Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1884

The noisy scene was silent for a moment.

Needle drop can be heard!

Langkong's terrifying punch was enough to crush the four girls on the opposite side, and even made them all explode, drenched with blood, and died miserably.

But at this time, everyone looked at the four people there, standing unharmed, and Lang Kong's terrifying punch did not cause them any harm at all.

Even, never approached them at all!

Even Lang Kong was surprised that his punching power was within three meters of the four women, and it was like clay ox entering the sea, disappeared without a trace.

This scene is really surprising.


Suddenly, Lang Kong's complexion changed, and at the same time, his body quickly retreated. At the same time as he retreated, a bloody blade light slashed at him. The place to stand.

The void there splits directly into a deep, terrifying and pitch-black scar.

This scene also alarmed everyone, and as they looked, everyone's eyes were even more open, with a strong unexpected expression on their expressions.

There, the motionless purple hair, everyone mistakenly thought it was dead, or the purple hair who was completely suppressed by the strange chess game, opened his eyes and walked to the front of the four girls.

And, he exudes a terrifying and evil blood brilliance.

Lang Kong's fist power disappeared, and even that bloody knife came from his hands!

He comprehend the conspiracy and actually woke up.

Wake up safely.

Breathe terrifying!

This is an absolute miracle!

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, how could he do it?" Che Lin said with a deep disbelief in her eyes.

Eternal endgame, killing an unknown number of people, the Elder of the Immortal King Eighth Layer, all suffered heavy losses here, how can Zifa be safe?

No, he's not safe, but a step further!

The blood-colored aura on Zifa's body made his aura very terrifying, more than one level stronger than before the comprehend game!

Did he sudden enlightenment from the chess game?


Lin Xiyao, Mo Yun, and Mo Xiu were all excited, and their voices were full of surprises.

Even Qinger showed a bright smile.

They also thought that Su Hao was finished, never thought that he would wake up and be stronger and more terrifying.

Standing in front of them, it is not a tall and sturdy body, but it makes the four girls feel a sense of security in their hearts for no reason. It seems that as long as this person is there, the sky can fall down live!

"He punched you nine punches in total, Master asks you to return them one by one!" Su Hao's voice was icy cold, he absorbed the demon blood, and hurriedly woke up before completely refining.

Fortunately, he woke up in time, otherwise, that punch would definitely be enough to kill the four girls!

"What a big breath!"

After a brief shock, Lang Kong's expression turned cold again. Although the knife was terrifying, it would be nothing if he spared no effort.

"Very well, I'm really afraid that you will die there, and I can't kill you with my own hands. Now you are safe and sound, which is more in line with my heart."

He strode down, The ground trembled again, and the terrifying pressure swept out of his body frantically, and the scene immediately enveloped a huge sense of depression.

It even makes people feel that this place has become a vacuum, and even breathing has become extremely difficult.

"First Fist!"

Su Hao ignored Lang Kong's words, raised his fist, and punched straight out.

this fist, simple and rude.

There is no flamboyance at all, or even half a cent of immortal art fluctuations.

It's pure Strength of Fleshly Body!

However, with the punching out, the void rumbled and trembled, making a huge roar, Lang Kong's eyes suddenly condensed, and he slapped with all his strength.

His palm print, with the magic power of black, collided with the blood-colored fist, and the terrifying storm roared away at the place where the fist and palm collided.

The gust of wind whimpered like a dragon's roar, and the whistling caused huge waves in the void, flapping in all directions, like waves in the vast ocean, grandiose.

The waves spread, the void exploded into pieces, and the surrounding dísciple, under the aftermath, was going backwards again and again, completely uncontrollable.

This is scared witless.

These expert battles, even the aftermath, are more terrifying than they are.

Even, enough to crush them.

As the aftermath spreads, everyone looks at it, and they are even more stunned, full of deep horror.

One stroke collision.

The bloody fist actually shattered the black palm print!

Even, the palm prints exploded, the fists were inexhaustible, and he moved forward bravely, forcing Lang Kong to retreat again and again, and those who cared even discovered that his face was pale.

It's not an opponent!


I don't know how many people, secretly sucking in a cold breath, re-examined the purple hair once again, and seemed to have discovered his charm and why they could subdue Qin Three people in chess, calligraphy and painting.

This guy, even Lang Kong can't stop him!

"No, how is this possible, what kind of monster is he? He's obviously just the Immortal King Fourth Layer, why is he so terrifying?" Che Lin couldn't help but speak again, the scene in front of her made her like a dream .

She is no match for Lang Kong.

Even, they can kill her with one move.

Now Lang Kong is under Zi Fa again and is at a disadvantage.

And he actually laughed at purple hair before?

I really don't know where the courage came from.

Now she knows who is the joke, and how ignorant she seems to be betting against others.

She even thought that she was the winner, and they gave her one billion for nothing?

In the eyes of others, she has always been just a clown jumping up and down!

"Damn it, damn it! I, Lang Kong, are Heaven's Chosen Child, the lord of ASEAN, the dignified Immortal King Seventh Layer Peak, and I'm not as good as you Immortal King Fourth Layer rubbish, I don't accept it, I don't accept it!"

Lang Kong's expression turned hideous, which was a shame in his heart. He never thought that he was so unbearable.

Under the influence of shame, incomparable anger grew in his heart, the anger turned into murderous intention, and the murderous intention violently tossed, he stabilized his body, and his eyes were bloody.

In this regard, Su Hao is more direct, the second punch, hits again.

This fist, there is a faint Immortal King method to show.

More terrifying than First Fist!

"You think I'm really not as good as you, I..." Lang Kong showed all the cultivation bases, and his breath was so domineering, giving people a feeling of black clouds pressing down on the city, compared to fighting The four daughters were much stronger.

However, before he could make a shot, and even before his voice completely fell, Su Hao's fist came, and the force in it shocked him inexplicably.

More terrifying.

terrifying to the point where he doesn't have the guts to pick it up!

All his imposing manners were dismantled.

A single thought, back!

However, it was too late to want to go backwards. That fist speed was extremely fast and aggressive, and it was directly suppressed. He passively accepted it.

Of course, under such a passive condition, he naturally won't get half of the benefits. Su Hao's punching power not only made him look pale, but his body trembled violently.

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