasure.

At the end, the expert was suppressed to the ground, kneeling on the ground, covered in blood, and the core of the fairy was smashed to pieces, miserable as a dog.

"Ah, you are so rebellious, Overlord Influence, you can also offend?" He roared and threatened loudly, still living under the majesty of his first overlord.

"Shut up!"

Lei Immortal King snapped his fingers, and a Power of Thunder swept down, causing his body to explode a little more, and the blood rolled and swayed, blood-reeking qi Spread several dozen li.

"Take us to split the rudder."

Lei Immortal King shot again, grabbed from the air, and the expert was immediately captured in his hand, with a life-and-death talisman placed in his body, forced to be helpless surrender.

In the end, he and Lu Tianya, under the leadership of this expert, entered the second division rudder, cooperating inside and outside, and even suppressed the half-step Immortal Sovereign expert here.

Another big rudder was swept away, taking everything away.

Apart from this, the Lord of the Nine Great Sects, under the arrangement of Su Hao, is also in action, all the forces about the three overlords are all uprooted and taken away.

Things got bigger and bigger, shocked the nearby hundreds of thousands of li, everyone knew about this newly appeared Immortal Sect, fighting against the three overlords.

Swept a few major rudders.

In the helm of an Extreme Yin Church, an ancient Formation lit up with brilliance, and its last jade slip shattered immediately, and the message was passed.

In an ancient formation at the headquarters of Extreme Yin Church, a golden light immediately spread out, and the voice in the jade slip was heard, which immediately caused boundless anger.

Especially knowing that Haoxian Sect Master is actually a cultivator who they want to kill, and his anger is boundless and mighty, it is too arrogant.

The news then reached Dongya's ears in the immortal domain far north. Dongya was looking for Su Hao's silhouette in the north immortal domain neglect sleep and forget about food.

Even, in order to find him, some people entered the ancient forest of barren mountains, where life was forbidden, and encountered danger in it, killing several terrifying experts tragically.

Therefore, when Dongya got the news, the whole person was about to burn, and the anger was so boundless that the Nine Heavens Galaxy couldn't be extinguished.

"I'm angry too!"

He worked hard in the northern immortal domain, but that guy has entered the Eastern Wilderness and swept his Extreme Yin Church a few rudders, took away countless treasures.

At the same time, the blood emperor soft blue silk and the east emperor mansion heavenly thunder Venerable all got the news of the return of the headquarters, three super great characters, complexion ashen, gnashing teeth, trembling all over.

Even the heavenly thunder Venerable is a raging flame, Overlord Influence, how could someone be so provocative?

That kid is really too daring, he even dared to enter the Eastern Wilderness and swept their rudder, regardless of the law and of natural morality.

This is equivalent to hitting the mouths of their three overlords.

"Call everyone, kill me back, I want him to die, never to turn over!" This is the roar of Dongya, the sound spread several tens of thousands of li, blowing up several The mountain has caused panic among countless people.

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