Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 2098

Chu Beihu was stunned. No matter how brainless he was, he realized that he was abnormal at this time. He looked at Su Hao with purple hair, and found that he had no fear.

Turn his head, looked towards his big brother, the big brother looked annoyed and looked at the Towards Sect Master, in those eyes, there was murderous intention, extremely cold.

A bad premonition arose in his heart, he stared at Chu Nanlong and said, "big brother, this..."

"Kneel down!"

Chun Nanlong reprimanded.


Chu Beihu body trembled.

"Kneel down."

Sect Master Xue Wanli burst into a drink, with endless murderous intention, this damn bastard, implicated the entire Lei Divine Sect, and is still here arrogant and Despotic.

Chu Beihu trembled violently, his face changed wildly, and sweat poured out of his forehead.

"Kneel down!"

This time, the momentum is huge, it turned out to be the Elder and dísciple of the entire Lei Divine Sect, shouted together, and the cold murderous intention hiding the sky and come covering the earth.

Chu Beihu was completely frightened, his whole body was completely cold, his knees went soft, and he fell to his knees, shiver coldly.

Su Hao fell to the ground, hands behind ones back, looked at him and said, "Your big brother is invincible, let's do whatever we want?"

Chu Beihu's shivered spirit shivered, and at this time At this moment, he finally knew who occupied the absolute top, and he kicked the real iron plate.


At this time, Chu Nanlong flashed forward, fiercely slapped him away, and Chu Beihu’s body flew upside down, blood splattered wildly. out.

"Asshole, do you know that people's horror, you are arrogant and despotic, don't you have any sense?" He scolded coldly, and he was about to be played to death by this brain-dead younger brother.

"big brother, I really don't know. I, if I knew about him... no, if I knew that the adults were of extraordinary status, how would I dare to offend?"

Chu Bei The tiger was so frightened that all the souls of the dead were thrown out, crying and wiping away tears.

"Your Divine Sect is the nearby Number One Great Sect, you are arrogant and domineering?" Su Hao spoke again, his voice cold and ruthless, with a chill.


Xue Wanli arrived and stepped on it, Chu Beihu’s body spurted blood, and the cultivation base was immediately abolished, and half of his body was about to explode.

"Ah, ah... spare my life, spare my life." Chu Beihu wailed and begged for mercy loudly. At this moment, he was no longer arrogant and despotic, even more grandson than his grandson, collapsed on the ground. The embarrassed look of the ground is like a stray dog.

"Do you know, who was the one who beat him?" Su Hao spoke for the third time, the cold was even stronger, and the surrounding temperature dropped suddenly.

"Son, people are regardless of the law and of natural morality." Su Yuanshan took a step and said coldly.


Chu Beihu's heart was beating wildly, this man was slapped with a big mouth by him, and now he still has the bright red five-finger mark on his face.

He turned out to be this father?

"pa pa pa!"

The continuous big mouth slapped down, Chu Nanlong hated the iron but scolded: "There are eyes but no beads, no beads but no water!"

"Do you know, who is the person who is going to be robbed?" Su Hao spoke for the fourth time, and every word made Chu Beihu despair.

"Cousin, this guy hates to the extreme." Nangong Ling was wearing a fiery-red dress, with outstanding temperament and a hot body, but her face was as cold as ice at this time.

"Pu Tong!"

Chu Beihu felt that his heart almost jumped out, this woman is actually his sister?

"You damned bastard!"

Xue Wanli burst into a drink, immortal art unfolded, directly smashing Chu Beihu's arms, and blood spilled, The earth was bright red and dazzling.

"Do you know who your servant is going to kill? That's my brother, the brother who can be entrusted with life and death." Su Hao's last voice fell.

turned his head and looked towards Xia Xiaojiu.

The latter stepped forward, holding a saber in his hand, and approached Chu Beihu step by step. The latter was so frightened that he immediately cried out, begging for mercy loudly, willing to be a bull and a horse, hoping to avoid death.

Chunan had tears in his eyes, and the murderous intention was hidden deep in his eyes. Naturally, this murderous intention was not aimed at the younger brother, but at Su Hao.

But he didn't dare to say more at this time, he could only endure.

Finally, he watched Xia Xiaojiu come over, the knife in his hand raised high, and coldly shouted: "Send you off!"

One knife, decapitated!

Blood splashes!


Chu Nanlong closed his eyes, the fist under his sleeve was tightly clenched, his fingers had become white, and the blood had stopped flowing.

His only younger brother, the last relative in the world, died.

Dying before his eyes.

"Do you have the intention to kill?" Suddenly, Su Hao's voice entered his ears, looking straight at him, Chu Nanlong opened his eyes and said, "Don't dare!"


He lowered his head, hiding his murderous intention.

"You younger brother arrogant and despotic, you did wrong, you never stopped it, and now you are having only one self to blame."

"Since you have such a deep relationship with him , I'll send you with him... on the road!"

Su Hao's voice fell, and he shot again.


Chu Nanlong's color changed greatly, but it was too late to dodge. Su Hao's fist expanded in his pupils until it was completely pressed down.

Powder, body, broken, bone!

"I won't leave a scourge that kills me." Su Hao's voice spread throughout the audience, and everyone in the Lei Divine Sect, including Xue Wanli, all shivered. Don't even dare to put a fart.

Xue Wanli didn't even dare to have any intention to kill, even if he carefully cultivated it, Chu Nanlong, who was the seed of the entire Thunder Divine Sect, was killed, he didn't dare to impudent.

He cultivated the dísciple, but also for his own future layout, the main purpose is to live, to live in style.

And now, Su Hao can decide his life and death, how dare he make a mistake?

"I heard that there are Nine Great Sects nearby." Su Hao looked towards Xue Wanli.

"Yes, Nine Great Sects, same qi, connected branch, come in and go out together, resist the Major Sect, and avoid being enslaved." Xue Wanli knew everything and said it all.

"Okay, I want these Nine Great Sects to submit to my hands. Do you have any problems?" Su Hao looked towards Xue Wanli.

The latter's eyes flashed and said, "Although my cultivation base is one of the top experts, those people are not simple, I'm afraid..."

"shua. "

Su Hao shed a ray of light, quickly healed Xue Wanli's injury, and at the same time blessed him, making his cultivation base a slight improvement.

Only during this progress, Xue Wanli felt that his body, mind and soul were all controlled by that youngster.

He is completely desperate. After today, there will be no freedom. He, Xue Wanli, has become a dog of this youngster.

"Lu Tianya, Immortal King Lei, you go with him and dominate the Nine Great Sects in one day!" Su Hao walked up a mountain not far away and sat cross-legged on the mountain down.

Lu Tianya and Immortal King Lei joined Xue Wanli, left quickly, and returned in the middle of the night. They brought eight people and bowed down at the feet of Su Hao in fear.

These eight people, six of whom were Sect Masters, and the Two Great Sects Sect Masters who died tragically, were replaced by the Great Elder, who came to surrender with the entire Supreme Treasure.

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