Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1994

On the Dao River, Su Hao stepped on a wave, and the vast sound entered the ears of everyone below, and even more intentionally entered the ears of the Profound Immortal emperor who was sitting high.

Let him be stunned for a moment, not annoyed, but faintly smiled, looked towards Elder Bai, who was beside him, and said, "Is he very temperamental?"

Black and white A Heaven Grade Elder rigidly laughed, Su Hao's words sounded ridiculous in their ears, you can step on it if you want?

Immortal Sovereign said, the vastness is boundless, I want to destroy you, is it not with no difficulty?

"Ignorance fearless, he will soon know how terrifying the Master's way is. With his ability, wanting to step on it is a fool's dream." Lin Ye returned to the Emperor Tai Profound Immortal, coldly smiled .

Even, I was still imagining in my mind, how miserable it would be when that guy was washed down by the big waves, or shot to death in the Dao River?

"Ai, maybe people really have that ability." Too Profound Immortal smiled calmly, but anyone could see the disdain in his pupils.

While they are talking here, the countless dísciples and elders below are also looking above the river, sneers, pityers, and those who take pleasure in other people's misfortune.

Lu Tianya, Lin Xiyao and the others hung their whole hearts beside their mouths, staring at Dao He, fists under their sleeves clenched tightly.

Under such stares, Su Hao, who was walking on the spray, moved again, his fists opened, and the big wave that fell from above exploded directly, and his body was ten feet tall.

Going upstream, punching through the waves, Su Hao's black clothed hunting, purple long hair swaying in the wind, the whole person became taller.

In the blink of an eye, when everyone sneered that his next moment was about to be overturned by the Second Layer wave, his body reached the second ten feet.

"It's really good to have broken two big waves to kill one after another."

"Hehe, keep working hard, it's only less than one percent of the climb, the distance I don't know how many steps to go to the top."

Su Hao continued, having reached the third thousandth zhang, what he had done at this time had surpassed the worry-free Immortal King, but no one applauded him. , In the hearts of everyone, the Profound Immortal Emperor can let him fall at any time as long as he wants to.

At this point, it's just a game.

In fact, Emperor Tai Profound Immortal did have such an idea, and let the kid fight. At the last moment, when the fire of hope was burning in his heart, he waved his hand at will to let it go out completely.

"The land of ten thousand zhang is the limit of the Immortal King. I want to see if he can reach the number one person under the emperor?" Tai Profound Immortal Huang said casually.

Black and white Immortal Sovereign immediately shook his head, is that possible?


Su Hao burst into a drink, and his body continued to climb. Time and time again, under the incredulousness of the crowd, he broke the culling of Daolang and kept rising. .

"He has already climbed five thousandthsand zhang, and he will surely fall next." Lei ten thousand zhang said loudly, looking up at the sky, the great waves were already gigantic, and separated five thousandths zhang, making his heart tremble.

"But, he has reached six thousandth zhang?" Someone trembled, his voice was full of inconceivable, the height of purple hair, he had already logged in six thousandth zhang.

"hmph, an arrow at the end of its flight, gritted his teeth, I don't believe it, he can go further?" Wuyou Immortal King gritted his teeth, he had already fallen at the third zhang, and Purple hair has reached twice his height, pressing him to the ground, unable to breathe.

It is obviously an unremarkable hairless brat, and it has only more than twenty years of cultivation time, why is it so terrifying, so extraordinary?

Their thousands of years of hard work can't keep up with him?

"Damn it, fall down immediately!" He gritted his teeth fiercely, extremely sinister, and wished Su Hao screamed miserably immediately, fell from the sky, and finally buried himself in the Dao River.

It's a pity that reality is so ruthless, like a loud slap in the face, fiercely slapped on his face.

"I really admire this brat."

"Who said no, Immortal Sovereign said, even if it's just a wisp, it's boundless. Climbing the river is like enlightenment, the higher the Tao. The more profound the mystery, the more obscure, the more difficult each step is."

"Eight thousand and zhang, I'm already ashamed."

Su Hao rushes against the current, the breath of the stalwart is mighty. , the top fifty dísciples are all in awe, this ability, they have fallen behind.

But it's far from the end, the man's shape, like True Dragon, also like Heavenly Peng, his body is steady and his steps are increasing.

Eight thousand and zhang!

The top 50 dísciples are trembling, the top 30 dísciples are in shock, suck in a cold breath, luckily this person is already an Elder, otherwise, their rankings would have been lost in the grand competition in Tallinn .

Su Hao's strength is enough to rank in the top 30!

Even, the top twenty dísciples are staring, and a huge threat arises in their hearts, guessing what will happen when they meet this person?

They have no guarantees.

"Master, come on!" Lin Xiyao and the others secretly said in their hearts that the Master had already boarded Daohe and could not be changed, so they could only pray for him in secret.

And Su Hao didn't let them down in the slightest, going against the current, constantly breaking the limit, climbing to a higher peak, one step hundreds of zhang, one step zhang, his speed is still accelerating .

"terrifying." The people in the sneering sneer completely changed their attitudes, and they were a little frightened. The Earth Grade Elder stepped on the river either dead or washed down, while the purple hair was rushing to the sky again and again. Reached above ten thousand zhang.

The vast rushing river, the surging waves, and the boundless Dao meaning of the great shore give people boundless depression, but that person has no scruples.

"Master." Lin Ye's expression changed greatly, the fist under his sleeve was slightly clenched, and there was a trace of tension. If this goes on, the kid is afraid that he has really reached the top.

Even the black and white Immortal Sovereign immediately changed their views, although guessing that Su Hao terrifying is definitely beyond the general, but absolutely unexpected, it can reach this point.

This is a peerless evildoer.

At the end, even the Emperor Profound Immortal stood up with a sense of solemnity. From the bottom of his heart, Zi Fang was doing what he was doing, and being an Earth Grade Elder was more than enough.

Climbing the Daohe ten thousand zhang, this kind of ability, under Heaven Grade Elder, few people can do it.

Purple hair has done it, under the emperor, Number One Person!

Break his estimates.

At such a young age, she is so extraordinary that she is simply the darling of the Dao and the evildoer of all ages.

If it takes time, it will definitely be Dragon Soaring at the Nine Firmaments, which will overwhelm the world.

"Master, if it goes on like this, he has really reached the top. Do you really want to seal him as Earth Grade Elder?" Lin Ye sounded transmission again, but he was extremely reluctant.

"Is it possible?"

The Emperor Profound Immortal looked cold, purple hair terrifying, terrifying to the point of being frightened, but, still, that sentence, offended him, okay, Also not!

"My Dao is boundless!"

He whispered in his heart.

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