Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1864

Mu Xuankun led the team, Wulan, Yu Qing, Lang Xing and the others followed, a terrifying and repressed aura, as they moved, enveloped Heaven and Earth.

Even as those people moved forward, there was a loud rumbling sound, like a thousand armies myriad horses galloping forward, and like a thousand beasts marching on the sky.

The momentum is getting bigger and bigger.

Such a huge momentum made countless people startled, curious, and rushed away. As a result, it attracted more dísciple and Elder, and they chased after them with strong doubts. .

At the end, the grandiose of the large army, whether it is the sky or the earth, is crowded with people, like a huge torrent.

And this is not the end, even Long Xing secretly used the jade slip of Dongmen's messenger, attracting countless dísciples, making the momentum even greater.

Death, maybe very simple.

Being humiliated before death is hard.

Being humiliated, tortured, and beaten as miserably as a dog in front of everyone, life is better than death.

For a cultivator, beheading his head is nothing terrifying, but killing the heart, killing the soul, and planting the Heart Demon is the greatest punishment.

He knew this very well in his heart, so he gathered a large number of dísciples to witness Su Hao's misery. In the midst of ridicule, ridicule, and cursing, Su Hao was heartbroken, and life was better than death!

Even, directly smash his Dao Heart!

Wulan and Yu Qing were also very satisfied with this, the corners of their mouths parted with gloomy smiles, and there was a strong viciousness in their hearts, and all kinds of torture methods were already in their minds.

The suffocation in their hearts is unpleasant!

Finally, everyone arrived at the foot of a majestic mountain and looked at the magnificent and splendid great hall of the mountain.

Mu Xuankun, on the other hand, hands behind ones back, swiped upwards, typed a jade slip, and a loud voice entered Shoushan Dísciple's ears: "Take my order to inform Elder Jin, he will naturally Come out."

Shoushan dísciple didn't dare to say more, Mu Xuankun was on the same level as his elder, and belonged to Peak's great character in the middle reaches, he immediately cup one fist in the other hand, and then Turn around and enter the great hall.

At this time, in the depths of the great hall, in a spacious meeting room, Jin Tianhong sat on the main seat with a hearty smile on his face, giving a sense of integrity and approachability.

Zhou Tong stood below, secretly admiring that such a great character is so approachable, and his future status is definitely not simple.

Su Hao was sitting on the seat with an indifferent expression. Even if Jin Tianhong sent someone to bring the fruit of a very high age, his expression did not change in the slightest.

There is no free pie in the world. Jin Tianhong's reception, or even Haosheng's reception, must have learned something from the downstream Great Elder and the punishment Palace Lord.

Ask for something!

Sure enough, after hesitating for a while, Jin Tianhong said with a smile: "I heard that you made records in the downstream and understood all the myriad forms?"

"I think, you should have got that magic." Su Hao said indifferently, how wise he is, Jin Tianhong looked calm, but his eyes flashed, Su Hao had already guessed pretty close.

"Hahaha." Jin Tianhong laughed and said, "I like to deal with smart people. You have the Fa, and you have all the insights. I am very interested."

"Why? ?"

Su Hao asked indifferently.

The atmosphere changed suddenly!

The Zhou Tong, who was standing behind Su Hao with a bright smile on his face, thought he could take the opportunity to have a good relationship with Elder Jin, shuddered violently, and his forehead was covered in sweat.

"Elder Su, although you have a big backer, shouldn't we keep a low profile in front of this Elder Jin? After all, this is the middle."

"Also, I I heard that Elder Jin is upstream, and his connections are very complicated, so he doesn't necessarily care about the backers behind you."

Zhou Tong immediately sounded transmission reminder.

However, as if Su Hao had never heard it, not only did he not restrain himself, but instead continued: "Do you want to reap without sowing?"

These words made Zhou Tong Almost collapsed.

This time is totally screwed up.

In fact, the smile on Jin Tianhong's face has indeed subsided. Although his tone is flat, the suppressed anger is already obvious.

"You are very good, the old man appreciates it, but even if you have the support of the Earth Grade Elder, in front of the old man, it is best not to be so arrogant."

He pondered He stared at Su Hao with a smile, and said, "Old man is upstream, and there are some friends, so old."

"Does this have anything to do with me? Also, I have no one upstream, so-called The Earth Grade Elder, simply is an outsider's rumor, I have never admitted it."

Su Hao stared at Jin Tianhong and continued: "Therefore, you don't need to be afraid."

" clang!"

Zhou Tong fell directly to the ground, the more Su Hao said, the more he went too far, how could he ruin a good painting style like this.

And, what do you mean when you say there is no need to be afraid? If you want people to take action against you, what is there to be afraid of?

This is hard to understand.

Jin Tianhong had the same doubts, but Su Hao said so, but it made him suspicious. If he dared to be so blatant, he must be relying on him.

He doesn't believe that someone who can get the respect of the downstream Great Elder and the punishment Palace Lord will be a reckless man.

At this time, a person came from outside the hall, appeared beside Elder Jin at a very fast speed, and handed a jade slip on his knees.

Jin Tianhong nodded, sent the person, and then looked towards jade slip, this thing belonged to Mu Xuankun, he saw it at a glance.

next moment, he moved his Divine Soul and went deep into the jade slip. With the understanding, his face also showed a strong surprise, and finally gave birth to a hint of playfulness.

"Interesting." Jin Tianhong smiled and said: "like the fox which exploits the tiger's might, deceives the world, humiliates the Elder, you have committed no small crime?"

"I said I never admit it, it's just that they think so, they have water in their heads, do they blame me?" Su Hao asked rhetorically.


Jin Tianhong’s imposing manner changed drastically, he stood up abruptly, and a vast coercion shrouded down, Zhou Tong, who was just about to stand up, once again collapsed.

Even, the collapsed body is still shiver coldly, and the heart is depressed like a mountain peak, and even breathing feels extremely difficult.

Su Hao still sat indifferently, and even crossed Erlang's legs, picked up a fairy fruit and took a random bite, like that, peaceful.

"Boy, you are deceiving the world and stealing your name. Now there are a lot of people outside the great hall, and even Mu Xuankun came in person. As long as you leave here, you will die immediately."

Jin Tianhong threatened One sentence, paused, and continued: "However, I can give you a chance..."

"Want me to hand over all the insights of Yin Luo myriad forms?" Su Hao's eyes were bright like a torch .

"You are very smart, and you should know that this is your only hope. Now, only an old man can make you temporarily safe." Jin Tianhong hands behind ones back, as if in control of everything.

"I think you're dreaming!"

Su Hao's voice fell, and the hall was suddenly cold.

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