Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1889

Lang Kong rose up from the mountain peak, stepped in the sky, and headed into the distance. The blood on his arm was still spilled, and there was no cure at all.

In fact, he left the mountain because of this. He was never expected, and the injury to his arm was so terrifying that his medicine pill was less than half of the effect.

You must immediately find the first Pill Refinement Master Wood Elder in the middle reaches and treat him.

Otherwise, he would be completely abolished.

His speed was so fast that he didn't even look towards the bottom at all, all his thoughts were on his injury, and his arm must not be lost.

However, Chu Bei and the others below felt that Lang Kong was angry, and it must have been because of Zifa's words that angered him.

"Boy, I advise you to kneel down immediately and apologize to our Alliance Leader. Maybe you can save your life, otherwise, you will be crushed to pieces!" Chu Bei coldly said.

"I kneel down for him? Do you ask him if he has the courage to accept it?"

It's not just him, Lin Xiyao's four daughters, but they also made undisguised laughs when they witnessed Lang Kong's embarrassment under Su Hao.

And this kind of voice made Chu Bei's face even more ugly. Those ASEAN members beside him all shot extremely ferocious eyes.

Laughing at the Alliance Leader they admire?

Or in their ASEAN stronghold?

It's just courting death!

"Qin, calligraphy, and painting, the three of you think that if you have a little fame, you will be able to run wild in our ASEAN? Tell you, you are completely unqualified!"

Chu Bei gritted his teeth.

"Don't be arrogant, let him come down." Lin Xiyao said indifferently.

"humph." Chu Bei coldly snorted, moved towards the sky loudly said: "Alliance Leader, these guys are not open to eyes, please take action yourself."

" Alliance Leader, they are disrespectful to you, they don't take ASEAN in their eyes, and they also ask you to take action, suppress them all, and give ASEAN a divide might."

Those dísciples also said loudly.

I have to say that their imposing manner is not small, so that Lang Kong, who was planning to leave immediately, had to look here.

As he looked down, Lang Kong's body in flight was fiercely trembling, and the whole person exuded an icy chill.

Purple hair!

He actually caught up here?

Frightened, Lang Kong didn't even dare to stop for half a step, the breath of the whole person was very strong, and the speed reached an extremely fast level.

This scene made Chu Bei and the others startled, and Lang Kong didn't come down, and he left at a faster speed, as if afraid?

"No, this is absolutely impossible. Even if the Alliance Leader is injured, how can these people make him fear? Ten thousand impossible!" Chu Bei kept shaking his head, he couldn't believe this guess.

Don't say it's him, even those around him who don't know Lang Kong as well as him are shaking their heads like a rattle, completely denying that guess.

Lang Kong is in their hearts, but in the dísciple, a stalwart existence, might of a single fist, can sweep away a few people with purple hair.

Will he be afraid?

Why be afraid?

There is definitely a secret!

It's just that, in their state of mind, a figure rushed up from their eyes, like a fairy light, bursting into the sky.

Moreover, the speed of light, unimaginable, appeared in front of Lang Kong, who was flying fast, within a blink of an eye.

"Get off."

At the same time that Su Hao appeared, Su Hao's voice had already sounded coldly, and there was a terrifying aura from his body.

He was in the heart of Lang Kong, and he had long left a shadow. As he spoke at this time, the overbearing aura emanated, and Lang Kong was so frightened that he trembled in the sky, and his body quickly retreated.

This time, Chu Bei and the others, all tremble!

Lang Kong is really scared!

Fear of an Immortal King Fifth Layer?

Because he was reprimanded, he retreated in fright.

This surprised them and puzzled them.

"Go down."

Su Hao spoke again, and at the same time as his voice fell, his silhouette once again blocked Lang Kong's retreat, forcing him to descend downwards.

In terms of speed, he is not as good as Su Hao at all.

"Alliance Leader, what's going on here?" Lang Kong landed on the ground, and Chu Bei and the others eagerly asked the questions in their hearts.

However, Lang Kong was obviously not in the mood to pay attention to them, looked at the purple hair that fell with him in horror, and begged: "Give me a way to survive, I, Lang Kong, are willing to be a bull and a horse. ”

The voice was trembling, which made Chu Bei and the others incredible.

"Alliance Leader, what's going on, he's just the Immortal King Fifth Layer, why do you need to be afraid of him? Besides, you're the leader of my ASEAN, so how can you beg for him with no bones?"


"Didn't you tell us that ASEAN should not be afraid of dead waste?"

Those people asked loudly.

"Shut up for me!" Lang Kong yelled loudly, with a grim look in his eyes: "Do you want me to die so that you can inherit my position as Alliance Leader?"

"Do you know how terrifying he is? I cast the Void Slash, but I can't stop him, tell me, how can he have the backbone?"

He said at the end, almost roaring , also made Chu Bei and the others completely stunned.

Lang Kong casts the Void Slash, can't stop the purple hair?

"I don't believe it, I absolutely don't believe it. He is just the Immortal King Fifth Layer. Impossible is so terrifying. There is no such terrifying Immortal King Fifth Layer in this world."

Chu Beidi A shake of the head also caused the echo of countless people. They are also considered to have seen all kinds of Heaven's Chosen characters, and they are not so terrifying.

Lang Kong cursed in his heart, a group of frogs in well!

Actually, he didn't believe it before, but Su Hao's ability is real. At this time, if he doesn't plead, there will be no way to survive.

In fact, his pleas did not make Su Hao change his color at all, he raised his fist and said, "I said, I want to repay all the nine punches that my dísciple endured. You."

"I've shot eight times, the last punch, if you can catch it, you'll live, if you can't catch it, you'll...die!"

The voice fell, almost silent Giving the slightest reaction, Su Hao's ninth punch, punched out.

this fist is all he has.

It's not weaker than the Void Slash!

"No, I..." Under the terrifying momentum, Lang Kong widened his eyes in horror, and under the danger of death, he was so frightened that he could not resist. courage.

This fist, too terrifying.

It gives people a domineering over everything, if Gods block, kill the Gods, if Buddhas block, kill the Buddhas!

"Let's go."

Su Hao has turned around before his fist falls completely, and the ending is beyond doubt.

A person who has completely lost courage is not qualified to block his fist.


Lin Xiyao was nodded, glanced at Lang Kong, who was trembling under his fist, and showed a cold smile, and then followed Su Hao and left directly.

And after a few people turned around, a huge vibration sounded behind them, mixed with the sound of flesh and blood explosions.

At the same time, the terrified sound of the Chubei people sucking in a cold breath also roared...

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