Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1882

Che Lin's mountain is very lively. As time goes by, the number of people increases, and news spreads that several hundred li enter a black mountain.

It has been three days in a row on this mountain peak, and the murderous aura is majestic. After today's news came, the mountain peak trembled violently.

next moment, at the top of the mountain, a huge explosion sounded, a silhouette, like a Black Demon Dragon, rose into the sky, the terrifying breath made the mountain rumble and vibrated.

It was a tall man with youthful appearance, terrifying aura, black demonic energy billowing all over his body, and with a shock, he was slashed out like thousands of knives, causing the void to burst into bursts. crack.

This is not an illusion, but a reality. The man seems to be in control of Void Power, so that the void will explode under his breath.

"Long Senior Brother Kong is out."

Under the mountain, several people gathered, looking at the rising silhouette, with deep fear and awe in their eyes .

Lord of ASEAN, Lang Kong!


The void is like being slashed by thousands of knives, cracking open the gaps and becoming incomparably blurred. Under such a terrifying scene, the man landed in a straight line. down.

He is tall and his facial features are as sharp as knives, with a frightening majesty and domineering.

"He can't die, and he will die in my hands!" Lang Kong's eyes shot out a terrifying murderous intention, his younger brother, sister, all died under Su Hao's hands.

When he knew this news, he was full of anger, but at the critical period of his retreat, he could only force it down.

Now, he has completed the sublimation of himself, the cultivation base has gone further, and the immortal art Great Accomplishment, the irreconcilable hatred, will be taken back in person.

"Senior Brother, he's on Chelin's peak, comprehend conspiracy." Someone immediately reported.


The air wave exploded, and Lang Kong’s figure rose rapidly, shooting directly at Che Lin’s peak like a beam of light at an extraordinary speed.

The comprehend conspiracy is sure to die, but before the guy dies, he must arrive, personally take action, cut off the purple-haired head, and pay homage to the younger brother and sister.

This hatred, he must wash with blood!

His young brother and sister, who dares to attack, chopped up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades!

When he arrived, Che Lin's mountain was almost full of people, and everyone was staring straight at the purple-haired silhouette who was facing the stone tablet with his back to the crowd.

At this time, the purple hair seemed to have completely lost consciousness, standing there like a rock for ten minutes without moving.

Even, after careful sensing, he even heard the sound of breathing and heartbeat, and there was no sign of life at all.

"Get out of the way."

Langkong swept away, shouted loudly, and shook the audience.

Rumbling, I don't know how many people, under this voice, trembling violently, feeling that the eardrums are like exploding, and they let out a mournful howl.

Even some people under this sudden voice, Divine Soul trembled, couldn't help falling to the ground, shiver coldly.

A voice has terrifying boundless.

And in the next moment, after seeing the person coming, everyone was even more frightened and retreated, with intense fear in their eyes.

Lord of ASEAN, Lang Kong!

"You must die in my hands." Lang Kong strode forward, and everyone quickly made way for him, unobstructed.

At 30 meters close to Su Hao, the aura on his body has become terrifying abnormally. At 20 meters, the cold murderous aura begins to spew, and at 10 meters, the murderous aura seems to become an invisible heavenly blade , to swept away towards Su Hao.


Lin Xiyao and the Mo family sisters, their expressions changed drastically. Although Su Hao is not yet awake, and even the chance of awake is slim, but until the last moment, who knows the outcome ?

At this time, Su Hao must not be disturbed.

When Lang Kong's murderous intention was revealed, the three of them rushed out and blocked in front of him and Su Hao, and their breath burst out.

"fuck off! ”

Lang Kong shouted, his cultivation base terrifying, and he has no interest in women, especially at this time when he is carried away by hatred Younger brother takes revenge on his younger sister.

In this mood, there is no half-point to have tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex.

As the sound of drinking fell, his murderous intention quickly gathered, condensed into substance, turned into a bloody heavenly blade, and slashed down.

The appearance of the blood knife, the terrifying aura, has made countless people tremble with fear, and as it was cut down, a huge crack appeared in the void, which made everyone even more terrified.

Innumerable people, fast backwards.

Che Lin and Elder Liu looked at each other and smiled, both with taking pleasure in other people's misfortune, and then quickly left the area.


Blood knife press forward, like a hot knife through butter, such as gods block then kill gods, Buddha should kill Buddha, Lin Xiyao three people work together, although it explodes The blood knife, but still flew upside down, each spurting blood.

Even, Qing'er was behind, and under relatively less pressure, she was still severely hit, and her face turned pale.

"Your cultivation base actually broke through, Immortal King Seventh Layer Peak?" Lin Xiyao was shocked, Lang Kong was already terrifying, and the cultivation base was above them, didn't expect to break through again.

"My strength is more than that. Get out of the way immediately, otherwise I will kill them all! I don't care about piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and I don't know how to have tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex."

"I only know that a debtor must pay his debt to kill for his life. If he dares to touch my younger brother and sister, I will make him die!"

His voice was extremely cold, With a strong coercion, full of unimaginable violent anger, it is clear that today will kill purple hair!

Lin Xiyao, Mo Xiu, Mo Yun, and Qing'er all gave birth to fear. This guy's breath was like the Great Desolate Giant Beast, which was shocking and unimaginable.

But after gritting their teeth, none of the four stepped back, and stood in front of Su Hao unswervingly, saying: "Then, fight!"

"courting death! ”

Langkong roared up, his body in a swooping posture, like four people walking away, terrifying fists, like meteorites falling from the sky, making the void and earth tremble.

"Dream of Tianqin!"

Lin Xiyao stepped back and took out the ancient zither at the same time, the whole person became very solemn, plucked the strings, the Tianqin sound went straight to Langkong Divine Soul attacked.

At the same time as she shot, Mo Xiu took out the gold-rod black brush and quickly wrote the word "Yu", like a shield blocking the front.

Moyun took out the black-rod golden brush, drew a bow like flowing water, opened the bow and shot arrows, in one go, the sound of wind and thunder mighty.

Qing'er was still a little timid, but at this time, she slapped a palm on her chest, and along with a mouthful of blood essence, it also condensed a terrifying blood-colored palm print, and went straight to Langkong.

Although the cooperation of the four was hurried, it was close to seamless. Lin Xiyao interfered with Divine Soul, Mo Xiu blocked the attack, and Mo Yun and Qinger displayed the most terrifying attack.

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