Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1888

ASEAN is well-known in the lower reaches, and with the strength of Lang Kong, it is also very popular in the middle, ranking one of the top Five Great Influences.

At this time, Lang Kong broke an arm, splattered blood, and came to the foot of a vast mountain. Under the mountain, dísciple in groups of three or four gathered to discuss cultivation experience, or It's about some interesting things about going out.

These people are the elite dísciple of ASEAN.

I'm not an elite, and I'm not qualified to come to the base camp at all.

"You don't know, the power of our Alliance Leader is simply terrifying. That time when I entered the forest with him, he killed a silver-white Flood Dragon with one hand, and the Flood Dragon was Immortal enough. King Seventh Layer, transforming into a human, mastering the Immortal King method of terrifying, an expression all makes me chill, but under the Alliance Leader, it's hard to resist a punch."

One Chi. A tall man with a naked upper body, with deep admiration in his eyes, told everyone about the power of the Alliance Leader.

The eyes of the few people around him were fiery, and Lang Kong was indeed terrifying, otherwise he would not let them surrender willingly, or even work for him.

"When will we be able to have half the ability of Alliance Leader, in the middle, we can come and go freely." The tall man sighed again.

Suddenly, everyone heard the rushing sound of breaking the air, and immediately looked forward, and saw the embarrassed Lang Kong approaching, with his broken arm and blood flying.

Everyone looked startled, and then stood up suddenly, with a strong surprise and shock in their eyes.

Lang Kong is their Alliance Leader and is extremely powerful in their hearts, who can hurt him like this, and it seems that he escaped.

Lang Kong's face was not only painful, but also frightened, as if he had seen a ghostly fear.

“What happened to Alliance Leader? His strength is obvious to all, who made him so afraid?” Chi. A tall man with a naked upper body said unexpectedly.

He just boasted that he went out to practice with the Alliance Leader, and that the Alliance Leader killed the monster beast's domineering, and then saw such a miserable scene of Lang Kong.

The rest of the people were also surprised and moved towards Lang Kong.

"Enter Level 1 alert, no one is allowed to climb the mountain without my permission." Lang Kong left a sentence loudly, and his embarrassed body rushed directly to the mountain.

His arm was chopped off by the Void Demon knife, the injury is terrifying, and it must be healed quickly, otherwise, this arm will never regenerate.


The crowd responded aloud.

Lang Kong didn't say it, and they didn't dare to ask. In short, things are definitely not simple, and Alliance Leader must have encountered extremely difficult things.

But the doubts in my heart persisted for a long time. As Lang Kong completely climbed the mountain, a few minutes passed, and the doubts still made everyone frown, puzzled.

Alliance Leader has already arrived at the base camp, and is still so dreadful. Is there anyone who dares to enter their base camp?

Amid the doubts of the crowd, in front of the clearing on the mountain, a few people came again, led by a young man with purple hair.

This person is unfamiliar to them.

The legend about Su Hao has not yet been introduced to this ASEAN stronghold.

But the people around Su Hao, those people are very familiar. Except for chess, all of them are here, and they don't look good.

Could it be that the Alliance Leader has something to do with them?

"No, it's impossible, the power of the Alliance Leader, even if the four people of music, chess, calligraphy and painting work together, they are barely equal to him. It is difficult and difficult to hurt him." Chi. The man with the upper body naked immediately shook his head.

His name is Chu Bei, and he followed Lang Kong from the lower reaches to the middle. He is very clear about the ability of the latter. The fundamental impossibility of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting makes him afraid.

As for the purple-haired leader, under his sweep, he has automatically ignored it. After all, he is just an Immortal King Fifth Layer, and there is a big gap between him and him.

Not to mention hurting their Alliance Leader.

"Several, my family's Alliance Leader has something important to do today, so I won't see any guests." Chu Bei shook off the doubts in his heart and moved towards Su Hao a few people said loudly.

However, his voice didn't play a half role, Su Hao and the others continued to approach, directly stepped into the open space, and walked towards the direction of the mountain.

"Stop." Chu Bei's face was suddenly cold, scolded: "My family's Alliance Leader has no guests today, and my ASEAN base camp, no one is allowed to enter."

Several people around him , is also all on alert, faintly, exudes a terrifying breath of one after another like a dragon like a tiger.

"I didn't come to see him, but to... kill him!" Su Hao continued to move forward, his voice was neither salty nor light, but it felt extremely cold.


"so that's how it is, it seems that the injury of my Alliance Leader is really related to you." Chu Bei's face became even colder, with a strong murderous intention in his eyes.

"Wrong." Su Hao turned his head and said, "It's not about me, it's about me, he was hurt by me, and then, it's me who killed him!"

"Wrong." p>

When this voice fell, Chu Bei's expression suddenly started, and all the people around him were stunned.

But, just for a moment, have a big laughter, explode.

The laughter was filled with incomparable sarcasm.

"You're not afraid of the wind and flash your tongue!" Chu Bei sneered. How powerful are their Alliance Leaders, how could they be hurt by an Immortal King Fifth Layer?

In the hearts of Chu Bei and the others, even if it is the piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, plus this Immortal King Fifth Layer's purple hair, let them make all-out shots together, it is absolutely unable to hurt Lang Kong.

Even if it is possible, there are definitely hidden secrets that no one knows about.

By true strength, they are not qualified!

"I've seen someone who is boiled shamelessly, but I've never seen someone so shamelessly. A rubbish like you is also qualified to hurt our Alliance Leader. You can't be together!"

" hmph, our Alliance Leader is Lang Kong, ranked in the top ten in the middle, and can control the Immortal King method of terrifying, and can even perform Void Slash, are you qualified to hurt him?

"Come to our ASEAN to swindle and deceive, I see you are tired and crooked. "

Those people cursed unceremoniously.

"Boy, get out now, I don't welcome madmen like you in ASEAN... If you dare to move forward, kill without mercy ! "Chu Bei is no longer polite.

He even took out a seven-foot long spear, the spear was sharp, and the murderous aura suddenly roared out, causing the temperature here to drop suddenly, as cold as ice.

However, just as he was about to make his move, there was another huge noise from the top of the mountain, and a silhouette rose into the air.

"Alliance Leader has descended. "

Someone yelled.

"hmph, Alliance Leader must have heard the arrogant voice of this madman, even if the Alliance Leader is seriously injured, it is nothing difficult to destroy him. Some people sneered.

Chu Bei even put away his long spear and twitched the corner of his mouth, taking pleasure in other people's misfortune. Since the Alliance Leader is here in person, let him do it himself.

With the hot temper of Alliance Leader, this kid is dead!

Langkong's name cannot be insulted!

What's more, this place is also his ASEAN base camp .

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