Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1843

Langyue's voice was extremely cold, she was bossy, and let Su Hao die within one minute, and it was still an orderly tone.

This made Su Hao find it ridiculous.

This woman is really too arrogant.

"Looks like my words, do you think you are in one ear and out the other?" Lang Yue's eyes were even colder, she walked towards Su Hao, and said arrogantly: "Downstream, who doesn't know, My words of Langyue are the imperial edict, and my words cannot be violated."

"You act recklessly, in front of me, you dare to impudent?"

"Finished? "Su Hao stared at her, his eyes cold.

Langyue didn't seem to be relieved of her hatred, and stepped forward again, pointing at Su Hao's nose scolded: "I haven't finished my words yet, who gave you the guts to interrupt me?"


As she spoke, her palm lifted, with a howling wind, fiercely moved towards Su Hao's face, fierce and domineering.

Even, Su Hao could feel that in her palm, there was a special aura that seemed to be poisonous and extremely overbearing.

Once you get hit, even if you don't die, you'll suffer huge damage.

This woman really has a heart like a snake.


A crisp sound rang out.

But Lang Yue's palm stopped in the air, her body was stiff, and a dazzling five-fingerprint appeared on her face.

This scene made the audience awe-inspiring, and then everyone shivered, scared to have one's hair stand on end, keep quiet out of fear.

Long Yue was beaten?

And a face slap?

This is downstream, but something that never happened.

Even Lang Yue was stunned, her eyes were full of incredulity, that someone dared to hit her?

next moment, her dark pupils are full of hideous, gnashing teeth said: "You, you actually..."


Another slap.

Be decisive.

This made the audience almost collapse in fright.

This kid is too daring. In their hearts, he has reached the point of regardless of the law and of natural morality!

Langyue was completely mad, and howled heart-piercingly: "You dare to beat me, do you know my identity? My second brother, Longxing, is the ASEAN Vice Alliance Lord, a mid-tier dísciple , Elder personally..."

"pa pa! ”

Su Hao said nothing, with two big mouths in a row, Lang Yue's teeth were broken, he stepped forward , staring at Lang Yue and said: "Go on, my hand is waiting at any time."

"courting death, you are courting death! My big brother is the ASEAN Alliance Leader, even in the middle reaches, he is strong Incomparable existence, if you dare to touch me, he will definitely make your life worse than death.”

“pa pa pa pa!” With four big mouths in a row, Lang Yue's delicate face has completely changed shape.

Twisted exception terrifying.

It seems that the bones are out of place.

Su Hao took another step forward and said, "Continue."

Langyue was really scared and didn't dare to continue speaking, otherwise, she was afraid that she would be pumped to death.

"Boy, you are really courting death." Yu Fan didn't dare to step forward, but stood in the distance and scolded loudly: "I'm afraid you don't know the terrifying between Lang Kong and Langxing Senior Brother, You will definitely regret what you did today.”


Yu Fan was nearly 100 meters away from Su Hao, but after the voice fell, Su Hao Appeared in front of him like a ghost, with his five fingers spread out, his head pressed down.

A palm.

Yu Fan fried!

"I've given you two chances, but unfortunately, you don't know how to cherish it." Su Hao shook the head, his figure flashed again, and he returned to Lang Yue again.

"Do you have anything else to say?" Su Hao asked.

Without waiting for Lang Yue to answer, a gust of wind whistled, and at the same time he landed, he became a white clothed man, his expression was extremely cold, and without saying a word, he punched Su Hao fiercely.

"You what the fuck is really courting death." The man cursed, his fists were extremely powerful, and the void shook, more terrifying than any existence Su Hao had encountered.

Even, Qi Xuan is a little worse than him.

"Yun Potian, tens of thousands of dísciples downstream, he ranks second, didn't expect him to come, this time things are really lively." Someone said quickly, his eyes fixed on forward.

"Yun Potian, the cultivation base Immortal King Sixth Layer, it is said that he has the ability to enter the middle reaches, but because of the requirements of Langkong and Langxing, he stayed in the lower ranks to protect Langyue." With horror.

Ranked 2nd, this name alone is enough to show his terrifying, except for the Number One Person downstream, no one is his opponent, even if Qi Xuan is out of the knife, he would not dare to fight with him. He starts.

At this time, the terrifying punch came surging, and in the eyes of many people, it was like a big star, rumbled over the void, and the explosion hit Su Hao.

The momentum is extremely ferocious!

However, when everyone thought Su Hao was going to retreat, they found that his fists were clenched and punched out at the same time, confronting him head-on.

Just a flash.

Two punches.

"Boom, shuaa~, ka-cha ka-cha."

Two punches collided, thunder shook, the wind whistled, the space seemed to make a ka-cha sound, if it was about to explode Opened, terrifying momentum, like a landslide, ten thousand horses galloping.

It's just the aftermath that spreads out, people are scared to have one's hair stand on end, and can't help but go backwards.

Everyone was horrified again.

Furthermore, as I looked at it, the horror reached Heaven and Earth. I don't know how many people, and their clothes were wet with sweat in an instant, and their bodies were cold.

Under the punch of Yun Potian, Zi Fa was still standing there, completely motionless, and even Yun Potian took three steps back for this.

It turns out that purple hair has the upper hand.

The second person couldn't help him.

Where did this guy come from?

He's not simply a mid-range dísciple, right?

"I ask you, do you have anything else to say?" Su Hao ignored Yun Potian and continued to stare at Lang Yue, his voice full of coercion.

Langyue was shrouded in enormous pressure, her body trembled uncontrollably, and when Yu Fan exploded and Yun Potian couldn't help Su Hao, she felt a huge fear in her heart.

She gnashing teeth, squeezed out two words: "No."

"Very good." Su Hao smiled and stepped down, this step his body gushing out A terrifying light wave, the void of dozens of meters around him, violently tossed.

"Kneel down!"

It was like thunder!


Long Yue was struck by lightning, her mind almost exploded, her seven orifices spits out blood, her knees bent, and she fell directly to the ground.

The ground was under her knees and exploded directly!

"Remember my words, I don't care who you are, let alone what your background is. Next time, you don't need to live."

Leave a sentence, Su Hao asked: "Understand?"


Langyue was completely frightened, Su Hao's murderous intention terrifying was incomparable, she had no doubts, she dared to Denied, that person dared to slap her to pieces.

Under this circumstance, even if she has monstrous shame and resentment, she will never dare to disobey.

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