Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1885

"The third punch, the fourth punch, the fifth punch!"

Su Hao ignored Lang Kong's panic, opened his mouth continuously, and punched down frantically.

Three punches in a row!

Three punches are like waves, one wave surpasses one wave, and one punch is stronger than one punch.

The third punch, Lang Kong trembled, revealing the color of pain.

The fourth punch, the pain was severe, and Lang Kong spits out blood.

The fifth punch came, and the strikes directly hit his chest, blood sprayed violently, and Lang Kong's body flew upside down, almost collapsing to the ground.

During the process, he didn't stop. It wasn't because he didn't want to, but because he was powerless and didn't have time. Su Hao's speed was too fast and his punches were too overbearing.

Moreover, the demon blood he absorbed was gradually refining. With the refining, the breath became terrifying, and the strength of his fist became even crazier.

The third punch, maybe just Immortal King Fourth Layer Peak, the fourth punch is close to the Immortal King Fifth Layer, and the fifth punch is a half-step Immortal King Fifth Layer.

Strong all the time.

the more fights the more brave is!

"My dísciple, you can also move it?" Su Hao scolded coldly, slamming down the sixth punch, thoroughly showing the Immortal King method, like the arrival of the king!

this fist, suppressed from the top of the head.

Like a large meteorite from the Foreign Domain starry sky.

Overwhelm the world!

Totally, Immortal King Fifth Layer!

"pu tong!"

Continuously wounded, Lang Kong was not only suppressed by his body, but also by his imposing manner. With Su Hao's sixth punch being stronger again, his body, unstoppable.

Bend your knees and kneel directly on the ground.

The knee smashed the hard rocky ground.

Makes a loud noise.

At the same time, it also completely shocked everyone!

The dignified leader of ASEAN, one of the ten oldest disciples in the middle reaches, was completely crushed under the fist of Zifa, unable to fight back, and even fell to his knees.

This gap is self-evident.

Lin Xiyao, Mo Xiu, Mo Yun, and even Qing'er let out a long breath of fiercely, and half of the depression in their hearts disappeared.

The one who was previously suppressed by Lang Kong was powerless to fight back, and even trembled, feeling that he was going to die at all times. That kind of terrifying was simply inhuman torture.

Now, their Master has returned it for them.

Lang Kong is suffering like that.

But this is not the end!

Su Hao said, and returned to Jiuquan.

That must be nine punches.

No less than one punch!

"The leader of ASEAN, the top ten Heaven's Chosen, these are all bullshit!" Su Hao's tone was extremely arrogant, and his fist was raised again, which was the seventh punch.

Before this fist was hit, the void was trembling uncontrollably. Many dísciples felt a huge threat. They felt that if this fist was rubbed a little, they would immediately be crushed to pieces.

Even, Elder Liu looked pale with fright, this fist was enough to kill him.

Even if he uses everything, he is absolutely unstoppable.

"This guy is too terrifying." He was astonished, and even gave birth to the terrifying guess that Wood Elder fought against this man, and might not be able to get any benefits.

Life and Death Battle after half a month, maybe still unknown.


When Su Hao raised this fist, Lang Kong roared wildly, and the whole person became extremely ferocious, exuding hell demons General blood-reeking breath.

He is the dignified leader of ASEAN and the top ten Heaven's Chosen in the middle reaches. He has always been aloof and remote and worshipped by everyone. Today, he is crushed and tortured here like a trivial ant. It is extraordinary shame and humiliation.

This shame, life is better than death!


Under his roar, Su Hao's seventh punch was still fiercely smashed, and a clear ka-cha sound could be heard, yes Broken bones.

Lang Kong's chest exploded with terrifying cracks, and blood spurted out from the wound like boiled water without money.

However, this time Lang Kong did not fall down, not even in pain, his complexion became more hideous and his breath more terrifying.

The magic light of the terrifying black rippling on his body caused the void around him to make a sound of ka-cha, cracking open one after another.

"Do you really think that I am just that?"

"Do you really think that I am at your mercy?"

" Do you really think that my Langkong is an unremarkable ant?"

"Then see clearly, my Langkong's... trump card!"

Langkong tore his heart out The roar of the split lungs, the breath became more and more domineering, the void around him exploded more, and a mysterious power was raging.

All the people around looked at them with astonishment in their eyes, and even some people's eyes flashed, as if they had guessed something.

Even though Su Hao squinted his eyes, he was familiar with this kind of breath.

That's the terrifying method!

"Void Slash, this is Void Slash! Lang Kong actually practiced this terrifying method. This is three thousand methods, the first three methods, terrifying is boundless."

Someone shouted, the horror in the voice no longer seemed like a human voice.

And after his voice fell, countless people trembled for it, and the head of the Void Crack was enough to make everyone feel cold, like falling into an ice cellar.

Three thousand methods, each of which is extremely terrifying, Immortal Sovereign is greedy, and the top three terrifying methods in the three thousand methods, the real formidable power, can't be imagined.

It is said that the terrifying power can only be fully displayed by the Immortal Emperor.

However, some Immortal Kings can also perform one or two of this method. Although they cannot fully perform, they only need to perform one thousand percent, which is enough to shock people.

"Okay, very good, kill him, kill him immediately!" Elder Liu secretly hoped, with an evil brilliance in his eyes.

"Death, let him die. In that case, I don't need to pay one billion yuan, and I don't need to worry about this big trouble." Che Lin also prayed secretly.

She had already lost the bet, and she absolutely did not dare to comprehend the chess game. Once she was settled, she would have to pay a billion terrifying price.

Not only did she have to return Zifa's 500 million, she also had to give her own 500 million as compensation, which was enough to make her heart bleed.

The key is that Zifa is too terrifying, she can kill her if she raises her hand, and she has completely offended Zifa, which is a nightmare for her.

How could she not want Zifa to die?

"Master, be careful." Lin Xiyao, sisters of the Mo family, all came down solemnly. Even though they saw Su Hao's terrifying, they were still beating drums in their hearts under the terrifying of the top three of the 3,000 Ways.

"As soon as the void is slashed, I want him to be smashed to pieces!" Lang Kong sneered, this blade, he wants to completely wash away the shame.

Let everyone present know that his Lang Kong is definitely not a false name!

"It's ridiculous, can this be considered a Void Slash?"

Under Lang Kong's icy intimidation, Su Hao's solemn expression completely disappeared and became so easy.

"You're still a long way off. Your cultivation method is, at best, a small crack in the void." Su Hao's tone was casual, even contemptuous.

Seems to have seen through everything.

"courting death, the first three methods, you can also see through it?" Lang Kong was furious, at this time, Zifa is not afraid, yet despise his methods?

die without regret.

Break to pieces!

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