Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1995

The Emperor Tai Profound Immortal looked cold and looked at the Dao River, where the river became more turbulent, and the Dao was vacated from the river to suppress Su Hao.

Daohe is connected to him. With just one look and one thought, he can make it more terrifying, surging and surging.

Secretly manipulate and suppress purple hair!

"Taixuan senior, this person is really extraordinary. If he stays, I will definitely have another powerful Immortal Sovereign in the near future of Extreme Yin Church!"

"You are highly respected. , he has a big heart and can accommodate all things in the world, why not give him a chance?"

Black Elder Bai didn't intend to speak for Su Hao, and felt that it was not worth it at all.

But seeing his terrifying at this time and understanding his potential, keeping this person is too good for Extreme Yin Church. In the future, maybe they will all be under that person.


The Profound Immortal Emperor's voice was low, and he swept towards the two of them. Immediately, a wave of have one's hair stand on end enveloped the whole body, black and white Immortal Sovereign trembling.

Icy chills flowed through the body, and the two Great Immortal emperors were also stunned, aware of the threat of death.

This person is qualified to kill them, and also has the ability to kill them.

The same is Immortal Sovereign, but there are also 9th layers. They are two levels away from the Third Layer of the Profound Immortal Emperor.

One layer is 1 Heavenly Layer.

The gap between the two heavens, even if the two join forces, absolutely cannot be provoked.

What's more, the status of others is absolutely beyond their reach.

“It’s only ten thousand zhang, what’s terrifying? The old man deliberately lowered the difficulty and gave him glory. Do you really think he’s so extraordinary?”

Madam Profound Immortal Distorting the facts, and after the voice fell, a Dao intention vacated from the body, and silently merged into the river.

Although it was silent and unknown to outsiders, the black Elder Bai, who was also an Immortal Sovereign, immediately looked ugly and cursed in his heart. This old bastard is really shameless.

The terrifying of Daohe, the terrifying of Daohe, will be doubled. How can this kind of intensity, the trifling Immortal King, be blocked?

It's clear, it's just playing dead people.

Even if they meet his requirements, they will die!

It's just that the two are angry and angry. In the face of the Profound Immortal Emperor, they really have nothing to do. Their status is aloof and remote, and their cultivation base terrifying is boundless.

Even the Emperor Yin attaches great importance to him.

How can they?

Even if they report these things truthfully, even if these things are really passed into the ears of the Yin Emperor, the Profound Immortal Emperor will not be punished.

Compared to him, purple hair is far less of that weight.


Above the Dao River, Su Hao has surpassed ten thousand zhang. It stands to reason that this place should be the top of the Dao River, which has already completed the Profound Immortal King's test.

It's just that when he arrived here, the silent growth of the river continued with ten thousand zhang, and even more terrifying waves, surging and slaughtering.

In this brief moment, Su Hao's expression suddenly turned cold, standing in the ten thousand zhang land, swept down, and stared straight into the eyes of Emperor Tai Profound Immortal.

The two sides looked at each other, and across ten thousand zhang, they could see the coldness in each other's eyes.

"You don't know my limit." Su Hao's eyes conveyed his thoughts coldly.

"Then continue." Too Profound Immortal Emperor called and collected, he was Immortal Sovereign, Sovereign Dao boundless, Immortal King terrifying again, also impossible clearly understood Immortal Sovereign.

A big gap, even if the purple hair reaches the Immortal King Peak, and the Number One Person under the emperor, after all, is like a chasm, worlds apart.

Sovereign Dao is unfathomable!

"Come on!"

Su Hao shouted loudly, and at the same time that the Dao River continued ten thousand zhang, the big waves were slaughtering, and at the same time, the sword in his hand appeared, and the vastness showed boundless Dao meaning .

He went up with his sword, sword light showed Power of Great Dao, resisting Dao with Dao, Su Hao no longer broke Dao, but wanted to suppress the Dao of Emperor Tai Profound Immortal with his Dao.

"It's ridiculous." The Profound Immortal King shook his head, the kid was probably driven crazy, the trifling Immortal King said, still want to suppress him?

This is like mantis trying to stop a chariot, overestimate one's capabilities.



sword light vast, with Su Hao's Power of Great Dao, rushing towards the big waves, both sides collided, The sound waves blasted through the sky, and the rumblings swayed down.

As it was separated by ten thousand zhang, the vast and boundless momentum still made the earth tremble violently, like a big earthquake.

In the midst of this huge tumbling, the sound of the collision entered the ears of everyone, and I don't know how many people let out a miserable wailing.

While mourning, he covered his ears and fell directly to the ground and rolled.

The Dao collided and the Dao sound lingered. Those dísciples and even the Elder could not withstand the Dao's impact and were directly hit hard.

"Back, back quickly!"

Someone yelled, looking extremely frightened, and quickly retreating.

Worry-free Immortal King, Lei ten thousand zhang, etc. and the others, with their pale faces, flew upside down, and quickly left the square thirty thousand zhang.

Lu Tianya protects Lu Qianqian, Lin Xiyao and the others, and also stay away from here, but their eyes are always moving with divide light, and they are staring at the Dao River.

In the ten thousand zhang high empty land, Zifa moved again, took the sword and went away, splitting the terrifying wave that was several times beyond the bottom.

"Those who bully me, those who oppress me, those who insult me, Kill Kill Kill!"

Su Hao takes three steps and zhangs, one step at a time, and steps down with the pace, vast The sword light also rushed forward like a long river, colliding with the big waves.

"Your way is in my way, and I'll kill him!" His voice was expansive, like the Nine Heavens Divine King roaring, shaking the universe hundreds of thousands of li.

His speed is unabated, his imposing manner is immortal, his Dao Heart is firm, press forward, one step three thousand and zhang!

Under three steps.

Su Hao blasted Heaven and Earth, smashed Daohe, rushed out from the bottom of the river, stood on the high ground of the twenty thousand zhang, his eyes were like knives, and he came down: "Come again!"

As soon as the sound fell, he stepped on the Dao River, and the rush of the river became slow, suppressed!


Great earthquake.

A great earthquake!

Black and white Immortal Sovereign trembled and panicked, the whole person was shocked by this terrifying scene, twenty thousand zhang, breaking Sovereign Dao to the top.

No, this is a temporary suppression of Sovereign Dao.

This person is Immortal King, but he already has the foundation of Sovereign Dao and is above the Profound Immortal Emperor, and the future can be expected!

They slammed one fist in the other hand and looked directly at Tai Profound Immortal Sovereign Dao: "Tai Xuan senior, this person is too terrifying, the great Demon of the world, don't kill it."

What Su Hao has done is not weak in the top ten dísciple, the courage, the courage, the press forward that I want to do, and no one can stop it, even the top ten is not necessarily comparable.

With the intention of the king, and the way of suppressing the emperor, few people can do it.

The top ten dísciple is the Holy Son of Extreme Yin Church, and the lowest in the future will also be Heaven Grade Elder. Even after the abdication of the Emperor Yin, he is expected to replace him as the Lord of Tai Yin.

In the entire vast Eastern Wilderness, even in the Immortal World billion absolutely, it is definitely a terrifying existence with the highest talent.

Purple hair already has such potential.

It's just that after the two of them spoke, they felt an incomparable murderous intention, and the face of the Profound Immortal Emperor became a little hideous.

"He's here, provoking me? Or, humiliating me? Threatening me?" Sen's cold voice slowly spit out from his mouth, with a ferocious look like an ancient demon.

The Emperor Tai Profound Immortal lifts the head again and says, "How dare he?"

"Is he worthy of living?"

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