Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1881

What a surprise!

Che Lin and Elder Liu couldn't help showing excited smiles

Che Lin was excited, because of the billion immortal jade, she felt that she could easily get it, and it was harder than herself Collection, I don't know how much easier it is.

Elder Liu wants to see Su Hao unlucky, the more miserable the better, and one billion immortal jade, who will vomit blood, right?

"Okay, let's go then." Che Lin walked to the chessboard and looked at Su Hao with a sneer, her imposing manner became extremely domineering, giving people a more manly appearance terrifying oppression.

However, instead of approaching, Su Hao waved his hand.

"What's the matter?" Che Lin frowned, this kid is too long-winded, she can't wait to play a game with Su Hao, the thunder crushes him, and he is convinced.

Su Hao smiled and pointed to a stone tablet not far away that was three people tall and two wide. The stone tablet was a chessboard, reflecting the ancient meaning of vicissitudes.

It has an endgame on it.

"This is a good endgame, I think you haven't been able to break it, why don't we fight this way?" Su Hao said with a smile.

Che Lin's eyes flashed with fear, and she said, "Boasted, don't be shamelessly, that is the endgame that I got from a Secret Realm. You can't solve it."


Don't talk about purple hair, Che Lin couldn't crack it herself, and even after consulting many great experts, they were all helpless.

Especially, the endgame was extremely mysterious and terrifying. There were three Elders of the Immortal King Seventh Layer Peak in the past, so the chess game cultivation deviation is still insane.

Even, an Elder of the Immortal King Eighth Layer, when cracking the chess game, made his own cultivation base drop three grades sharply, leaving a lifetime of regrets.

Since then, Che Lin seldom went to the comprehend endgame, and even looked at it with fear. People in the middle class called it a conspiracy, and no one dared to come.

“You dare not?” Su Hao smiled playfully.

"I..." Che Lin had nothing to say, she really didn't dare, that thing is too evil monster, one bad thing will ruin her future completely.

"Listen to your tone, it looks like you dare?" Elder Liu stood up and said with a sneer: "Have you been able to crack it first?"


Su Hao smiled and immediately faced the stone tablet.


Lin Xiyao, the Mo family sisters, immediately stopped them. When Su Hao looked towards the chessboard, they were already deeply worried.

Although Su Hao is not simple, this endgame is even more understandable. The Immortal King Eighth Layer was hit hard by it, and none of the six leaders dared to comprehend.

Such a dangerous thing, they don't recommend Su Hao to go.

"This is a game between me and him, and it has nothing to do with you. Since you have already chosen, this is the standard." Che Lin said immediately.

He sneered again, this kid is courting death himself!

If he goes first, it must be miserable. The cultivation deviation is all light, and it is very likely that he will be directly buried there. When the time comes, he does not need to take action, and he has already won.

This is easier than winning a game.

Why not?

"Then why don't you go first?" Lin Xiyao asked rhetorically.

"What does he have to do with me?" Che Lin said with a sneer: "Besides, you are the guests and I am the host, how can I steal your limelight?"

"Master, don't listen to her, that thing is very strange, and there are not a few people who are ruined in that endgame. The elders of the cultivation deviation don't know how much."

Lin Xiyao reminded again, her voice solemn, In her opinion, that thing must not be touched, not even seen.

Even, Qing'er said immediately: "Young Master, that chess game is terrifying, Miss, she doesn't dare to comprehend, or even to watch it, I have heard her say that even the upper Earth Grade Elder, don't dare to approach easily, it is extremely dangerous!"

"lowly maid, you are courting death?" Che Lin was furious, this damn girl dared to demolish her stage, really It's daring.

"Qing'er is mine now, and it has nothing to do with you." Su Hao gave her a cold look, making Che Lin's anger only temporarily suppressed.

However, Su Hao didn't let her down, and despite everyone's blocking, he still strode forward, walked to the chessboard, and said calmly, "Since I said it, then come first. ."

Che Lin's eyes brightened.

Lin Xiyao, the Mo family sisters, and Qinger are all in a hurry.

However, it was too late to stop them, and when they walked under the chessboard, Su Hao's eyes froze suddenly, and the whole person seemed to be imprisoned there.

"Not good!"

Lin Xiyao and several others, with layers of sweat on their foreheads, and thick panic in their eyes. Those severely injured dísciple and Elder all happened. It's like Su Hao.

Approaching the chess game, comprehend at the same time, as if the soul is sucked into it, imprisoned under the chessboard.

Now, so does Su Hao.

"hahaha." Che Lin said with a big smile: "It's just courting death. If you play against me, you will only lose one billion immortal jade."

"Who knows, this kid acted recklessly and dared to comprehend the conspiracy. He will not only lose a billion, but also completely lose himself, and even die tragically here!"

Che Lin showed her evil spirit Chang Xian added: "I have written everything down, it was all of his own volition, no one blames me for his death, and Jin Tianhong Elder has no reason to blame me."

Elder Liu made a gnashing teeth sound : "Hehe, it's hard to persuade the damned ghost. I have to record all this and show it to the Elder. This kind of act recklessly is not qualified to challenge him."

"I still I will spread these things throughout the middle reaches and let everyone know that he is simply a fool!"

"Elder Liu, why don't you do it right away, let those people come and see, what a jerk! Brainless?" Che Lin's tone was full of sarcasm and contempt.

How dare you challenge Wood Elder for this kind of stuff? Moreover, the three of Lin Xiyao were actually willing to worship him as their teacher?

It's ridiculous!

The two were extremely proud, and Elder Liu immediately walked down the mountain, spreading these things quickly, attracting countless people, making the mountain instantly lively.

"It's a pity, what he did, which can definitely be called a miracle, has buried himself here."

"I know from his behavior, but I don't know at all. What is the sense of proportion, sooner or later will cause disaster."


Sorrow, sigh, contempt, ridicule, all kinds of emotions spread among the crowd.

Everyone thinks that purple hair is over.

This person appears unexpectedly, but it will also be like a shooting star. Although it is gorgeous, it can only be fleeting.

What they didn't know was that at this time, Su Hao's Divine Soul went deep into the chess game, as if entering a mysterious world, and saw a scene they would never see.

And all of this is no harm to Su Hao, but it is of great benefit.

In fact, when Su Hao looked at this endgame, he had already guessed a rough idea, otherwise, he wouldn't have to bother to come here.

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