Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1842

The sound of the woman's voice caused the expressions of the people around her to change greatly, and even if she didn't even look at it, her body was already cold, and she retreated back and forth again and again.

This voice, in the ears of the downstream dísciple, is too familiar, too terrifying, the owner of the voice, that must not be offended, not one bit.

Even, as long as it arouses her disgust, no matter what you do right and wrong, no matter how much you pay, if people say you are dead, you will surely die.

There has never been an exception.

Long moon!

The person who came here is Long Yue.

ASEAN is the sister of Vice Alliance Lord.

"fatty, go, kill him for me." Long Yue approached here, glanced at Su Hao, and then said something casually.

It seems that killing Su Hao is like crushing ants to her.

Even, she didn't even bother to do it herself.

Even here, she said to kill Su Hao, then no matter who goes, even if the cultivation base is weak like a chicken, Su Hao will be killed.

She was here, Su Hao didn't dare to do anything, and couldn't do it.

The man called fatty was the tall man who had been arrogant with Su Hao before. After hearing what Long Yue said, he was not terrified, but overjoyed.

Langyue speaks, it is a golden rule in the downstream, even better than the average Elder, whoever she wants to die, that person must die!

Down here, what Lang Yue said is the imperial decree, the imperial decree that cannot be resisted!

"Senior Sister Xie Lang." Fatty grinned, and without the slightest fear, appeared in front of Su Hao with a gesture of arrogance to the limit.

lifts the head, points Su Hao's nose and says, "Boy, dare to kill Qi Xuan, your courtage is not small, do you know that it's from ASEAN, from Senior Sister Yue people?"

"However, you know it's too late now, Sister Lang, Senior Sister Yue, came in person and wanted you to die, then no one can save you."

"Obviously give it to you. I'm standing up, take my punch."

The voice fell, his fist was a terrifying fairy light, and he punched out fiercely.

The void shook.

Make a rumbling sound.

In addition, Su Hao really stood still on the spot, and the punch hit him with great precision.

The people around shook their heads and sighed. Zifa was able to kill Qi Xuan, which was terrifying. Unfortunately, Qi Xuan was from ASEAN. Killing Qi Xuan was equivalent to provoking ASEAN.

Nowadays, let De Langyue come in person.

The Heaven's Chosen is doomed.

Langyue sat there indifferently, not even looking at it. She has never had an accident with such a thing.

Yu Fan stood beside him, with a cold smile on the corner of his mouth, secretly said: "So you are also afraid, you are so arrogant, why don't you dare to do it, why wait to die obediently? "

He looked smugly, with perverted excitement in his eyes.



A miserable howl suddenly sounded.

But it wasn't purple hair, it was fatty. His fist hit Su Hao, but it made a ka-cha sound, drenched with blood, and his flesh exploded.

He seemed to be hitting the hardest immortal gold.

Su Hao can't kill just standing there.

This scene made the audience widen their eyes suddenly, sucking in a breath of cold air in secret, worthy of being someone who could kill Qi Xuan with one sword, really terrifying!

The fleshy body alone can withstand the Immortal King fifth layer full strength attack, so terrifying!

Langyue's eyes also showed a look of shock, this kid is more terrifying than she thought, but just for a moment, her eyes suddenly turned cold, moved towards fatty scolded: "Trash! Big trash People are standing there and you can't even kill you?"

"Sister Lang Senior, I, I have already dispatched all my strength, his fleshy body is really invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable, terrifying to the limit ." Fatty blushed even more, almost ashamed and unable to show one's face.

He is also a powerful disciple, reaching the cultivation base of Immortal King fifth layer, full strength attack, not only failed to hurt others, but broke his own fist.

If this word gets out, he will be a big joke here at Extreme Yin Church.

Langyue's eyes are hideous, like a poisonous snake, ice-cold saying: "Killing will not, what else can you do, what's the use? Your fist can't break him, can't you? Can't you use a sword?"

"Give me one last chance, if I can't kill him, I'll kill you!"

fatty trembled fiercely, He looked at Su Hao with an incomparably resentful look. Damn boy, don't forget to die, why are you struggling?


He took out a wolf-toothed knife. The wolf-tooth was the blood moon Heavenly Wolf’s teeth. It was extremely sharp, comparable to a high-grade Immortal King weapon.

As the knife was taken out, fatty's eyes showed a trace of blood-red hideousness, loudly shouted: "die for me!"

The voice sounded, the knife in his hand raised high, and then he held it with both hands , in a terrifying imposing manner, fiercely chopped down.

However, the knife is in the air and has stopped!

Accurately speaking, it was blocked by two fingers.

That's the index and middle fingers on Su Hao's left hand.

Two fingers clamped the knife with great precision, no matter how hard fatty tried, the knife could not move half a minute.

"Trash, it's really trash!" Lang Yue shouted angrily.

Looking towards Su Hao coldly, he said in a arrogant manner: "Boy, I let you die, but you dare to block and force yourself to kill you?"


Only when her voice fell, Su Hao threw the knife back from Fatty's hand. At the same time, he pulled out his sleeves, and Fatty's body exploded in mid-air.


After doing all this, Su Hao turned around and looked at Lang Yue.

"You, good, very good!" Long Yue is still a beautiful woman, her facial features are very delicate, and she specially dresses up, which is enough to move people's hearts.

But at this time, his expression was extremely ferocious, and he couldn't see the beauty of it.

"I want you to die. Not only did you dare to fight back, but you even dared to kill my people. You are very courageous." She said in a questioning tone.

"If you let me die, I must die?"

Su Hao thinks it's funny, who you are? When you are Sovereign?

However, just this bland rhetorical question made the faces of the surrounding people change drastically, revealing a strong astonished expression.

Langyue let you die, you really have to die.

Even, can't resist, can't retort.

Otherwise, perhaps death is an extravagant hope!

This woman's backstage is too powerful, and her methods are extremely cruel. No one in the downstream dísciple is not afraid of her, even the first dísciple is afraid of her.

"Boy, you are really irrespective of the law and of natural morality. Sister Lang Senior Sister Yue let you die, and even came to let you die in person, that is a kind of high opinion of you, you Be grateful." Yu Fan scolded: "Don't tell good from bad, completely angered Senior Sister Yue, death is an extravagant hope for you."

Langyue's eyes were cold. Staring at Su Hao, he stretched out a finger and said, "Give you one minute, and give me one minute to kill myself. Remember, you only have one minute, and my patience is limited."

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