Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1863

white robed old man's voice was so loud that everyone in the great hall could hear it clearly. Then Wulan's face changed greatly. Isn't he the one from the Immortal King?

It is precisely because of the token of Wuyou Immortal King that she gritted her teeth and endured the humiliation and let Zifa be arrogant, why is he not?

"Are you sure about this matter?"

Mu Xuankun looks like he is in his fifties, wearing a black robe and an aquiline nose, giving a gloomy look terrifying feeling.

The white robed old man said: "Worry-free Immortal King has retreated. Although I haven't been able to meet him in person, it will never go wrong."

"Worry-free Immortal King The Immortal King did say that the kid deserves to die, but his life is to be left to him."

"Damn, really damn, ah!" Wulan roared, his voice full of incomparable hideousness, She was deceived by that kid.

She watched her Adopted Daughter die, didn't dare to attack, and even knelt down in public, slapped her mouth wildly, and was extremely humble, it could be said that it was even more miserable than a dog.

Now tell her, that kid has no status at all?

Isn't her humiliation and torture in vain?

"I want him to be shattered, life is better than death!" Wu Lan let out a furious roar, wishing to immediately kill Su Hao and crush him fiercely.

Those humiliations should be exchanged tenfold and a hundredfold for that kid.


She couldn't stabilize her emotions, she kept roaring, the great hall was trembling, and she made a rumbling sound.

No one could stop her. If it was any of them, if they were so wronged, they would not be able to calm down, even if they had a big temper, they might be mad.

It's so disgusting!

"Elder, this person killed my sister, I must have him die!"

Just now Wulan's roar fell, and a blue robe youth stood up again, His handsome face was filled with bitter venom, and his eyes were as cold as a poisonous snake.

He is the second brother of Long Yue, Vice Alliance Lord of ASEAN, Long Star!

He almost went crazy when he heard the news of his sister's tragic death, but when he learned that the Earth Grade Elder was backing, this violent anger was suppressed in the heart by him helplessly.

At this time, the truth came out, and the flames were burning like a big volcano, surging and uncontrollable.


He must kill that kid!

"I, Mu Xuankun's people, naturally cannot be humiliated in vain. You can do whatever you want with this matter. However, if the Immortal King has an order, you can't kill him for the time being." Mu Xuankun Say it casually.

"Even if I don't kill him, I will definitely make him pay a thousand times the price!" Long Xing gnashing teeth, fists under his sleeves fiercely clenched, blood dripping down.

I hate it!

"Let's go."

Mu Xuankun waved his hand, since he's already understood, there is no need for him to come forward in person, a rubbish like the fox which exploits the tiger's might , it's not worth his dignified midstream leader to go out in person

Just go to an Elder, even Wulan, Langxing, it's enough.

It's just...

"Elder, please give me a medicine pill to prolong my grandson's life, and I will repay as a cow and a horse in the future." Yu Qingfeng rushed came in.

Then knelt directly to the ground and pleaded.

"Oh, your grandson...cultivation base was abolished? Who did it?" Mu Xuankun's eyes flashed, and he asked with some pity.

He can win over a large number of people, but he still has some means.

"Ashamed to say, my grandson cannot tell good from bad, offended the Earth Grade Elder, the purple-haired youngster, and asked to abolish his cultivation base."

Yu Qing shed tears in pain.

"Earth Grade Elder, purple hair... Yu Elder, the person you mentioned, but surnamed Su, is from the lower reaches?" Wulan's eyes flashed and he asked immediately.

"That's right, I absolutely can't imagine that a downstream Elder has such a profound background, alas." She sighed.

"Damn! To Elder, you were also deceived. That kid has no identity at all, just like the fox which exploits the tiger's might." Ulan gritted his teeth.

It is the words of the Immortal King that will be worry-free, repeating it again.

Immediately, Yu Qing was also stunned. For a moment, the flames in his eyes, like the substance, spurted out violently, and roared angrily: "Bastard!"

She He personally abolished his grandson, and even contributed his entire net worth, and even more humblely knelt down in front of Zifa, begging like a dog.

Now, tell him, that person has no identity?

Damn, utterly terrifying!

She nearly exploded.

The whole person is going crazy.

Her feeling is not weaker than Wulan, or even stronger. After all, she personally abolished her grandson for this.

"That's not right." Suddenly, there was a deep surprise in her eyes, and she said, "But, Elder Jin Tianhong, sent someone to pick him up personally, calling him an important guest?"

"Jin Tianhong?" Mu Xuankun narrowed his eyes. He and Jin Tianhong belonged to the six leaders in the middle reaches, and their status was on the same level.

"Elder Jin must have also been deceived by that person. Let's go quickly and stop him from continuing to do evil." Wulan wanted to kill him immediately.

Yu Qing's eyes flickered: "Elder Jin has a weird temper. If we go, he won't necessarily give face or even see us..."

"You're right, then The brat is so daring, he actually deceived the Leader, and I'll go with you to expose him."

Mu Xuankun stood up.

“very good.”

Everyone was overjoyed, and Elder Jin went out in person, so Elder Jin would definitely save face.

Everyone has thought of Su Hao's misery.

"Take this pill for your grandson, come with me." Mu Xuankun walked in front of Yu Qing and threw a medicine pill. He is the Pill Refinement Master and the first Pill in the middle reaches. Refinement Master, most people ask Dan to find him.

And recently he is working on a "Heavenly Pill". This pill comes from the Ancient Race of Huangtian. Once it is completely successful, it may be possible to refine a terrifying fleshy body that is comparable to the Ancient Race of Huangtian.

However, to refine this pill, you need the Ancient Race blood essence of Huangtian, moreover, you need the blood essence of the bloodline, or even the Ancient Race blood essence of Huangtian whose fleshy body has reached a certain level.

This thing is extremely hard to find.

It so happened that Jin Tianhong accidentally got the remains of a cultivator of Ancient Race and fleshy body Great Accomplishment from a Secret Realm, which must contain blood essence.

He went there this time to expose Su Hao and to find Jin Tianhong.

This matter means that he helped Jin Tianhong and took the opportunity to ask him for a drop of blood essence. The other party should agree, right?

With a flick of his sleeve, he rushed out first.

The people behind them followed quickly, and everyone was full of terrifying murderous aura. Wherever they passed, it caused the shock of countless people.

Those people looked at the sky, their eyes flickered with intense curiosity, especially seeing Mu Xuankun personally leading the team, this curiosity reached a violent level.

After hesitating, dozens of people immediately followed, wanting to see what the major event happened, causing such a big uproar.

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